Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bill banning gay conversion therapy passes initial vote, enraging ultra-Orthodox

A bill outlawing controversial “gay conversion therapy” passed a preliminary vote in the Knesset on Wednesday, drawing cheers from LGBT rights advocates and angering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ultra-Orthodox political allies.
The bill advanced after Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party supported the legislation, in a move that generated a fresh coalition crisis. The government’s Labor party also broke with the coalition to back the bill. 

Though discouraged by the Health Ministry, the practice remains legal in Israel, and is still accepted in some conservative and Orthodox circles.
The bill still has to pass three readings and be approved by a Knesset committee before it becomes law and the practice is outlawed.
After the vote results were announced, many in the plenum started applauding, but ultra-Orthodox lawmakers were visibly furious.
They shouted at Gantz, “You will not be prime minister,” an apparent threat to topple the government before the defense minister is set to replace Netanyahu as premier in November 2021.

1 comment:

  1. 1) I don't know why the Chareidim are so upset. They'll continue to do it and Bibi will frustrate any legal moves to enforce the law on them.
    2) This all plays into Bibi's hand. He has no intention of letting this government survive until he has to give the PM office keys to Benny. A crisis that topples the government in a few months is exactly what he wants.


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