Monday, August 3, 2020

Science versus Religion - Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks BBC Rosh Hashanah Broadcast

1 comment:

  1. The Woody Allen joke was that he was given a job as a "token Jew" in a non- Jewish office, to show they were not antisemitic. He was paid to speak with an accent, read from right-to-left, and to look jewish. But eventual they kicked him out because he was taking off too many Jewish holidays.

    Now change the "token" subject, and it fits very well into the yeshiva - or at least kiruv yeshiva (including Sacks himself). yes, Orthodox Judaism is rational, respects science, after all our greatest rabbi - the Rambam, - was himself a great scientist /philosopher. Except, the minute your scientific approach challenges "Daat Torah" or even chas v'shalom opinions of the early rabbis - then you are an apikores! Even Maimonides can't help you, he was a bloody monotheist!


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