Tuesday, January 28, 2020

John Bolton Revelations Test Trump Impeachment Defense Strategy


Purpura argued Saturday, before the Bolton story broke, that “not a single witness testified that the President himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting or anything else.” This would be refuted by Bolton’s testimony, based on the reported contents of his book manuscript. But Sekulow repeated this claim on Monday, indicating that the core components of their factual defense of the president haven’t changed. (Bolton’s accounts were not included in the record from the House impeachment inquiry, but Bolton has said he would testify before the Senate if subpoenaed.)


  1. Trump's defence strategy is the Republican Majority in the Senate, just as Pelosi's offence strategy was the Democrat Majority in the HoR.
    Meanwhile a new coronovirus is threatening to explode into an epidemic even as China officially downplays its seroiusness while putting tens of millions into quarantine, a new peace plan for Israel that gives it all the prizes is about to be revealed, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auchwitz just happened and you don't seem to realize anything is happening other than this.

  2. YOU obviously view impeachment as insignificant

  3. You are responding to comments you have deleted.

  4. Well sorry, it seems several of us are being directed to spam, and staying there.

  5. You delete my comments all the time.
    But that's not the point. Certainly the impeachment is significant, except that it's a lost cause. Trump will survive because of the GOP majority. His base will galvanize on evidence of liberal persecution. He will move on to his next outrage.
    Meanwhile there's big things happening in the world. I think the new "Deal of the Century" certainly warrants more attention right now than the creeping, meaningless impeachment proceedings. Coronavirus may not have hit Israel yet but the idea of an impending pandemic is certainly relevant.

  6. there have been posts sent to spam by disqus or deleted by poster

  7. Well Maybe thats Good!
    Or Min Hashamayim to save us from Apikorsus beliefs!

  8. No, it just means you are in double galus, like Besht taught. You have apikirsus views, but you don't even realize it, you think you have daas Torah!

  9. The peace plan is yesterday's leftovers from Oslo. Coronovirus is serious, but is a medical issue, not a Torah issue. Let's leave it to the medical experts. Anniversaries have value, but is there any day that goes by that we don't reflect on the Holocaust?

    Meanwhile, Trump may yet be convicted. I could imagine five Republicans breaking ranks. A new standard of squeaky clean politics would be set for America, ironically, by filthy Democrats.

  10. "The peace plan is yesterday's moldy leftovers from Oslo"
    LOL, exactly. Well put. It's time to stop trying to do CPR on the failed Oslo policy.


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