Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pence sinks Trump with accidental admission on stage at rally


  1. so now you are relying on opinions from freak loners on youtube, not even freak reporters.
    If you did your your homework, he is misrepresenting what Pence is saying. The attack which killed 1 American was followed by American attack against militias. that was a full week before Soleimani was hit. This freak loner is conflating the American response on the militia bases with the hit on Soleimani, even though they were separated by a number of days.
    it is time to pack it in, you got it wrong about the Ukrainian airline, your other conspiracy theories are not credible.

  2. I love it the way Trump gets all the leftists to come out with their true colors.

    What the sentiment should be for every normal decent person when they hear of Soleimani's demise, is 'good riddance', or in bible text 'kain yovedu kol oivecha Hashem'. After all he was a terrorist, a truly wicked and evil man. Was he not? But Trump haters would rather mourn the demise of this murderer in order to state a complaint against Trump.

    Really instead of kefias tova for ridding the world of this menace, a thank you would be appropriate.

  3. you have confused the timeline of events

    Before the assassination of Soleimani - yemach shmo, there was a separate incident where the Iranian proxies attacked and killed an American in iraq. The retaliation to this was US atatcking 2 terorist bases . this is what Pence is referring to. he is not referring to Soleimani, nor does he mention him.


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