Thursday, August 6, 2020

Jerusalem mayor: Anti-Netanyahu protests more dangerous than huge Haredi wedding

 “We must enforce the rules. But it isn’t fair. Every Thursday and Saturday there are more serious violations. Is the entire area of Balfour [the street Netanyahu lives on in the Rehavia neighborhood] free of coronavirus? When it comes to a Haredi area, there are headlines and photos right way. I certainly don’t support it, but let’s not enforce things selectively,” Lion told the Kan public broadcaster.




  1. He's completely correct. There seems to be this impression that when you like the protestors' cause, they don't spread coronavirus and when you don't, they do. So a huge crowd of BLM rioters are safe but folks in a mostly empty stadium at a Trump rally are all at terrible risk. And in Israel it's the same thing. Chareidi yeshivos are rightly decried as breeding grounds for the virus but somehow coronavirus knows to avoid anti-Netanyahu demonstrations. Funny how smart that virus is.

  2. so when someone needlessly dies because of this drasha, will hkbh accept the excuse, well someone else was worse?

  3. The Rema

    Not only was Isserles a renowned Talmudic and legal scholar, he was also learned in Kabbalah, and studied history, astronomy and philosophy. He taught that “the aim of man is to search for the cause and the meaning of things”.[4] He also held that "it is permissible to now and then study secular wisdom, provided that this excludes works of heresy... and that one [first] knows what is permissible and forbidden, and the rules and the mitzvot".[5] Maharshal reproached him for having based some of his decisions on Aristotle. His reply was that he studied Greek philosophy only from Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed, and then only on Shabbat and Yom Tov - and furthermore, it is better to occupy oneself with philosophy than to err through Kabbalah.[6]

  4. and only you are truly objective!

  5. how about some real data to support your claims?

  6. To claim objectivity in saying that coronavirus infects people in large gatherings irrespective of the gathering's purpose is not a particularly daring claim to make. The real mystery is how you can argue that he's wrong?

  7. Wait, what? Are you trying to claim that the virus is conscious and distinguishes between gatherings that you believe are a good cause and the ones you think are unjustified, and only spreads to people you view as bad?
    This is like you asking me to prove that the moon is not made of cheese.

  8. in UK, football matches (soccer) are in empty stadiums, to prevent the virus spreading.
    De Leon's argument is like saying that it is safe for our team and supporters to to come to a stadium, and not teams x,y, and z!

  9. no but to make flat statements without any supporting data is really not helping

  10. How the virus is spread individually is hard to pin down.. indoors is worse than outdoors. But outdoors is still a risk.

  11. If BLM protests don't spread CoVID, isn't it odd to think anti-Bibi protests would? After all, they're both done by the left and we know only the right spreads CoVID


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