Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ziva Malkomo arrest by Military Police


According to Rabbi Binyomin Chayat, Spokesman for the Israeli organization Shomrei Torah (providing information to girls seeking to avoid being forced to serve in the Army),
Ziva Malkomo of Ashkelon, a Orthodox Jewish Ethiopian girl (about 19-1/2 y/o), previously incarcerated for refusing to be drafted into the Army, was arrested, yet again, by male Military Police officers, at her home 2AM Monday morning, June 22, '20. After dramatically and passionately insisting on her right to a religious exemption, Ziva was released on site, but was instructed (by an arresting officer) to give herself in the next day to be imprisoned, something she refuses to do.

Long ago, Ziva submitted her religiosity documentation (signed by Rabbi Doniel Katz of the Ashkelon Regional Bet Din, dated Jan. 15, 2018). The Army denied her exemption. Refusing to enlist, Ziva was imprisoned for several weeks prior to Yom Kippur, 5780, as reported in the Jewish Press on Sept 27,'19. (She honorably refused to seek the previously "easy" Petur Nashi option that some suggested.)

After her release Erev Yom Kippur, Ziva (erroneously) complied with the Military Court order to appear at the Tel HaShomer Draft Office on Oct 10, where, she was evidently misled by staff into signing a military service enlistment document, under the pretext of signing to simply certify that she reported to the Draft Office (in response to the order to do so).

All leading Rabbis prohibit girls from military service. 
Ziva remains steadfast in her refusal to enlist, even if it means additional incarceration, R"L, according to R. Chayat and others  involved with the case, including Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director of Help Rescue Our Children, a NY-based advocacy organization assisting targets of attempted sexual abuse and human trafficking. Her full Jewish name is Ziva bas Mazal.

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