Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In New Hampshire, Democratic Voters Are Paralyzed by Fear of Making the Wrong Choice


 If Sanders wins here, will he be unstoppable? And if so, then what? The party mandarins are sure he’s a disaster in the making, a recipe for re-electing Trump—that American voters will never go for a 78-year-old democratic socialist with an expensive, disruptive agenda. That, in the words of the celebrity consultant James Carville, who’s been stumping in New Hampshire for the long-shot moderate Michael Bennet, “we don’t have time for left-wing fantasies in this country.”

It’s a weird moment for a party that for three years has poured its energy into fighting Trump at every turn. Suddenly, the Democrats seem gripped by a low-grade panic, confronting the reality of a difficult primary with no consensus to be had. Somehow, up against a president they regard as a joke, a failure and a threat to the republic, they’re all flogging unity while running in different directions. A field that began with an embarrassment of riches—a record-setting 25 major candidates, including many truly big-time resumes—is now down to this odd lot of flawed hopefuls. Partisans find themselves seized by the paralyzing fear of making the wrong choice—or the sense that the right one doesn’t exist.


  1. In regard to Trump: "President? Are you kidding? No way!"

    In regard to Sanders: "President? Are you kidding? No way!"

    The one thing the politicians, pundits, consultants and pollsters, not to mention, media, REALLY can't face is that theyare irrelevant!

  2. Sanders is eminently electable. Sanders is the answer to Trump.

    Trump is a man, who despite all his lying, keeps his word on the core of his agenda: immigration, trade, picking the right judges, etc.

    Sanders is perceived the same way, but in regard to social policies: climate warming (yes, that is a social policy), free college, education, forgiving college debt, etc.

    Sanders has The Big Mo(mentum) right now. He's unstoppable. His age works to his benefit. Young people admire his lifetime of clinging to their values. As I've mentioned, I work with young people, and we are living through the 60s again when End of the World scenarios led to many dropping out of society and becoming active in ways to Save the World.

    Three generations of ripping religion out of America has gotten us here and Sanders is the Priest of the Counter-Trump Revolution Religion.

  3. Does this seem like a man unqualified to be President? Check it out.
    For certain, Bernie is qualified!

  4. This was inevitable. While Trump never stopped campaigning after he won - what other president had election-style rallies before the campaign began like he has - the Dem's never got past losing in 2016 and focused all their efforts on that. They're 3 years behind their opponent!


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