Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The art of no deal: Who’s subverting Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan?


 The document published by the White House last Tuesday broke ground in taking seriously many Israeli concerns that were marginalized, if not ignored, in previous peace efforts. Critically, it was predicated on the imperative that the rise of a Palestinian state in no way undermine or threaten Israel’s security, and that the US would only ask Israel to consider compromises that would make the country and its people “more secure in the short and long term.” It also included innumerable elements guaranteed to infuriate the Palestinians — radically constraining their future sovereign rights, denying them significant status in Jerusalem, refusing their demand for a “right of return” for refugees, and plenty more.


  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/02/03/iowa-caucus-donald-trump-wins-overwhelming-republican-support/4651696002/

  2. You have to know your players.

    I believe it was when Bibi Netanyahu became Prime Minister following the assasination of Yitzchak Rabin, one of the first things he did was give control of the city of Hebron to the Arabs.

    And furthermore, I think he made a comment then like, "No one expected me to do that." He reveled in the idea that he could boldly alienate his followers and even establish himself as a fraud in order to cement his political power.

    So, it's hardly surprising that Netanyahu now undercuts years of careful crafting of a document and shatters bridges built through careful diplomacy, and that he does it all with the goal of staying out of prison and of winning in the next election.

  3. The deal is predicated on two principles - one specific to the situation and one more general.
    Specific - the PLO was founded to destroy Israel. It cannot make peace with Israel. That's against its founding mandate. It's like asking Reform Jews to learn and obey the Shulchan Aruch. The US knows this but decided to place the Arabs in a "put up or shut up" position.
    General - when you offer someone a generous deal and, despite how obvious it should be that he should accept it, he rejects it and vigorously, the next time you offer that guy a deal you're going to be less generous. In 1936 the Arabs were offered 90% of Israel. The Jewish area would have been indefensible and quickly overwhelmed by Arab forces once independence was declared. The Arabs say no. In 1947 they were offered 51% and the world strongly hinted it would look the other way if they wiped out the Jews on the other 49%. The Arabs said no. In 2000 and 2008 they were offered 98% of Yesha and compensatory measures for the other 2%. They said no. This is on them and they cannot blame anyone but... well the Jews.


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