Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Katyal: Trump Botched His Attempted Erasure Of The Mueller Investigation With Stone’s Commutation

1 comment:

  1. Sorry not watching/reading your posts on Stone.
    Stone is like the young girl that makes vows that aggravates her father and like the wife that makes vows that aggravates her husband. Stone is clownish. Stone aggravates those that have power over him---such as his judge who refuses to obey the 2:1 panel ruling to free him.

    This week’s parsha Mattos-Massey:
    “If a woman makes a vow to the Lord or assumes an obligation while still in her father’s
    household by reason of her youth, and her father learns of her vow or her self-imposed
    obligation and offers no objection, all her vows shall stand and every self-imposed obligation shall stand. But if her father restrains her on the day he finds out, none of her
    vows or self-imposed obligations shall stand; and the Lord will forgive her, since her father restrained her. If she should marry while her vow or the commitment [lit. utterance of her lips] to which she bound herself is still in force, and her husband learns of it and offers no objection on the day he finds out, her vows shall stand and her self-imposed obligations shall stand. But if her husband restrains her on the day that he learns of it, he thereby annuls her vow which was in force or the commitment [lit. utterance of her lips]
    to which she bound herself; and the Lord will forgive her” (Numbers 30:4-9).
    במדבר ל ו'
    וְאִם הֵנִיא אָבִיהָ אֹתָהּ בְּיוֹם שָׁמְעוֹ כָּל נְדָרֶיהָ וֶאֱסָרֶיהָ אֲשֶׁר אָסְרָה עַל נַפְשָׁהּ לֹא יָקוּם וַיקֹוָק יִסְלַח לָהּ כִּי הֵנִיא אָבִיהָ אֹתָהּ:
    וה' יסלח לה - במה הכתוב מדבר באשה שנדרה בנזיר ושמע בעלה והפר לה והיא לא ידעה ועוברת על נדרה ושותה יין ומטמאה למתים, זו היא שצריכה סליחה, ואף על פי שהוא מופר. ואם המופרים צריכים סליחה, קל וחומר לשאינן מופרים:
    Stone lied---a felony crime. Were his lies material? Trump freed Stone from jail and from $20,000 fines. Will God forgive Stone for his lies? Will God forgive Tamar for her lies in Tamar v Aaron? Will God forgive the progressive Left for their lies? Will the NYS Court of Appeals free me from $25,000 fines and from loss of my pension?


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