Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fed up Chris Wallace BLASTS Trump for illegal acts DURING Republican Convention


  1. But killing babies by the dozens and men marrying men -- that only violates G-d's Law. And is totally "legal". So there's nothing to see there.

    I mean, I'm no scholar! But I can read the Biblical Prophecies. And offending G-d doesn't end well. Just like the presenter in this video puts it: it's not the crime so much as the offhand way it's committed.

  2. But Trump is unprincipled. He's for anything that gets his campaign money and gets him money and votes.

    So, if tomorrow the political winds shift, Trump would be touting the necessity of re-criminalizing homosexuality.

    But the Democrats have principles, talking points, whatever we want to call them.

    Some examples are "diversity", promoting LGBT, etc.

    Thus, the Democrats are much, much worse. They are insistent on educating children how ro be homosexuals. This is indisputable and well documented.

    They want to bake homosexuality into the social cake. Trump merely wants to make it the icing.

  3. Just like Obama who initially was against same sex marriage then changed to fit the change in public opinion.
    Your thesis that we need to support Trump because he lacks principles is not going to work especially since he is also incompetent.
    In other words your argument would have some meaning if he was capable in doing things besides lying and blaming others

  4. "Public opinion." I wasn't asked. Amd I'm a member of thte public. I think you mean the drumbeat of the liberals as expressed through the media and academia.



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