Thursday, February 6, 2020

‘Nauseating’: Trump blasted for giving Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom


  1. But Nobel peace prizes for Barack Obama and Gerta Thungberg makes sense.

  2. DAAS torah !
    This is wrong the President is our leader and we say the prayer of hanosen tshuah limilachim each Shabbos for HIS well being and you are crossing all boundaries in supporting a REVOLT against out duly elected THIS WAS NEVER THE JEWISH TORAH WAY!
    This is True unadultirated HIsGARIS biumois !

    for more info see at length about HISGARIS BIUMOIS in the SEFER ikvisah dMeshicha by REB ELCONOn WASSERMAN ZTZVK"L

  3. Weird reaction -- and, I suspect hypocritical:

    [1] DT's criticism in this case is of this elected leader's decision/action, not of his office or his success in carrying out its duties. You really believe that it's halakhically prohibited to question a leader's action?! (How would that position even be coherent, esp. when the leader is no melekh and does not bind himself to Torah?)

    [2] Somehow, I doubt you were as fanatically maqpid on this "halakha" you cite when the country was being run by leaders less to your taste (Obama, Bill Clinton, etc.).

    Now, if the President were to call DT on the phone, and our friend here were to refuse to take the call -- or some other explicit refutation of the Pres.'s authority to command --, well, I grant that in such case we would have a halakhic question worth discussing. But your notion as expressed here seems pure nonsense.

  4. Didn't make much sense at all. But wasn't "disgusting". Try not to conflate a lack of any track record making peace and an established track record of shamelessly & flagrantly fomenting discord.

  5. I know this may be "marked as spam" as usual, but in the words of Greta Thunberg, "How dare you!?"

    Fomenting discord is such a vague description. You realize this was a medal of freedom, not a Nobel peace prize, right? The criteria are different.

    If you want to talk about "fomenting discord," why don't we talk about the radical nonsensical ideas which Greta is being used as the mouthpiece to spread by environmental activists who wish to overturn society to their tyrannical vision, or maybe the drone strike killings Obama did, or maybe his destruction of Libya...

  6. Oh really Berel? Except, when they recognize the right to a jewish state (Lord balfour ztl), UN or Jerusalem (trump), in which case you are the most rebellious of all (like NK)

  7. Still married to classic what-about-ism -- a compulsive refusal thoughtfully to contemplate, in other dress.

    As for your would-be chilluq, the text of Truman's Exec. Order establishing the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and as amended by JFK in 1963 and Nixon in 1970, explicitly specifies that it recognize "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors". Daily screaming at the national public for decades on end in unilateral support of one party by demonizing the other hardly qualifies -- and, yes, "fomenting [national] discord" describes Limbaugh's activity pretty perfectly. Well, that or "fear-mongering". That stuff sells, but hardly in the national interest, or even in service of anyone other than himself.

    With such incoherence as you've already laid on the table, it probably doesn't even matter to point out, yet further, that Obama's incursion on Libya was two years after the Nobel Committee, by whatever private reckoning, saw fit to recognize him in 2009. And the drone strike activity didn't really come to light until some FOIAs in his second term. But such factual jumbledness on your part just brings us back to my first sentence in this Comment, re refusal thoughtfully to contemplate.

    Hey, we are all granted by God our bechira. Stay comfortably in your armchair, and I don't doubt you'll end your days entirely certain of the above and all other pontifications, however logically incoherent & factually incredible.

  8. "Try not to conflate a lack of any track record making peace and an established track record of shamelessly & flagrantly fomenting discord."

    It's not "whataboutism" to respond to this (supposed) contrast you yourself posed.

    As for the rest, if not for Rush building the conservative talk radio industry, we'd be left with only the MSM "screaming at the national public for decades on end in unilateral support of one party by demonizing the other" as they continue to do today.

    When the other party gets a Bernie or some other comrade in power, they can award the medal of freedom to Don Lemon and he can join ranks with creepy Joe Biden. In the meantime, you're gonna have to endure this.


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