Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Deny kavod to someone in order to give kavod to another person?

      Sanhedrin (5b)      What was the reason that Rab was not authorised to permit the slaughter of firstborn animals? Was it that he was not learned2 enough? But have we not just said that he was very learned? Was it because he was not an expert in judging defects? But did not Rab himself say: I spent eighteen months with a shepherd in order to learn which was a permanent and which a passing blemish ? — Rabbi withheld that authorisation from Rab, as a special mark of respect to Rabbah b. Hana.3

(3) So as to establish him firmly in the respect of Babylonians, whilst Rab's standing was in any case high.


  1. Is it denying kavod? But Rav didn't need any more kavod than he already had. It was more about helping out Rabba than taking anything away from Rav.

  2. He was denied the kavod he deserved with the sole concern to elevate someone else

  3. But did he cause a loss to Rav? it's one thing if he was certified and Rabbi came along and removed the certification in order to elevate someone else but here he did nothing to harm Rav.

  4. if you were denied citizenship so someone else could be recognized as a citizen it wouldn't bother you?!

  5. Rav Rakeffet, the rosh kollel of YU in Jerusalem was discussing with his semicha class how to give a good image of Halacha and Talmud. However, he was forced to admit there are some things which are not so nice in the Talmud.

  6. Are you asking on the hava amina?
    Because the answer the gemara gives is that Rav knew too much. (Like R Meir in Eiruvin)

    I've never understood that though. Let's take for example a kashrus Rav. We are machmir because of all the inside info he knows.
    But isn't that just like Rav? Shouldn't we not "pasken" like him, because he knows too much?!
    On the flip side, why didnt we pasken like Rav if he really knew the metzius and facts? Why is knowing too much not something that we take into psak consideration?

  7. you said: "if you were denied citizenship so someone else could be recognized as a citizen it wouldn't bother you?!"

    So obviously this discussion bothers you. So it is relevant since not everything is so nice.

  8. Depends. If I'm a landed immigrant with pretty much all the rights of a citizen except I can't vote, and the government chooses to give citizenship to another landed immigrant because they only have one slot available, it might bother me a little but at the end of the day I still have the same house, job, health care coverage and tax bill so does it matter?

  9. nope!
    I assume there is an explanation

  10. https://yated.com/staying-grounded-2/

    Giving kavod to Rav S kamenetsky, whilst bashing others, and lying about someone else.


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