Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wait, Donald Trump's approval is up again?

 The narrative seemed set: After a brief surge of public support for President Donald Trump in the early days of America's fight against the coronavirus, his approval numbers had settled back into the low 40s.
Right? Right. 
Except that in Gallup's latest two-week tracking poll, Trump's job approval is back to 49% -- matching the highest it's ever been -- while his disapproval is at 47%.


  1. Garnel IronheartMay 6, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    The opening bias of the liberal media is that there's nothing to like about Trump. He's evil, stupid, mendacious, etc. So even a 1% approval rate is a complete mystery to them.
    While those descriptors may be correct, the perception of the populace is what matters. Yes, Trump mishandled and continues to mishandle the pandemic. But he's saying the right things for many people. This is not America's fault. Why aren't the Chinese going to pay for the damage they've done to the American people? Its their virus that they allowed to get lose that will kill 100 000 Americans. If this was a random thing like a flu virus gone rogue there would be no target for anger but with coronavirus, we know who built and spread it. Someone has to pay and we know who. Trump will focus that anger, to his own benefit.

  2. are you serious?
    The only issue is where it came from - so we therefore can ignore the incompetent response of leadership?!


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