Friday, February 7, 2020

Two young ladies that desperately need to get to seminary in Israel for next year

Dear Reader,

Although for many young people, seminary or Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel is a luxury, there are some people whose situation is such that they really need to be there - for their own well-being and future.

 There are two young ladies that desperately need to get to seminary in Israel for next year.  Both are seniors in high school.

Young lady A is a yesoma - whose mother remarried but the marriage was disastrous, ended in divorce, and the mother is destitute.

Young lady B's parents are going through a divorce and her mother, her, and her siblings, are being evicted.
If you are able to assist it would be a big Mitzvah and a remarkable zchus.  
Please contact Rabbi Yair Hoffman at to find out how to help them.  Tizku l'Mitzvos

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