Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Trump refuses to lead as pandemic worsens and allies desert him on masks

 Most Presidents would try to stop the United States from barreling toward disaster. But Donald Trump has nothing to say and no answers to mitigate a calamity unfolding on his watch that he seems resolved to ignore.
On the day when the government's top infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci said he would not be surprised to see the US record 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, Trump refused to break his deafening silence.
And the day after his White House described record-breaking new infections that are sweeping the nation as "embers that need to be put out," Trump's campaign claimed credit for the "phenomenal" success of his botched pandemic leadership.


  1. I can't get my head around the way the Democrat Party rallied around former Vice President Joe Biden.

    I get the logic. Bernie Sanders was on his way to victory. Sanders was too far Left to win a general election. Meanwhile Biden served eight years as Vice President. On paper it makes perfect sense to nominate Joe Biden.

    But his press conference yesterday was an unmitigated disaster. People aren't going to vote for a man who acts like that.

    Now, you might say they'll just ignore him and vote against Donald Trump.

    I don't think so. I think anti-Trumpers just won't vote at all.

  2. Trump falsely accuses Biden of being fed reporters’ questions

    ask trump the same questions - he has no answers just that he doesn't like losing

  3. What is Trump's agenda for a second term? He can't say


  5. First of all, if it's politico, it's likely a lie. I'm sure there's a good chance that Biden either gets the questions in advance or is handed softballs so he can perform well. He has early Alzheimer's. If he were to go into an unrestricted scrum he'd sink and you'd have to post lying articles about how the scrum never actually happened.
    I think Joe's point is best: campaigning as the anti-Trump will motivate the haters on the left but the mushy middle will likely throw up its hands and sit the election out. It's not the polls, remember, it's how many voters you get to show up and the right is way better about that than the left.

  6. yes trump is the measure of mental sharpness. without a teleprompter he cant speak in a normal manner

    as with other areas Trump is all about projection. He always sees his deficits in others!

  7. now if you just substitute Trump for Biden it makes sense

  8. If he didn't have the questions in advance, why did he keep looking down at notes to answer them?! LOL. He had the questions.

  9. The difference though is that Trump successfully ran as being a placeholder President. President Trump's job was to keep the Democrats out of the White House and he he has performed magnificently.

    If Biden were simply to say, "Vote for me so that you don't get four more years of Trump," at least that would be honest and a strong reason to vote for him.

    Now, it could be argued that he has said that in some form or other, and that it's implicit in his campaign. But when he begins to answer some questions like he did earlier this week, one may be forgiven if they wonder if Biden truly believes he can beat Trump.

  10. wow what a significant observation!

  11. How is it not?

  12. President Donald Trump has fabricated a complaint
    that Democratic rival Joe Biden was fed questions at a news conference
    and read his answers from a teleprompter.
    the AP article demolishes Trump's claims and yours

    you dont look down at a teleprompter.

  13. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 2, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    Rambam, in Hilchot Shogegot - based on Horayaos- says that members of a BD err, and then they all die, and a later BD discovers their error, they are still liable.
    Hence, there is no statute of limitations in halachic errors, and theoretically it could be thousands of years later. it is mroe and more unlikely that a BD will feel able to question a decision dating back many years, of previous generations.


  15. does he rally agree that there is no statute of limitations and no distinction between a Tanna and Amora or rishon vs achronim?

  16. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 2, 2020 at 5:03 PM

    Well - the statute of limitations is my inference - hence open to refutation. But elsewhere he does State that the bet Din gadol of each generation can interpret the Torah the way they see it.

    Rambam's MT Mamrim 2:1.
    בֵּית דִּין הַגָּדוֹל שֶׁדָּרְשׁוּ בְּאַחַת מִן הַמִּדּוֹת כְּפִי מַה שֶׁנִּרְאָה בְּעֵינֵיהֶם שֶׁהַדִּין כָּךְ, וְדָנוּ דִּין, וְעָמַד אַחֲרֵיהֶם בֵּית דִּין אַחֵר, וְנִרְאָה לוֹ טַעַם אַחֵר לִסְתֹּר אוֹתוֹ הַדִּין--הֲרֵי זֶה סוֹתֵר, וְדָן כְּפִי מַה שֶׁיֵּרָאֶה בְּעֵינָיו: שֶׁנֶּאֱמָר "אֶל-הַשֹּׁפֵט, אֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם" (דברים יז,ט)--אֵין אַתָּה חַיָּב לָלֶכֶת, אֵלָא אַחַר בֵּית דִּין שֶׁבְּדוֹרָךְ.

  17. but there is not carte blanche to reject a previous generations ruling

  18. בֵּית דִּין שֶׁגָּזְרוּ גְּזֵרָה אוֹ תִּקְּנוּ תַּקָּנָה וְהִנְהִיגוּ מִנְהָג וּפָשַׁט הַדָּבָר בְּכָל יִשְׂרָאֵל. וְעָמַד אַחֲרֵיהֶם בֵּית דִּין אַחֵר וּבִקֵּשׁ לְבַטֵּל דְּבָרִים הָרִאשׁוֹנִים וְלַעֲקֹר אוֹתָהּ הַתַּקָּנָה וְאוֹתָהּ הַגְּזֵרָה וְאוֹתוֹ הַמִּנְהָג. אֵינוֹ יָכוֹל עַד שֶׁיִּהְיֶה גָּדוֹל מִן הָרִאשׁוֹנִים בְּחָכְמָה וּבְמִנְיָן. הָיָה גָּדוֹל בְּחָכְמָה אֲבָל לֹא בְּמִנְיָן. בְּמִנְיָן אֲבָל לֹא בְּחָכְמָה. אֵינוֹ יָכוֹל לְבַטֵּל אֶת דְּבָרָיו. אֲפִלּוּ בָּטַל הַטַּעַם שֶׁבִּגְלָלוֹ גָּזְרוּ הָרִאשׁוֹנִים אוֹ הִתְקִינוּ אֵין הָאַחֲרוֹנִים יְכוֹלִין לְבַטֵּל עַד שֶׁיְּהוּ גְּדוֹלִים מֵהֶם. וְהֵיאַךְ יִהְיוּ גְּדוֹלִים מֵהֶם בְּמִנְיָן הוֹאִיל וְכָל בֵּית דִּין וּבֵית דִּין שֶׁל שִׁבְעִים וְאֶחָד הוּא. זֶה מִנְיַן חַכְמֵי הַדּוֹר שֶׁהִסְכִּימוּ וְקִבְּלוּ הַדָּבָר שֶׁאָמְרוּ בֵּית דִּין הַגָּדוֹל וְלֹא חָלְקוּ בּוֹ:

  19. yes, this is perhaps a different law.

    Firstly, Raavad disputes this claim of the Rambam, and Hameiri goes even furhter, saying that these gezeirot become invalidated when the original reason ceases to apply.

    However, the first halacha that I quoted is not contradicting this one. It is saying the sages of a later BD may see things from a different perspective, and they therefore have the Torah right to contradict a previous ruling. If they don't see it from a different perspective, then this law stops them from doing that.

    Before you attack Raavad again, I would point out that when you disagree with rambam, eg on astrology, kemaiot, kabbalah etc. then you attack him. when you disagree with the Raavad you tell us how great the Rambam was etc.


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