Thursday, September 17, 2020

Does Donald Trump ‘endanger’ Jews? - opinion

  The warning was sounded early this week by an unlikely squad of messengers: An Evangelical Christian; a former Soviet Jewish refugee; a former PR man for Russian President Vladimir Putin; the president’s former lawyer, a notorious dirty trickster; and a highly respected Jewish leader who said US President Donald Trump “threatens American democracy.”



  1. Oh the irony. Trump does endanger Jews. After all, the Pittsburgh Massacre was committed by a guy who thought Trump was too Jewish. Trump's obsession with being Israel's best ally ever means the Democrats will have to tilt hard to the left and be very anti-Israel to restore "even handedness" to the so-called peace process.
    In short, anyone who's nice to Israel and the Jews is bad for the Jews because he outrages their enemies and makes them want to take revenge. That's kind of a Satmar way of thinking - always be mean to the Jews so their enemies won't get mad.


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