Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Mendel Epstein The Notorious Rabbinic Gangster(V10)


  1. I listened to the whole 16”. I agree with every word. I read closely Pacer on Mendel Epstein. Mendel Epstein maintains his innocence. He complains that the courts did not let him fully explain to the jury his righteousness. Mendel Epstein’s last testimony before the jury he tells how he spoke to a husband in a Queen’s night club that he send a get to his wife in Israel. Not just friendly man to man advice. Oh no! Judge Freda calls Mendel Epstein a vigilante. Radical feminism is in control in NYS civil courts and possibly in Israel too. I’m waiting to hear on NYS Court of Appeals Mo. No. 352 return date June 29, 2020 Aranoff v Aranoff. Thank you God for sending me my true soul mate whom I married 2/17/1993 and we’re blessed with 3 daughters and now a new baby on the way. Thank you God for giving me/my family good health, my Torah and economics articles, and money to live on a high standard. I love Trump and I love Netanyahu. Mendel Epstein will repent and God and the courts will forgive him.

  2. Too easy in Israel for a woman to complain against her husband. Any kind of complaint---the bet din and the police will respond to help the woman. In NYS divorce law, a woman has to have some sort of grounds for seeking a divorce: “Domestic Relations Law Section 170 DRL 170: Action for divorce DRL 170 Action for divorce An action for divorce may be maintained by a husband or wife to procure a judgment divorcing the parties and dissolving the marriage on any of the following grounds:”
    In Israel a woman does not need to give any grounds for seeking a divorce. Terrible. In Israel Mendel Epstein and Aryeh Ralbag were always widely respected. In Israel---the courts, the police, the media rally to the angry wife’s side always. My Mo. No. 2020-352 June 30, 2020 will clarify limits angry wives can use DRL 170. Thank you God I made aliya July 1991.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 2, 2020 at 5:09 PM

    Where are the courts more balanced?


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