Monday, March 23, 2020

Rand Paul defends actions amid criticism for staying at Capitol as he awaited coronavirus test results

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was on the receiving end of withering criticism from Senate colleagues after it appeared he was still tending to his typical business at the U.S. Capitol after being tested for the coronavirus — his results came back positive Sunday.

But in an extensive statement Monday afternoon, Paul defended his handling of the situation, saying he got tested simply because he and his wife had traveled extensively in recent weeks and he's at higher risk due to having part of his lung removed following an assault.
"I felt that it was highly unlikely that I was positive since I have had no symptoms of the illness, nor have I had contact with anyone who has either tested positive for the virus or been sick," he said.
Paul said he remains "asymptomatic" and said to his critics: “For those who want to criticize me for lack of quarantine, realize that if the rules on testing had been followed to a tee, I would never have been tested and would still be walking around the halls of the Capitol. The current guidelines would not have called for me to get tested nor quarantined.  It was my extra precaution, out of concern for my damaged lung, that led me to get tested.

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