Friday, March 27, 2020

"Maitav (Army Draft Office) Corona Recklessness"


"Maitav (Army Draft Office) Corona Recklessness" 

1 Nissan, 5780 °° March 26, '20

By Binyomin Feinberg


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Coronavirus Testing Scammer Alert:


This just in from NYC government:

"Notify NYC: 

Scammers are calling NYers to set up testing. This is NOT the City. Directly contact your healthcare provider or call 311 for real info."


Below is an brief exchange with the Israeli Health Ministry. It follows eyewitness reporting on the public health hazard at the scene at the Yom Chiyul (Draft Day) last week, as briefly described in last week's post (Parshas VaYakhel-Pekudei:, and

The blatant disregard for human life exhibited by the Israeli government and the Army Draft Office, in the midst of the escalating Corona outbreak, was on full display at the Yom Chiyul in Tel HaShomer, by virtue of absence of basic distancing precautions between recruits and family members, who were witnessed congregating in large numbers, and in close proximity, that Tuesday morning.

Moreover, the very fact that the Army Draft Offices insists on remaining open and summoning recruits in the midst of the outbreak constitutes a public health hazard. How many lives have already been endangered by recruits who picked up Corona at the Draft Offices and went home to spread it around, including exposing vulnerable family members? Is that the price to be paid for being summoned for military service?

After a former IDF general (res.) publicly critiqued the Army Corona protocols, it was noticed that the Tel HaShomer Draft Office closed this week. However, the Jerusalem Draft Offices remained open for business, summoning recruits as if they were merrily oblivious to the looming collapse of the healthcare system, R"L, and to the broader societal threat, about which Netanyahu so eloquently grandstands.

The question here is really not so much on the Israeli military and draft authorities, whose policies are most unconnected to Jewish Law, and are not at all representative of the desires, concerns, and attitudes of the Jewish community. Their anti-Torah disregard for the wellbeing and rights of Israeli citizens is not new, and has, in modest measure, been repeatedly covered in previous posts and published articles, primarily regarding their female draft policies.  [Just one recent example: For the Army brass, drafting women clearly takes precedence over national security, even to the extent of leaving southern border security partially contingent of all-female tank* crews, as recently reported by JNS.]

(* that's not a typographical error)

We also don't have much to wonder about Netanyahu, whose inspirational deliveries about national preparedness against Corona are exposed in light of his own military's recklessness. He's sold his soul to the Draft Agenda long ago. It's his faux "rightwing" government that pioneered the escalating draft of even religious girls in recent years, with all of the scandalous denial of human rights that goes along with that, as we've covered for over a year now.

The question we have here is more on the Ministry of Health, which is apparently taking Corona very seriously: why do they allow this nonsense to go on unabated?

1.  My original query to the Ministry of Health was as follows:

"From: Binyomin Feinberg <>
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 7:54 AM
To: דובר‏ <DOVER@MOH.GOV.IL>
Cc: ...
Subject: Question re Corona & IDF


March 19, '20

Spokesman office

Ministry of Health

P.O.B 1176

Jerusalem 91010

Tel: 02-5081220/5

Fax: 02-5655965

Dear Spokesman,

Hello, I frequently do contributing to The Jewish Press. I am curious as to why recruitment into the IDF has been continuing despite the Corona epidemic, especially given the primacy of the IDF in maintaining national security in an increasingly unstable world. Do you perhaps have any statement answering that question I could please quote? Thank you in advance,

Binyomin Feinberg"

2.  Their first reply was:

-------- Original message --------
From: רויטל מימרן
Date:03/19/2020 4:38 AM (GMT-05:00)
Cc: ...
Subject: FW: Question re Corona & IDF

Dear Binyomin Feinberg,

Thank you for your e.mail.
The Ministry of Health is working hand to hand with the IDF.
Questions concerning recruitment into the IDF are under the IDF spokesman's office. Please send your request to them.
Thank you.


3.  My follow up to their reply was:

From: Binyomin Feinberg <>
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 5:39 PM
To: רויטל מימרן
Cc: ...
Subject: RE: FW: Question re Corona & IDF



Thank you kindly for your email.  Whom specifically in the IDF would I contact to get that type of information?

More to the point, my question really is what is the Health Ministry ITSELF doing to ensure that those Israeli recruits - expected to lay down their lives to defend fellow Jews from those who seek to exterminate us all - are adequately protected from contracting and spreading Corona -- in the midst of what PM Netanyahu described as a global pandemic, one over which he's poised to shutdown the country?

Thank you again, in advance, for providing genuine information.


4. Their brief March 22nd reply was:

"Dear Binyomin Feinberg,

As mentioned in my previous e.mail – we are not allowed to answer questions concerning the IDF.

You should reach the IDF spokesman's office.

Best regards,



° To reiterate what was posted last week, we encourage all to employ all due caution to avoid contracting or spreading Corona, or spreading misinformation about it.

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