Monday, November 11, 2019

Trump Leaves Israel in the Lurch

The problem for Israel today, though, goes beyond the surprise. If Obama was too cautious for many Israelis, Trump has now shown them how his approach to foreign policy—impulsive, isolationist, transactional, turning on a dime with no alternative in place—can work against their interests. And Netanyahu—who praised Trump in almost messianic terms and who knows how poorly he responds to criticism—now has few tools at his disposal to object to this policy. Israelis can only shake their heads at the absence of any strategy as they survey the regional fallout.

1 comment:

  1. Whadya expect from a former ambassador?

    "...impulsive, isolationist, transactional, turning on a dime with no alternative in place...."

    Maybe the author has not delved enough into the genius of the President's policy.

    Here it is: the interests of America come first.

    Simple. Smart. Savvy.


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