Thursday, August 27, 2020

Here's Donald Trump's most irresponsible theory yet about Joe Biden

 President Donald Trump has spent a lot of breath -- and tweets -- attempting to cast former Vice President Joe Biden as a doddering old man who doesn't really know what's going on.

"Biden can't put two sentences together," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace last month. "They wheel him out, he's goes up, he repeats -- they ask him questions, he reads a teleprompter, and then he goes back into his basement."
In the wake of a strong speech by Biden at the Democratic National Convention last week, Trump appears to have swapped out the "Biden's out of it!" attack for one even more bizarre.
Just to be clear as to what's going on here: The President of the United States is suggesting that the Democratic nominee against him -- and the man who spent almost a decade as the vice president -- is (or was) using some sort of drugs to enhance his debate performances. Pressed by York on a) what, exactly he was saying and b) what proof he had to make such a bold claim, Trump responded this way:

 "I don't know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be OK against Bernie. My point is, if you go back and watch some of those numerous debates, he was so bad. He wasn't even coherent. And against Bernie, he was. And we're calling for a drug test ...


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