Sunday, November 3, 2019

Election Spotlight, NJ: Gary Schaer: A Most Un-Orthodox Choice


2 Mar-Cheshvan, 5780 °° 31 Oct., '19

Election Spotlight, NJ: Gary Schaer: A Most Un-Orthodox Choice

By Binyomin Feinberg, Contributor to The Jewish Press*

* The perspectives and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ownership or management of The Jewish Press.


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NJ Assemblyman Gary Schaer (purportedly representing Passaic) voted for all four of these deleterious bills listed below. (The LGBT propaganda bill he "only" voted for in Committee, but he strongly spoke in favor of it, even trying to make the bill worse.)

Additionally, he even voted to send the bill to legalize Assisted Suicide "to the floor" (i.e., for a vote by the full Assembly) - even though the Assembly had the votes to pass it if it would come to a floor vote.


Schaer voted for these lgbt bills:

1. a bill that requires public schools to put LGBT propaganda in every singe subject:

2. a bill that bans state travel to states that enact proper freedom-of-religion laws, refusing to subjugate Religious Liberty to LGBT "rights:"

3. makes it easier for transgenders to put the wrong sex on their birth certificate:

4. makes a Transgender Equality Task Force:

Schaer clearly does not deserve the vote of the Orthodox community. And the community voting for him would be a public Chillul HaShem. It would also broadcast the erroneous notion that we don't take our own Torah values seriously - when advised to put political concerns above what in fact are our core Torah principles.

NOT to wholehearted fight for our Torah values while our spiritual enemies wage war against them - and against us - is not just foolhardy, it's spiritually suicidal.


  1. This is clearly written by someone with an ax to grind. Gary has zealously advocated for the Passaic community for several decades. He has obtained security and special education funding that are vital to our community. Every election cycle some "chacham" comes up with a smear campaign against Mr. Schaer. All they seek to accomplish is the weakening a united community for personal gain. Shame.

  2. Listen, Bud. Some people aren't ready to sell the Torah to get a few shekels. Got that? Vote for whomever you want. But respect those who still hang on to their principles.


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