Monday, July 20, 2020

Jerusalem court to rule on Malka Leifer in September

An Israeli court said Monday it would rule in September if an Orthodox Jewish teacher accused of sexually abusing children in Australia will be extradited, a courts spokeswoman told AFP.
The Jerusalem District Court heard new arguments by defense lawyers Monday against the extradition of Malka Leifer, the latest chapter in years of legal battles.
The court had ruled in May that she was mentally competent to stand trial, rejecting defense arguments to the contrary.
Leifer was not in court on Monday but took part by videoconference, the Israel Courts Administration spokeswoman said.
She is accused of child sex abuse while she was a teacher and principal at a haredi Jewish school in Melbourne, where she had emigrated from hernative Israel.
According to Australian media, she is facing 74 counts of child sex abuse, but her lawyers say there were only "three actual complaints."
After allegations against her surfaced in Australia in 2008, Leifer and her family left for Israel and have been living in the town of Emmanuel.


  1. Will this Chilul HaShem never end?

  2. Liztman was the one who tried to secure her release. Note - he a Ger Hassid, a group which has turned into a cult, forbidding all marital relations other than for conception (contrary to the shulchan aruch).
    Same perversion, leads to another perversion. Pedagogy leads to pederasty.


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