Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Synagogues and hotels are Israel's coronavirus hot spots

 In one instance, no less than 17 members of the same synagogue contracted the virus after praying alongside a person who was infected.
 The next most common location for contracting the virus were hotels, which account for 15 percent of the confirmed cases.


  1. Take note

  2. If you look at the published pie shaped graph, you will notice that they took all the pastimes of the secular public and divided it into several niches of: clubs, cafes, hotels, gym and malls, while the synagogues are all lumped into one segment.

    If you read the graph by looking at the total types of entertainment, it turns out that 42% of the infections are in the entertainment segment, while only 25% of the infections came from religious centers.

  3. This is exactly why large crowds cannot be gathered. Do you really believe all 17 of these people touched this man and then touched their faces? No, not really. The larger the crowd, the higher the chances of transmission.

  4. I’m back: no longer banned, thanks DT. I like your stuff BiotechObserver. I’m happy to announce my forthcoming book: Current Strategies in Economics and Management where I have four of my articles:

    1. A Model of Room Rentals in a Seasonal Hotel Illustrating Monopolistic Competition
    2. A Model of Manufacturers and Buyers of Cars Over the Business Cycle Illustrating Competitive Manufacturing
    3. A Numerical Example Illustrating Cost of Idle Capacity in Manufacturing
    4. A Mathematical Proof: Focus During Weekdays Should be on Supply for the Sabbath A Support for Workable Competition
    I did revisions. What am I doing in Bnei Brak with my wife and daughters with the synagogues closed and daf hayomi in person cancelled? I’m reading Winston Churchill World War 2 book 3. I read and loved a long time ago books 1 and 2. Wow, bravo, thank you God, the world had Churchill prime minister of England WW2.
    Here’s a sample of Churchill’s good writing (p.138-140).
    “The murder of King Alexander of Yugoslavia [in France] in October 1934 at Marseilles [he should’ve stayed home, which has already been mentioned, opened a period of disintegration for the Yugoslav State, and thereafter its independent position in Europe declined. The political hostility of Fascist Italy and the economic advance of Hitlerite Germany into South-East Europe had speeded this process. The decay of internal stability, the antagonism between Serb and Croat, sapped the strength of this southern Slav state. Under the regency of Prince Paul, an amiable, artistic personage, the prestige of the monarchy waned....In the face of it Prince Paul’s attitude looks like that of an unfortunate man in a cage with a tiger, hoping not to provoke him, while steadily dinner-time approaches.”

  5. I’m back: no longer banned, thanks DT. I like your stuff BiotechObserver. I’m happy to announce my forthcoming book: Current Strategies in Economics and Management where I have four of my articles:

    1. A Model of Room Rentals in a Seasonal Hotel Illustrating Monopolistic Competition
    2. A Model of Manufacturers and Buyers of Cars Over the Business Cycle Illustrating Competitive Manufacturing
    3. A Numerical Example Illustrating Cost of Idle Capacity in Manufacturing
    4. A Mathematical Proof: Focus During Weekdays Should be on Supply for the Sabbath A Support for Workable Competition
    I did revisions. What am I doing in Bnei Brak with my wife and daughters with the synagogues closed and daf hayomi in person cancelled? I’m reading Winston Churchill World War 2 book 3. I read and loved a long time ago books 1 and 2. Wow, bravo, thank you God, the world had Churchill prime minister of England WW2.
    Here’s a sample of Churchill’s good writing (p.138-140).
    “The murder of King Alexander of Yugoslavia [in France] in October 1934 at Marseilles [he should’ve stayed home, which has already been mentioned, opened a period of disintegration for the Yugoslav State, and thereafter its independent position in Europe declined. The political hostility of Fascist Italy and the economic advance of Hitlerite Germany into South-East Europe had speeded this process. The decay of internal stability, the antagonism between Serb and Croat, sapped the strength of this southern Slav state. Under the regency of Prince Paul, an amiable, artistic personage, the prestige of the monarchy waned....In the face of it Prince Paul’s attitude looks like that of an unfortunate man in a cage with a tiger, hoping not to provoke him, while steadily dinner-time approaches.”

    P. 155
    “On the morning of April 6 [1941] German bombers appeared over Blegrade. Flying in relays from occupied airfields in Roumania, they delivered a methodical attack lasting three days upon the Yugoslav capital. From roof-top height, without fear of resistance, they blasted the city without mercy. This was called Operation “Punishment”. When silence came at last on April 8 [1941] over seventeen thousand citizens of Belgrade lay dead in the streets or under debris.”


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