Thursday, July 9, 2020

Mary Trump's claim Trump paid friend to take SATs conflicts with timeline, Joe Shapiro's wife says

President Trump's niece Mary L. Trump alleges in her new tell-all book that her uncle paid a friend to take a college admissions test more than 50 years ago so he could gain acceptance into the elite Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. However, a new video from the wife of the now-deceased friend tells a very different story.

"My late husband Joe Shapiro passed away 21 years ago. He was a man of great integrity, honesty; he was a hard worker. He was literally the smartest person I ever met," Shriver began. "He went to University of Pennsyvlania, member of the class of 1968. It was while he was at University of Pennsylvania where he met Donald Trump. They became friends; they loved the sport of golf. They shared the same hometown of New York City; they shared the same campus. They stayed in a little bit of touch through the years."

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