Friday, July 17, 2020

‘The Prodfather’: Orthodox rabbi with unorthodox criminal solutions


  1. Excellent 10” film. All the people are there.
    v. : Crim. Action No.: 14-287-1 (FLW)
    Defendant. :
    :THIS MATTER having been opened to the Court upon a motion for compassionate release, pursuant to the First Step Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A), by defendant Mendel Epstein (“Defendant”), through his counsel Robert G. Stahl, Esq., see ECF No. 479, it further appearing that the Government, through Assistant United States Attorney R. Joseph Gribko, Esq., opposes Defendant’s Motion, see ECF Nos. 480, 482; the Court having considered the submissions of the parties; for the reasons set forth in the Opinion filed on this date, and for good cause shown,
    IT IS on this 19th day of May, 2020,
    ORDERED that Defendant’s Motion is DENIED.
    /s/ Freda L. Wolfson
    Freda L. Wolfson
    U.S. Chief District Judge

    Robert G. Stahl, Esq. speaks beautifully. This will help my NYS Ct of Appeals Mo No 352-June 29, 2020. Torah laws are beautiful: “A man takes כי יקח a wife and marries her ובעלה. She finds no favor in his eyes והיה אם לא תמצא חן בעיניו because he found some unseemly thing in her כי מצא בה ערות דבר.and he writes her a bill of divorcement וכתב לה ספר כריתת, hands it to her ונתן בידה, and sends her away ושלחה from his house מביתו” (Deuteronomy 24:1-2). Thank you God. How dare anyone support ORA and Agunah International today.

  2. Torah thought on Mattos-Massey;
    “Moses spoke to the heads of the Israelite tribes, saying: This is the thing the Lord has commanded: If a man voweth a vow to the Lord or sweareth an oath imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his word לא יחל דברו; he must carry out all that has crossed his lips.” (Numbers 30;2-3).

    “Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light for my path. I have firmly sworn נשבעתי ואקימה to keep Your just rules לשמר משפטי צדקך. I am very much afflicted; O Lord, preserve me in accordance with Your word.” (Psalms 119:105-107).
    תהלים קי"ט ק"ו
    נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי וָאֲקַיֵּמָה לִשְׁמֹר מִשְׁפְּטֵי צִדְקֶךָ:
    מצודת דוד
    נשבעתי וגו' - ר"ל כדי לזרז את עצמי נשבעתי לשמור וכו' קיימתי את השבועה:
    Question: Why did King David make a firm swearing to keep God’s just rules? I heard because the evil temptation finds excuses why one does not have to follow exactly Torah laws, however reasonable and good they are. King David wanted always to facilitate doing God’s rules, to do quickly with no hesitation. So King David made a firm swearing to keep God’s just rules. Beautiful. Rabbi Mendel Epstein found excuses that justified in his mind his activities.

  3. Well he does get the job done!

  4. What's "beautiful" about putting all the power in the husband's hands? If the guy is a tzaddik, fine. What about if he's not?

  5. Avraham1 “What's "beautiful" about putting all the power in the husband's hands? If the guy is a tzaddik, fine. What about if he's not?”
    Avraham1 complains that I said Torah laws are beautiful: A man takes כי יקח a wife and marries her ובעלה.etc. OK. King David says: I have firmly sworn נשבעתי ואקימה to keep Your just rules לשמר משפטי צדקך. I am very much afflicted; O Lord, preserve me in accordance with Your word. King David says Torah laws are just rules. King David swears to keep Torah laws. Why does King David swear? Don’t we say, better not to swear? I heard because King David fears finding excuses for not ruling as Torah requires. King David is the senior judge of the land. Maybe King David fears a bad man appears before him with his wife seeking a divorce for no good reason... King David must rule according to Torah law and do so promptly. Ms. Avraham1, we must follow Torah laws. Fine to debate Torah laws. We believe that Torah laws are just. I’ll try not to say that Torah laws are beautiful, they are just.

  6. You don't need to retract. For a ma'amin the Torah laws are beautiful. I am only asking how this particular case fits in.

  7. There are cases that went to the judge in charge, or the Cohen gadol or the Sanhedrin, or the back.


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