Monday, March 23, 2020

New-Agers Making Plagues Great Again


New-Agers Making Plagues Great Again:

Just when we most need frum people to jettison the dangerous new-age/ avoda zoroh and kefira based worldview that provided a grave boost to the recent American measles outbreak, new-age quacks are doubling down on spouting their encyclopediac ignorance of all matters medical and scientific.

This following phone conference is held by new age quackmaster:

"Conference lead by 

Holistic Health Practitioner, Yakov Vishnevsky,  Nerofei Inc, 

Office: (732) 497-2448 

Cell: (215) 421-8539 

His website says enough... energy  therapies, Health Kinesiology, spiritual healing, one brain, yoga, homeopathy...
Please alert those who can counteract this propaganda, giving people false hope with false information, and mixing theological nonsense with medical nonsense.

PS: An important clarification re an earlier email today, addressing HIPAA confidentiality laws is in order. Those laws only apply to certain people (e.g. practitioners),and allow exceptions for protection of the safety and lives of others.

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Tomim Tih'yeh

Here is a most recent example of new-age propagandists targeting frum communities internationally:

------- Original message --------
Date:03/22/2020 4:38 PM (GMT-05:00)

Two FREE live Conference calls  tonight with NEW INFORMATION.      Two different times.  For Israel audience in English. 3:30 pm us est time and for american audience in English  9:30 pm us est.  Interpretors are  welcome if available."


Dial-in number (US): (774) 258-6612 International dial-in numbers:  Online meeting ID: jv4. Join the online meeting: PW:123       

 Practical and detailed instructions on how to improve the body's ability to fight Corona-like infections and symptoms.  Traditional Jewish, >>>spiritual, and >>> holistic methods of protecting and strengthening your immune system will be discussed in detail.  Learn how to empower the immune system with available foods and natural products.  There will be a >>> meditation session targeting those with symptoms and those with stress and anxiety." 

Conference lead by 

Holistic Health Practitioner, Yakov Vishnevsky,  Nerofei Inc, 

Office: (732) 497-2448 

Cell: (215) 421-8539 

Guest speaker Integrative Physician and Gastroenterologist, Dr.  Alexandra Shustina 

(212) 634-4233. 

Q and A after event.  Any information provided during this conference call is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease."

Please try online login first if possible.  Last conference call many  people were unable to join due to capacity of 1000 on phone line."

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