Tuesday, May 26, 2020

About a quarter of Covid-19 patients put on ventilators in New York's largest health system died, study finds


 About a quarter of coronavirus patients who needed ventilators to help them breathe died within the first few weeks of treatment, a study of New York's largest health system showed.
It found that, overall, about 20% of Covid-19 patients treated at Northwell Health died, and 25% of those placed on ventilators died. A ventilator is a device that forces air into the lungs of patients who cannot breathe on their own because of severe pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Other, smaller reports have indicated that patients who need ventilation are unlikely to survive.

1 comment:

  1. The problem from getting your medical information from CNN is that it lacks any depths.
    25% of people on ventilators died? Not surprising. Only the sickest go on ventilators so by definition more people on ventilators will die.


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