Monday, September 28, 2020

Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham

 It was the moment when Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal" fabulism, billionaire tycoon bluster and populist standard-bearing for forgotten Americans was revealed to be what it always looked like: a sham.

A stunning New York Times exposé of the President's tax returns Sunday revealed a pitifully inept businessman and a serial tax avoider crushed by massive debts that could expose him to conflicts of interest given his position as President and power to help undisclosed lenders.



  1. “Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham” I don’t read/watch CNN posts. Judge Amy Barrett says that she’s an orthodox Catholic. Bravo. See
    “They already have been whining for four years. Nothing new there. Hillary Clinton still tells Americans, four years after having lost, that she won the 2016 presidential election. Likewise, they have been threatening to pack the Court since the successful nomination of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. So nothing new there. And they already impeached President Trump, even passing around specially ordered gold souvenir pens to prove it. Nancy Pelosi has no arrows left in her quiver. That is why the Democrats now are quivering. What is 87-year-old Dianne Feinstein going to do as the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee? Herself a fallen Catholic and graduate of San Francisco’s Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, she lambasted Professor Amy Coney Barrett, prior to the law professor’s ascent to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, for being Catholic: “The dogma lives loudly within you.” Yes, and the leftist dogma of the fallen Catholic lives loudly within Feinstein. Good. Go ahead, Dianne, try that one again.”
    The passage “Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence” (Leviticus 18:22) bars legalized marriage for two men. Caroline Glick says that the Progressive Left sneaked in legalized marriage for two men through left judicial rulings and not through any legislation. Shame of the Progressive Left!

  2. “Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham” No. The IRS always treated Trump badly. The IRS treated me badly. Mr. Jewell, IRS agent in Texas, audited my 2010 and 2011 USA taxes and found me liable for over $18,000. Why? I reported only my income and not my wife Yemima’s income. Mr. Jewell knew, somehow, that my wife was a high up clerk in Bank Mizrachi and if I were to report both our incomes I would owe USA taxes. I went to USA Tax Court in Washington DC and won. Why? I showed that in 2010 and 2011 Susan was my wife according to the fake/phony Prus 2013 NYS Judgment of Divorce. (Ha Ha).

    The Appellate Division 2nd Department treated me badly. They denied me poor person relief. Why? They knew, somehow, that my wife was a high-up clerk in Bank Mizrachi. The NYS Court of Appeals treated me badly dismissing all my motions with never a clear explanation that made sense me. Judge Ambrosio wanted me to pay $25,000 fines before he, maybe, would consider my application to cancel the fines. I had crooked judges in the Supreme Court Kings County: Ambrosio, Rigler, Garson (who was jailed for bribery), and Prus. The NYS Court of Appeals keeps stiff-arming me.
    Stiff-arming = treat (someone) in a cold and unhelpful way.
    "the department still appeared to be stiff-arming the media"

    I’m now back in SCOTUS. Maybe with Judge Amy, after the Senate confirms her SCOTUS will hear my complaints. The NYS Court of Appeals used a different language to dismiss my complaint. They usually say, not timely, they have no jurisdiction, the NYS Constitution doesn’t allow them---nonsense. This time:

    State of New York
    Court of Appeals
    Decided and Entered on the
    tenth day of September, 2020
    Present, Hon. Janet DiFiore, Chief judge, presiding
    Mo. No. 2020--352
    Susan Aranoff,
    Gerald Aranoff,
    Appellant having moved to the Court of Appeals in the above cause;
    Upon the papers filed and due deliberation, it is
    ORDERED, that the Motion is dismissed upon the ground that the paper sought to
    be appealed from is not an order or judgment appealable to the Court of Appeals (see CPLR 5512).
    John P. Asiello
    Clerk of the court

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