Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Israel’s virus czar Ronni Gamzu tells cabinet ministers that Haredi Israelis are 2.5 times more likely to test positive for the coronavirus, indicating an incredibly high rate of infection in their communities.

Some 28.6 percent of virus tests administered in Haredi communities returned a positive answer in recent days, he tells the coronavirus cabinet, compared to 13.4% in Arab communities and 11.9% in the rest of the country.




  1. there is a clear division in the chareidi world as there is in the population outside. And there is no communication across the division

  2. On a similar theme, I have to tell a story.

    when i was a student, I was planning to go to Ohr sameach yeshiva. I met The yet to be Chief Rabbi Sacks, who warned me they are anti-zionist. At teh yeshiva, they had a visit from teh President of Israel , who was at that time a son of Rav Herzog, and they had Israeli flags. The same Yeshiva alter kicked out Rav CCardozo, because he was teaching ideas of Rav J.B. Soloveitchik. today, the same Rosh Yeshiva quotes Rav Soloveitchik all the time, and says that we were given the right to a State in Eretz Yisroel, and we won the land in self defence.
    There is no actual Chareidi sterotype, and there is no Modern O stereotype.

    Saying the world is more than 6000 years old is no more heretical than having rpescription medicine, which is based on a denial of the Rambam and the Zohar who allege there are only 4 elements. Medicinal chemistry is based on the kefira science that discovered over 100 chemical elements.

  3. So far the only real sane voice I've heard is that of Rav Asher Weiss, shlit"a. All the others, the "Gedolim", the senior MK's, are making the community look pathetic as they lead it over a cliff.


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