Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump on Epstein confidante Ghislaine Maxwell: I wish her well


  1. Oh, presumption of innocence is now a crime?

  2. as theChofetz Chaim once noted "there is no mitzva to be stupid"

  3. If Trump said the opposite, he would be prejudiced, and perhaps perverting the course of justice.
    Agree with the chofetz Chaim a

  4. The Rebbe Rav Naftoli Ropshitz zy"a famously said that Avodas Hashem boils down to 2 directives - Be smart, Don't be stupid.

  5. “Trump on Epstein confidante Ghislaine Maxwell: I wish her well”
    Sorry not reading/looking at your posts. Allow me to get back to Mendel Epstein and this week’s parsha דברים
    Good question. Miracles in Wilderness 40 years, yet still apikorsim and rebels! How can it be? Rabbi Shapira says they focused on big things and let details go by. Also in the time of Isaiah. I love that explanation.
    “This is Moshe’s message to the people. If you regard the small details of spirituality as “burdens”, you have missed the point entirely. Moshe is not accusing the people of being scoundrels or lowlifes, he is rather giving them an honest, if troubling, assessment of a serious problem. They are exalted people, but they have lost focus of what really matters. Moshe exhorts them not to dismiss the fine details of spiritual practice and mitzvah observance as “burdens” that detract from their ability to focus on bigger and grander things. To the contrary, focusing on the fine details will facilitate their greatness long term.”
    Rabbi Mendel Epstein focused on big things and let the details slip by. The big thing to Rabbi Epstein and to ORA and to Agunah International is to effectuate the divorce. The details are not important. No. The details on the divorce is what really matters
    “A man takes a wife and possesses her. She fails to please him because he finds something obnoxious about her, and he writes her a bill of divorcement, hands it to her, and sends her away from his house; she leaves his household and becomes the wife of another man; then this latter man rejects her, writes her a bill of divorcement, hands it to her, and sends her away from his house; or the man who married her last dies” (Deuteronomy 24:1-3).
    I read the story ``Gender Studies” by Curtis Sittenfeld. I read it in her 2019 book Random House NY. Allow me to summarize the story. Eleanor is a professor of gender and women's studies, living with Henry her partner for 11 years without marriage and without children.(terrible) Henry is a professor of political science. Eleanor and Henry met as graduate students. In the story, the first paragraph, Henry elopes with Bridget his graduate student 23 years younger than he. Henry wants a younger woman and he made no commitment to Eleanor and they have no children. I don’t think Eleanor should be surprised. Eleanor is a past president of a women's right's association and travels to association meetings. In the story, when she gets to her hotel in Kansas City she can't find her driver's license. She's sure she left it by accident with Luke the Shuttle Driver. She has a one night fling with Luke, 15 years her junior. Beautiful story well told. There are similarities between Eleanor and Susan, both professors and both women's rights activist. Clearly both the fictional Eleanor and Susan's women's lib activism messed up their relationships with the men of their lives. We have to focus on the details of family---wife and children and on the details of following Torah. Rabbi Mendel Epstein et al and Rabbi Aryea Ralbag must focus of details of the divorce. Also Rabbi Greenblatt
    Rabbi Greenblatt lied:
    “I hereby return to that which I wrote regarding this matter concerning the lady Ms. Tamar Epstein, who married one gentleman who was subsequently diagnosed with mental illness, such that physicians testified his condition is incurable, and immediately she began to separate from him. And it is agreed by the poskim that mental illness of such magnitude that it is impossible for a spouse to live with him, similar to that which they said no human can live with a snake etc., is a worthy reason to annul kiddushin for it is mekach ta‘ut”


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