Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona Concerns


Corona Concerns

23 Adar 5780 °°  Mar. 19, '20

By Binyomin Feinberg,


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Corona Concerns:

Due to the ongoing Corona outbreak, we apologize for not being able to report as much news as we'd like, in a timely fashion. Please check our Update link occasionally.

A few brief points here are in order, as we rush against deadlines:

1. We encourage everyone to employ all due caution to avoid contracting or spreading Corona, or spreading misinformation about it.  The Pri Megadim on Hilchos Shabbos discusses the importance of avoiding subjecting others to danger, stating that we were only redeemed from Egypt on the condition that future generations would be vigilant in shunning endangering the lives of others.

2.  Bitachon, Reliance on G-d, is absolutely essential, all the more so now, as we see Mankind has lost control. However, Reliance on G-d is not to be used as an excuse to be lax in regard to endangering others.

3. Regarding Italy, Reuters reports:

"The northern region of Lombardy, on the frontline of the battle against the respiratory pandemic, asked recently retired health workers on Wednesday to return to work and help colleagues overwhelmed by the crisis. “I make a heartfelt appeal to all the doctors, nurses and medical personnel who have retired in the last two help us in this emergency,” regional Governor Attilio Fontana told a news conference.

The national death toll surged by 475 over the past 24 hours, the largest increase in numerical terms since the outbreak first came to light on Feb. 21. The total number of confirmed cases grew by 4,207 to 35,713...."

This could be what America will  look like soon, G-d forbid.

4.  Any establishment that hosts large gatherings (e.g. weddings) in violation of public health restrictions must be boycotted immediately.

5.  Details of specific Corona victims being properly publicized to isolated holdout skeptics may alleviate their lethal recklessness.

6. While Israel has been heading towards lockdown lately, the Draft Office is continuing to draft boys and girls into the Army. A massive gathering was witnessed this Tuesday morning, in Tel HaShomer, on a Yom Chiyul (draft day). Boys, girls, families, all mingling. Busses with recruits, packed. This - while Corona is by no means anywhere near under control, and has infected those within the IDF as well.

Apparently, those being required to lay down their very lives to protect fellow Jews - from external enemies who wish to wipe us out - don't deserve  protection against Corona. The Epidemic is reason for openly homosexual Justice Minister Amir Ohana to delay the trial of Netanyahu, but not reason to delay drafting boys and girls into the Army...

We hope to have updates throughout the week, time permitting.

8.  Lastly, we hear lalot of irresponsible talk lately. One key point is in order: Ge'ulah is no entitlement. It requires sincere repentance.

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