Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Judge rules lawsuit alleging Trump threatened free press can move forward

A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that some of the claims in a literary advocacy group's lawsuit against President Trump over his threats to retaliate against critical media coverage can proceed. 
U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield wrote in a 24-page opinion that PEN America had a "constitutional standing" to pursue claims for declaratory relief against Trump's practice of "selectively barring access" to the White House press corps, including by "revoking or threatening to revoke press credentials due to hostility to the reporters’ speech."
Schofield also ruled that the case could proceed on allegations that Trump revoked or threatened to revoke security clearances for government officials he dislikes. 

Schofield noted that PEN America's claims against Trump had merit, given that the White House has a history of barring press access and that it revoked CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta's credentials in November 2018. Acosta's press pass was later reinstated, though the development caused former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to release new guidelines for reporters.


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