Thursday, October 3, 2019

Trump: Schiff Helped Write Whistleblower Report; Schiff: No I Didn’t, But I Should’ve Been ‘More Clear

A report by The New York Times Wednesday on House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) role in the submission of the whistleblower complaint that sparked the impeachment inquiry has resulted in President Trump accusing Schiff of having “helped write” the report and Schiff apologizing for not being “much more clear.”
A spokesman for Schiff told the Times, “Like other whistle-blowers have done before and since under Republican and Democratic-controlled committees, the whistle-blower contacted the committee for guidance on how to report possible wrongdoing within the jurisdiction of the intelligence community.


  1. Here you have exoneration for the President:

    Before the the whistleblower story broje, top diplomat: "The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind."

    The unshot gun. The opposite of a smoking gun.

  2. Perhaps.

    But what is shocking is that Speaker Pelosi is showing signs of buyer's remorse. She explicitly stated she has not asked the House to vote on opening the impeachment inquiry so as to not expose about three dozen Democrat Congressman to criticism from their constituents.

    Put another way, she might get some Democrats who will not vote for opening an impeachment inquiry if she holds a floor vote.

    Hardly the admission I was expecting, but glad the Speaker isn't hiding it.

    Meanwhile, not putting the inquiry to a vote will stymie the investigation because the committees will have less power to require the White House to share information.

    Put another away, "another fine mess you've gotten us into", as Oliver Hardy would say to Stan Laurel if Laurel were Speaker of the House in these trying times.

  3. "I should have been more clear" Wow. He's quite the scoundrel. Amazing that Schiff is your poster child for justice, DT. Shows how badly the democrat politics can poison one's moral compass.

  4. of course trump is the model of the ideal!

  5. Indeed he is. Donald Trump exaggerates and lies in order to advance himself. This is the proper and accepted way to lie in politics. It brings respect and admiration to the lier. Even emulation.

    And I think Cong. Schiff was trying his hand at a little bit of political ploy. It's just that it backfired. Because a good political lier lies without ever admitting it.

    Had Cong. Schiff denied his lie, we could buy that. He is a political animal. But when he expressed regret for his lie, he became somewhat of a political pariah. It was like he was saying, "I never lie. Except this one time a teeny-tiny lie slipped out."

    At that point some began to wonder about the man. Combined with his summary of the President's position that included false direct quotes which threw people off (mocking must be done clearly), and we have someone who is giving lying a bad name.

  6. impeachment support is growing
    especially when trump confesses publicly to the crimes!

  7. Of course. But is it growing faster than Vice President Biden is losing support? Because that is all that matters: the general election. That is the only realistic way to remove the President.

  8. Bravo Joseph Orlow and BiotechObserver.
    Torah thought on וילך that relates.
    “Well I know how defiant and stiffnecked you are: even now, while I am still alive in your midst, you have been defiant toward the Lord; how much more, then, when I am dead!” (Deuteronomy 31:27).
    My theory. Moses knew well the bad thoughts among the Jews. Moses may have suspected the planning for the golden calf, the sin of the spies etc. E.g.
    “Those were the names of the men whom Moses sent to scout the land; but Moses changed the name of Hoseaa son of Nun to Joshua.” (Numbers 13:16).
    רש"י במדבר פרשת שלח פרק יג פסוק טז
    ויקרא משה להושע וגו' - התפלל עליו יה יושיעךו מעצת מרגלים:
    Don’t think it was spontaneous, spur of the moment, that on the 40th day the sinners did the sin of the Golden Calf, the sin of the spies etc. This relates to Adam Schiff: the Trump hater in the CIA (?) the whistelblower came to Schiff in August. This is much like Kavanaugh hater (Dr. Ford) came to Fienstein early... Schiff and Feinstein both lied. Rabbi Greenblatt lied:
    “I hereby return to that which I wrote regarding this matter concerning the lady Ms. Tamar Epstein, who married one gentleman who was subsequently diagnosed with mental illness, such that physicians testified his condition is incurable, and immediately she began to separate from him. And it is agreed by the poskim that mental illness of such magnitude that it is impossible for a spouse to live with him, similar to that which they said no human can live with a snake etc., is a worthy reason to annul kiddushin for it is mekach ta‘ut”
    See, the fake/phony PhD psychology letter is a lie. In SCOTUS 18-9390 the fake/phont Rigler March 1995 Order of Separation is a lie. In Lonna v Meir the fake/phony July 2007 Green letter is a lie. I scanned Rabbi Willig’s otherwise fine article on mekach ta’ut. He’s 100% on Tamar’s side with:
    ומוכח מכל זה, דאע"פ שיש זמנים שאינו מתנהג כשוטה, מ"מ כל שיש בו מחלת שטות שסופה להגיע לדרגת אין אדם דר עם נחש בכפיפה אחת, קידושי טעות הן.
    This is vague and over-simplified. The discussions of the Talmud and commentaries are excellent. Nothing there vague and simplified This article is a strong support for the garbage K-G heter.
    Monday we’ll see SCOTUS 18-9390 if they take my side.

  9. Does the willig responsum mention Tamar case at all?
    Is there any truth to the mental illness allegation against F?
    Perhaps you see what you want to see, but willig is not relating to Epstein?

  10. Kalonymus Anonymus “Does the willig responsum mention Tamar case at all? Is there any truth to the mental illness allegation against F? Perhaps you see what you want to see, but willig is not relating to Epstein?”
    Wrong questions, troll/joker KA. See the language of Rabbi Greenblatt and the language of Willig. What’s your opinion of using a fake/phony PhD psychology letter to justify the garbagge K-G heter? What’s your opinion of using Kavanaugh hater (Dr. Ford) made up stores and telling first Feinstein...? What’s your opinion of using a Trump hater in the CIA to aid Schiff? See’s your opinion of Lonna putting out a fake Green July 2007 letter?

  11. Since you cannot answer my question, you use the term "troll", also to project your own trollism, your hard luck story about your divorce
    wishing you Gmar Chatiam tova!

  12. Permit me to reply if I may. R. Willig does not mention neither T nor F. No one mentioned a Name of any Psychiatrist nor did the unnamed Psychiatrist name any ailment. Those claiming an alleged borderline issue have not specified which side of the border it resides. Doctors without borders blowing bubbles in the wind into no man's land through smoke and mirrors.

    All the Gedoilei haPoskim after doing their due dilligence proclaimed that T remains an eishes ish, should there be any merit to this mysterious ailment, "Yavo baal haShor, veYa'amid al shoro". Short of that, 'ein kaan lo neder velo shvuoh lo slicha velo kapara velo klum! No such thing as a mysterious witness having a mysterious borderline allegatition, Hakol Shkarim.

    These so called dayonim mumchim can concoct up a husband asher lo haya velo nivra, sending him a hazmana and ksav siruv, beat him up with a cattle prod in Argentina, ad sheyomar rotze ani, vehineh chalom! And not to mention the 60 G $hekel Kessef over lasocher upfront, behokitz velo bachalom. So much for their credibility and integrity.


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