Tuesday, November 19, 2019

West Bank settlements not illegal, Pompeo announces in historic shift


In a historic reversal of US policy, the Trump administration announced on Monday that it does not view Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal. The policy change was announced by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington.
“After carefully studying all sides of the legal debate, this administration agrees with president Reagan,” Pompeo said in reference to Ronald Reagan’s position that settlements were not inherently illegal. “The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law.


  1. Boom!
    Sorry Satmarers and Briskers, your dream is over.

  2. “West Bank settlements not illegal, Pompeo announces in historic shift”
    See http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/24745
    “With Secretary Pompeo’s announcement recognizing the right of Israel’s Jews to establish communities in Judea and Samaria, and the authority of Israel’s courts to adjudicate their legality, yet another Obama travesty now disappears, dust in the wind. And another Trump promise has been kept.”
    B”H what good news! Allow me my letter today to SCOTUS:
    My Petition for a Rehearing 18-9390 is distributed for conference 12/6/2019. Allow me to show here Appendix A Popkin (Susan's lawyer) 3/24/1993 and Jerusalem Post 5/23/1996, Appendix B Judge Pesce 9/13/1996 comments on Judge Rigler, and Appendix C TIAA 8/30/2007 comments on QDRO.
    See Appendix A Popkin (Susan's lawyer) 3/24/1993 and Jerusalem Post 5/23/1996. Susan's lawyer stated to the court: “They can never remarry, whether the separation action is determined becomes immaterial.”
    The Jerusalem Post 5/23/1996 states on Susan: “She said that neither her own status as a divorcee, nor her concerns about women's rights under Orthodox law, could dim her joy on her daughter's wedding day.”
    See Appendix B Judge Pesce 9/13/1996 comments on Judge Rigler. Judge Pesce wrote to Judge Kaye of the NYS Court of Appeals: “Both Mr. Rothbart and Justice Rigler assure me that this terminology was meant only in a legal sense, and certainly not a pejorative one.”
    See Appendix C TIAA 8/30/2007 comments on QDRO. TIAA states: “In addition, it is our position that TIAA-CREF made no error in judgment in approving the 1997 QDRO, and that Order was correctly determined to be a valid QDRO under the governing statutes and regulations. We did indicate that it was our understanding that a garnishment order could not transfer 100% of his pension to satisfy the QDRO. The Court agreed, and the QDRO was quickly remedied to provide that only 55% of the pension could be garnished to satisfy the child support obligation.”

  3. Soon the Beit HaMikdash!

  4. Thats a hopeful sign !
    May Eliyhu Hanavi come speedy in our day together with the true Moshiach..to take us out of Galus with permission from Hashem!

  5. They're closing off major streets in yerushalayim, in concert with tziyoni authorities.

    Why is he allowed in. He's a major BDSer. Other BDSers have been prevented from entering and or deported.

  6. Is he flying with El Al?

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojiNzm1A8rk


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