Monday, May 25, 2020

Large Study Finds No Benefit — and Potential Harm — in Using Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

In the largest observational study thus far investigating the drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, researchers found little evidence that it helps, and worrying evidence that the medication may cause harm.
In a study published May 22 in the journal Lancet, scientists in the U.S. and Switzerland report on an analysis of more than 96,000 people hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19 in 671 hospitals on six continents. Nearly 15,000 patients were treated with one of the following: chloroquine (which is an older version of hydroxychloroquine), hydroxychloroquine, or either of those drugs in combination
People in any of the four treatment groups were more likely to die during their hospitalization than those not treated. People receiving either chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine alone were 16% to 18% more likely to die in the hospital compared to those not receiving the medications, and those treated with these medications in combination with an antibiotic were 22% to 24% more likely to die in the hospital. These risks remained significant even after the researchers controlled for factors such as smoking, underlying heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, or immune conditions.
with an antibiotic. The remainder did not receive any of these medications and served as the control.


  1. Keep in mind that, like pasking in Torah, there are different levels of quality.
    Observational trials are considered lower quality and not ideal for developing clinical decision making tools. The highest standard is a double-blinded randomized control with the results being subject to peer review before publication. Trials like this have none of these characteristics.
    The problem is that while the situation is evolving rapidly, proper reliable data takes months. Be assured that actual high quality trials looking at hydroxychloroquine for prevention or treatment are underway but you won't hear about them until 2021. In the meantime any old study, which in normal times would be immediately dismissed, is getting aired, especially if they show hydroxychloroquine is dangerous, because of the need to bash Trump. But in the actual medical community the position is "Hmmm, don't know yet"

  2. you claiming the FDA's warning was solely because they are anti trump - deep state?! total nonsense!

    like saying trump recommends it because he simply knows everything better than everyone else

    FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 25, 2020 at 5:25 PM

    Nail in the coffin for this drug for covid 19

  4. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 25, 2020 at 5:26 PM

    Unlikely to get positive results. Statistics might get to show that blah blah but the drug offered no benefit.

  5. The FDA is warning that people should not take hydroxychloroquine if they're not in a medication trial. That's all and really, it's pretty generic advice. Don't take a pill that hasn't been conclusively shown to benefit you. It should be obvious.
    My point is that there are studies out there that show hydroxychloroquine works and studies that it doesn't. Both kinds are of poor quality and not fit to draw conclusions from but when a negative study comes it, it gets all the headlines. Are you aware, for example, that in Europe a large randomized trial has just started where health care workers are being given the drug to see if it protects them from workplace exposure to the virus? It's based on studies that show that it does and they're looking for higher quality evidence. And yet, no headlines.

  6. did they get results? America also has studies - as the produce results they are reported - has nothing to do with your claim that it is because of trump bashing

  7. Not really. This is yet another retrospective/observational study because no one in these institutions bothered to run a placebo controlled RCT, but all were throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping this or that drug combo was going to save their patients. And once again selection bias plays a role here.
    The nail is certainly in the coffin for any idea of massive or curative benefit from this drug (which would at least show up to some degree in a study like this), but a more modest benefit in a properly powered study could still be demonstrated (or ruled out) by an RCT.

  8. There is zero reason not to hear results from a proper double blinded trial until 2021. That claim is absolute nonsense.
    If they hadn't waited to start such trials until 2 months too late, we'd probably have results even now.
    To demonstrate how incorrect you are, the remdesivir placebo-controlled RCT run by NIAID already read out topline results at the end of April and within weeks these results were published in NEJM on May 22.

    What these various large retrospective studies do show is that the vain hope for curative effect from HCQ or HCQ+Zpak was a fantasy. What is left as "hmm, don't know yet" is whether a properly powered trial of high standards might show a modest benefit. For that we wait. But there is no reason that couldn't have happened ALREADY, and even if starting late, there is no reason a result cannot come SOON. Because there are still a lot of cases throughout the world.

  9. Uhh, no, the FDA doesn't put out warnings for no reason. If all this meant was "don't take a pill that hasn't been conclusively shown to benefit you," there wouldn't be any need to put out the warning. A safety signal has emerged and they are notifying doctors and patients about it. In combination with zpak there is a risk that needs to be accounted for.

  10. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 25, 2020 at 7:55 PM

    If the UK study doesn't show any benefit, that's the final nail in the coffin for hcq

  11. The FDA had to put out the warning because Trump, like an idiot, was advising people to start taking it for no good reason.
    There is nothing new about hydroxychloroquine. It's been in use for decades. It's risks are well-known. It's the idea of it become a daily vitamin for CoVID prevention that's the big change.

  12. Once hey are hospitalised its is almost too late to treat them withhydroxychloroquine also youu need zinc and aricmycyn anti biotic in conjunction .or it wont help
    pleas remember that there is no money to be made if is effective but on contrary money BIG BIG money will be lost if it is proven to work in a study ,so the only ones with interest in paying for a study are the PHARMA so they can prove that it doesn't work! and then they can continue to proceed to make 100s of billions worldwide on a new vaccine or maybe remsdivar at $10 '000 a pop.!( the study will always follow the funders inention)

    so guys dont be so foolish and buy into the mainstream lies hook line and sinker.!
    Look what happenned to thousands of our brothers who trusted the main stream media and dutifully checked into the hospitals only to end up being ruthlessly murdered , Stop believing in the established system it is completely corrupt and totally compromised ,wake up so you dont end up in a cemetery somewhere 20 years early! hashem yerachem!

  13. b

  14. Tell me how about
    hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine
    for malaria all these decades i think past 50 years where was the FDA all this time ? after all if it is bad for the heart thats not good for whatever disease you have ?
    something is rotten in denmark mehinks the Pharma money is whats talking loudly here not real science.



  17. how can they be trusted?



  20. and you know this how?
    too much time reading conspiracy theories!

  21. In New York, 90% death rate for those on respirator. In London, only 50% death rate. Why such a big difference?

  22. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 26, 2020 at 1:52 PM

    They used standard procedure for viral pneumonia, with high pressure ventilation. I think the reports first came out in UK that this might not be necessary, and started taking a less invasive approach. The first shortage we heard about was ventilators, but this went quiet. Perhaps in USA doctors are less likely to change course before going through red tape, FDA etc?
    (No conspiracies here)

  23. Its not a theory its afact there are eywittneses listen and you will become a lot wiser just listen:for your own truth(its Far more important important then obsessively Hating on Trump! and parroting all the leftist lies against Trump!)



  26. listen to the above five nurses tell the real truth of what is going on in the Professional world(LOL no CRY)
    it will behoove any frum person to stay far far far away from all an any of these so called "professionals" its is SODOM at its finest!

  27. what lies?
    so you think trump will be Cohen gadol when Moshiach comes - he is so righteous wise and moral

  28. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 26, 2020 at 9:22 PM

    when I was a kid, a boy I knew would tellme his father bought Playboy magazine, but he only got it for the articles. Now, you bring these cute pretty girls in your videos, but you are only interested in the articles.

  29. This is a baffling decision for while some of the studies suggest these antimalarial drugs may be effective [9–12] as well as safe [13,14], there are also concerns [15,16] that the evidence is not robust and adverse effects will be likely if the drugs are rolled out indiscriminately for mass prophylaxis, without rigorous monitoring [17]. Contradictory statements have been issued about ongoing studies and trials for CQ and HCQ prophylaxis in India [15] and concern expressed about promoting its use as a prophylactic therapy on the basis of insufficient evidence [17]. Muddled and contradictory messages about the benefits and risk of using antimalarials for mass prophylaxis to the marginalised communities in the slums are fuelling confusion and mistrust.


    France withdraws hcq use


  32. No but he will kneel and prostrate himself o Hashem and to Moshiach the king of a new Kingdom of erets yisroel soon. He wont even be allowed on Har habayis!

  33. How will he bring sacrifices then?


  35. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 31, 2020 at 2:08 AM

    Yes, but he can still go on Har habayit and brig /buy his sacrifice

  36. Get your halacha straight, Gentiles are permitted to go on certain parts of the Har Habayis.

  37. true until the chail which is a low fense surounding the ezras nashim henceforth he will need a yisroel messenger to do shchita sacrifice for him.


  39. In the name of intellectual honesty, I challenge you to edit your previous comment, and remove the erroneous information you posted there.

  40. Are you happy now? the main thing is to be bisimcha !
    tachas asher Lo Avaditem bisimcha ubitov lavov!

  41. in part because of the directive to mass lying by classification of evreything as CV and also mainly due to the mass killing , perpetuated and caused by the method of payments for Covid diagnosis $13000,and for respirator $39,000 per patient .

  42. Doing mitzvos is what makes me happy.
    One of the mitzvos is to rebuke those who spread false information, in the name of the Torah.
    You still didn't remove the erroneous information you posted about a gentile being prohibited from being on the Temple Mount.

  43. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 1, 2020 at 2:12 AM

    she ain't tzniusdik
    in meah shearim you would throw rocks , now you are posting your bimbo girls


  45. find out more on Fauci


    Dr Risch of Yale puts the Hcq in perspective.
    Very interesting, shtreimel tip to berel.

  47. Dr risch makes a very good point.

  48. he did not say it was good only that it is worth taking until some real cure is developed. Obviously this is just an alternative risk benefit analysis

  49. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 1, 2020 at 1:29 PM

    "These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe."

    He says that the trials so far have not really demonstrated anything concrete.



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