Sunday, August 30, 2020

How Trump could pull off another upset

 It feels like August of 2016 all over again. Polls show Donald Trump losing big. Pundits proclaim he can't win. Reporters sneer at Trump voters on Twitter and cable. 

Why it matters: There are several signs that should give the Trump-is-toast self-assured pause.

  • He’s doing better in some swing-state polls than he was at this point in 2016. And his floor of support holds strong, regardless of what he says or does. 
  • Not only is the stock market on fire, but a lot of blue-collar workers in building, plumbing and other manual crafts are doing quite well, too.

Trump’s big bet is that there are a lot of working class voters, especially in rural areas, who did not vote in 2016 but will this time.

 His other bet is that months of dumping on Joe Biden, often with lies or wild hyperbole, will do what he did to Hillary Clinton: Make the Democratic nominee seem slightly more unpalatable than himself.

1 comment:

  1. I've been saying this since 2016. The Dem's ran on a "If you vote for Trump, you're a horrible person" platform. Nothing about why I should vote for Hillary, only that I don't dare vote for Trump. Trump ran on "I will make America great". So given the choice between a platform that offered nothing but disdain for the other guy and the other guy shouting about all he'd do, they went for the latter.
    And the Dem's refused to learn from their mistake. They have such an opportunity. Let's rebuild America together! Happier! Greener! Whatever! Nope, once again it's "If you vote for Trump, you're a horrible person!" while Trump says "I've done so much! Vote for me and I'll do more!"
    We still have 2 months of campaigned. Unemployment is dropping back down. Wealth is going up. Domestic manufacturing because of the unreliability of international supply lines is expanding. By the end of October, Trump will have economic headwinds behind him and all Biden will have is "Don't vote for Trump because you'll be a horrible person!"


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