Saturday, October 5, 2019

Unfit for Office

And so it is, or ought to be, with Donald Trump. You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, and you don’t need to be a mental-health professional to see that something’s very seriously off with Trump—particularly after nearly three years of watching his erratic and abnormal behavior in the White House. Questions about Trump’s psychological stability have mounted throughout his presidency. But those questions have been coming even more frequently amid a recent escalation in Trump’s bizarre behavior, as the pressures of his upcoming reelection campaign, a possibly deteriorating economy, and now a full-blown impeachment inquiry have mounted. And the questioners have included those who have worked most closely with him.


  1. Reasonable people can, and do, disagree with the above.

    The bottom line is that the liberals are quick to finger the President as a lunatic, but utterly incapable of realizing they themselves are off.

    1. A man cannot marry a man. Not in any civilized sense. The Gemora considers such a marriage as what contributed to the Flood, and if I'm not mistaken, as one of the things the nations of the world never fell to since then.

    But in America, it's a constitutional right for men to marry each other.

    And then there is the insanity surrounding gender.

    And let's not forget how so many American women conciously and intentionally make themselves barren. They sterilize themselves, temporarily or permanently. And if by chance they conceive, they snuff out the fetus pronto. And they have multiple partners, serially, but sometimes simultaneously. All things which contradict the role that women should play in society.

    2. The feeling out there there among many liberals is that Donald Trump wouldn't be President except for Russian interference in the election campaign. Maybe Russian interfered. But it wasn't decisive as far as swinging the election. To claim otherwise is nothing if not a whacko conspiracy theory.

    3. Pres. Trump did withold money from the Ukraine while wanting them to investigate corruption, including potential corruption of Vice President Biden. The money was eventually released. Was this an impeachable offense? Yes. But also, no. It can go either way. The Liberals unwillingness to acknowledge that, their pushing their narrative over all others, tells us something about how they think.

    In conclusion, the liberals love to rant about how their favorite lout is crazy. All the while, they are oblivious to the obvious: politics today in the U.S.A. is an over the top, full contact, no holds barred contest where the battle goes to the nastiest, not the nicest; and the victory to the maniacal not the moderate.

  2. and you think by defending an incompetent person this will change the moral views of America

  3. The real incompetence is the Democrats' inability to furnish a candidate who crushes Donald Trump at the polls. Then they wouldn't have to be doing this tiptoeing around impeachment. They could focus on the political fundamentals.

    But all they've got it seems is a candidate still riding Barack Obama's wave. And that wave is crashing, so if they don't impeach they run the risk of losing.


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