Saturday, January 11, 2020

1/11/20 | President Trump News Today January 11, 2020

1 comment:

  1. Sorry not looking/reading your posts.
    Daf Hayomi last night:
    Berachoth 8a
    “What is the meaning of the verse “As for me, may my prayer come to You, O Lord, at a favorable moment; O God, in Your abundant faithfulness, answer me with Your sure deliverance.” (Psalms 69:14) When is the time acceptable? When the congregation prays. R. Jose b. R. Hanina says: [You learn it] from here: “Thus said the Lord: In an hour of favor I answer you, And on a day of salvation I help you— I created you and appointed you a covenant people— Restoring the land, Allotting anew the desolate holdings,” (Isaiah 49:8). R. Aha son of R. Hanina says: [You learn it] from here: “See, God is mighty; He is not contemptuous; He is mighty in strength and mind. He does not let the wicked live; He grants justice to the lowly.” (Job 36:5-6) [I.e., the mighty and numerous people that pray to Him.]. And it is further written “He redeems me unharmed from the battle against me; it is as though many are on my side.” (Psalms 55:19). It has been taught also to the same effect; R. Nathan says: How do we know that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not despise the prayer of the congregation? For it is said: Behold, God despiseth not the mighty. And it is further written: He hath redeemed my soul in peace so that none came nigh me, etc. The Holy One, blessed be He, says: If a man occupies himself with the study of the Torah and with works of charity and prays with the congregation, I account it to him as if he had redeemed Me and My children from among the nations of the world. Resh Lakish said: Whosoever has a Synagogue in his town and does not go there in order to pray, is called an evil neighbor. For it is said “Thus said the Lord: As for My wicked neighbors who encroach on the heritage that I gave to My people Israel—I am going to uproot them from their soil, and I will uproot the House of Judah out of the midst of them.” (Jeremiah 12:14). And more than that, he brings exile upon himself and his children. For it is said: Behold, I will pluck them up from off their land, and will pluck up the house of Judah from among them. When they told R. Johanan [who was a Palestinian] that there were old men in Babylon, he showed astonishment and said: Why, it is written: “to the end that you and your children may endure, in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to assign to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth.” (Deuteronomy 11:21). That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, upon the land; but not outside the land [of Israel]! When they told him that they came early to the Synagogue and left it late, he said: That is what helps them. Even as R. Joshua b. Levi said to his children: Come early to the Synagogue and leave it late that you may live long.
    “The government of Iran must allow human rights groups to monitor and report facts from the ground on the ongoing protests by the Iranian people. There cannot be another massacre of peaceful protesters, nor an internet shutdown. The world is watching,” the second said.”
    We pray along with Trump and Netanyahu and the suffering protestors in Iran: “See, God is mighty; He is not contemptuous; He is mighty in strength and mind. He does not let the wicked live; He grants justice to the lowly.” (Job 36:5-6) [I.e., the mighty and numerous people that pray to Him.].


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