Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What Is the “Highly Anticipated” FISA Report That Conservatives Keep Talking About?

To those outside the conservative news bubble, “the FISA report” might not mean much—let alone be “highly anticipated,” as the story described it. But those who watch Fox News have been primed to think of this report as something that will show that the FBI and Justice Department were reckless, or even acted illegally, in their efforts to undermine Donald Trump. Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News on Sunday to promise a public hearing as soon as the report is available. Lou Dobbs complained on Fox when he learned the report had been delayed. Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett promised viewers that the report would mean “harsh judgment” and a possible criminal referral for former FBI Director James Comey. And it’s not just Fox. The larger conservative media world has focused on the report. (The New York Times and the Washington Post, by contrast, have covered the report’s existence, but they haven’t hyped it as a possible game-changer.) The Daily Caller, for example, called the report “much-anticipated” and reminded its readers that “a lot is riding on the report.”


  1. Yup. Clinton-Deep State-FBI-Foreign Intelligence-Media Conspiracy. Curtain pulled back. Kapow!

  2. what evidence do you have besides fox news and trump's parroting?

  3. Clinton: Campaign source of funding that led to Steele report

    Deep State: because Deep State has its fingers in every plot

    FBI: FBI and DOJ played with Steele report -- confer above article

    Foreign Intelligence: confer above article: "the Steele dossier, the opposition research prepared by a former MI6 officer"; also–Russia_dossier
    which indicates disinformation that Christopher Steele included that seemingly purported to originate from Russian intelligence

    Media: the FISA application referred to a media report to act as an independent data point to support the dossier but in fact the media report was sourced from the dossier also

  4. There is no such thing as the "deep state." There are patriotic workers who have served under several administrations, advancing the policy decisions of those administrations. The fact that they object to the type of nefarious behavior exhibited by Trump and his minions is a credit to them.

  5. "Deep State" is the inertia of bureaucracy that political leaders must overcome. In the Trump Administration, this effect is exaggerated, thus a special term was coined.

    So, technically you are right. There is no Association of Deep Staters with dues paying members.

  6. The effect is exaggerated only inasmuch as they are trying to prevent a litany of illegal or immoral acts.

  7. Ah, how people rationalize their evil deeds by justifying them as righteous. If a bureaucrat doesn't like policy, they should quit their job and run for office. There is a system to exercise oversight over elected officials. But bureaucrats work in the shadows.

  8. Not policy, crimes.

  9. Who apointed bureaucrats to the judiciary?

  10. Bureaucrats are not supposed to participate in crimes.

  11. They are not supposed to participate also in deciding what is and what is not a crime. The POTUS (People of the United States) elected Donald Trump POTUS (President of the United States) specifically because we realized that no matter who we elected that not much changed. In other words, the very existence of swaths of bureaucracy that march to their own drummer is is the crime.

  12. I don't understand. What is a career state dept. or natsec worker supposed to do when he witnesses what he believes to be crimes? Go along with it?

  13. Blow a whistle! But continue to do his job as ordered.


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