Sunday, April 12, 2020

Trump says he'll use 'facts and instincts' to guide decision on when country safe to reopen

President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would use “facts and instincts” to make a decision on whether to recommend opening up areas of the country for working life to resume amid the coronavirus pandemic.
In a phone interview on “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on Fox News, the president said: “I think it's going to be the toughest decision I ever made and hopefully the most difficult I will ever have to make. I hope I'm going to make the right decision. I will be basing it on a lot of very smart people, a lot of professionals, doctors and business leaders. There are a lot of things that go into a decision like that. And it's going to be based on a lot of facts and instincts."



    Dangerous idiot’: Trump says ‘germ is so brilliant antibiotics can’t keep up with it’ in chaotic White House coronavirus meeting
    President describes virus as ‘very smart’, ‘a brilliant enemy’, and ‘a genius’, on same day more than 2,000 US citizens die from Covid-19

  2. Perfectly rational statement by the President.

    Allow me to explain what the President meant.

    Medical science has made some great inroads in the battle on disease. Modern antibiotics that fight bacterial infection are one example. Vaccines that protect against viral infection are another.

    These successes perhaps gave some doctors a false sense of their ability of their ability to maintain public health. And it certainly gave some members of the public that impression -- that doctors had the knowledge to cure whatever might be going around.

    But a novel coronovirus, a variation on the coronovirus theme, beggared the drug companies' and academicians' and research scientists' and public health officials' understanding of viral transmission and containment.

    I hope I don't need to spell it out further.

  3. It didn't beggar anyone's understanding. Academicians and research scientists have been warning for years about this exact scenario. You can find a video of Fauci himself a few years ago describing exactly what is happening now.

    Trump dismissed corona as a flu well into february even though he was warned by his own public health officials, who werent beggared either.

    But that's all beside the point. The point here is the man in that video in the link above is obviously a blathering idiot. Beyond a blathering moron. Your explanation is silly.

  4. Any sillier than people who expect President Trump to have a plan to restart the economy that is a guaranteed across the board success when no matter which road he takes there will be trade-offs?

  5. What a weird "but-what-about-...?" diversion. Mikey completely on point; your reply so very silly.

  6. In other words how dare anybody expect him to be a competent leader or understand information at the 8th grade level. please stop the pathetic justification for the worst president in history!

  7. The same guy who dismissed all his military and diplomatic advisors.

  8. I'll ignore your irrelevant post and just paste first google that came up - from Time.

    Former Obama officials have slammed the Trump administration’s dismantling of the team, noting that they did their best to warn and prepare the incoming administration, even holding a tabletop exercise seven days before Trump’s inauguration. Many of the scenarios they outlined in the briefing — a global pandemic, a shortage of ventilators, the necessity of a unified response — have now become reality.

    So, again, no one was "beggared" except Trump, who first ignored and ridiculed warnings and now blathers incoherently about the genius of the virus.

    Do you need this spelled out any further.

  9. Watch the video. Nothing he said is untrue. He's talking about bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance. It's a major problem in hospitals today and it could turn into a massive problem.
    He was likening the difficulty today of dealing with bacterial infections with the difficulty of a novel virus pathogen as we currently face. Not exactly a unique insight, but the cutting out of context and portrayal of "Germ" as referring to wuhan virus is a Fake News distortion and very dishonest.
    His overall commentary is referring to the continued evolution of microbes in their age old warfare against the human immune system. Would anyone here deny this takes place and has resulted in a conundrum for traditional antibiotics efforts?
    The analogy here is with a NOVEL coronavirus that emerged. The pathogens do indeed become more elusive to immune systems or else they would never emerge in the first place. Watch the video.

  10. All that describing and warning by Fauci and yet when the big one arrived he didn't recognize it was here until early March, like most western governments. Your need to blame Trump for viral infections blinds you to the truth.

  11. He is being asked about the covid 19 pandemic, not about the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. The problem the world is facing currently is not a severe case of antibiotic resistance.
    In fact, the Wuhan virus simply hasn't met a proven antiviral drug, so even if he is making an analogy, it's a false one. Covid 19 is not mutating to evade existing drug treatments. That's because there are no existing drug treatments. It's important for non scientists to not throw around their own made up theories. He has either not been informed by his advisors, or is too thick to comprehend what they told him.

  12. According to that video Trump called Coronavirus "a Democrats' new hoax". That was Feb 29. You think only someone blinded by hatred can blame Trump for slow and inadequate federal response. You are a moron.

  13. You should stop lying, Mikey. Trump called Democrats' attempts to BLAME coronavirus on Trump as their new hoax.
    Honesty is the best policy. Let's use it here.

  14. Exact quote from anchor from beginning of your video. "He(Trump) referred to fears about the spread of the Corona virus as the Democrats' new hoax". Feb 29. Let me repeat it again. You are a certifiable idiot. I promise I'm not lying. But don't worry, Trump will liberate the country soon from the alarmist godless liberals.

  15. You quote an anchor rather than the person you accuse of making the comment. The anchor isn't honest, and neither is his news organization. You fell for the anchor's hoax. So if you're not lying, then you're just gullible. Either way, it's dishonest to say Trump called the VIRUS a hoax. He did not. He referred to the democrats BLAMING him for the virus as their latest hoax. Nothing will ever change the facts even with much stronger name-calling than that.

  16. I quote your own video you hypocritical moron. Next time find something from a trustworthy news organization.
    Not to lose sight of the main point though. Trump is an incompetent clown and he makes people on his team look like incompetent clowns too.


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