Thursday, October 17, 2019

Litany of Defeat: Trump Defends Rising Costs of "Strategically Brilliant" Mideast Retreat

Trump said it was “a good thing” that Russian forces had begun supporting the Kurds. On Tuesday, Russians were already sleeping in bunks at bases that American troops had spent years building and provisioning only to abandon them in haste just hours earlier. Trump’s former counter-ISIS envoy Brett McGurk wrote on Twitter that U.S. forces were “executing [an] emergency ‘break glass’ evacuation procedure reserved for an extreme worst-case scenario.” The result, says Hagel is a big win for Russian president Vladimir Putin. “Russia comes out the big winner in the Middle East,” Hagel said. “Putin n


  1. Wow Trump, Pompeo, Pence with help of USA Congress got Turkey to make a 120 hour cease fire, b”h. see
    We like R. Zera’s view that the Messiah will come unawares. R. Zera did not approve of looking for signs of the messiah’s coming.
    Allow me to talk about my SCOTUS docket search on
    I spoke to my case analyst. She tells me that she’ll be away from October 16, 2019 and will return Monday October 21. I asked her to process for me a new docket number. She has to make 10 copies on letter size paper and scan all my papers and upload them etc. Now if SCOTUS grants me my Petition for a writ of certiorari ---- this is like Turkey giving a cease fire to the Kurds. OK the Kurds will leave territory right under Turkey and relocate to Iraq. I expect Trump will recognize a state of Kurds in northern Iraq, God willing. Once I get granted my Petition for a writ of certiorari, I could reopen my efforts to freeze/cancel the $25,000 fines against me and to freeze/cancel the payments of my pension to Susan. We read tomorrow “So Moses carved two tablets of stone, like the first, and early in the morning he went up on Mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, taking the two stone tablets with him. The Lord came down in a cloud; He stood with him there, and proclaimed the name Lord.” (Exodus 34:4-5). Yes I do all my sleeping and eating in my Sukkah. I feel that I’m under God’s cloud, thanks for asking. שבת שלום חג שמח

  2. yes a partial repair to the damage caused by the political genius himself

  3. No. I’m thrilled that Trump, Pompeo, Pence with the help of USA Congress got Turkey to make a 120 hour cease fire, b”h. OK the Kurds will leave territory in Syria from right under Turkey and relocate to Iraq. I expect Trump will recognize a state of Kurds in northern Iraq, God willing. Iraq is divided into 3: Iran areas, anti-Iran areas, and Kurds areas Trump got Turkey to agree to 120 hour cease because Trump agreed to cancel immediately the 50% tariff on steel etc sanctions Trump placed on Turkey recently. Turkey will make the cease fire permanent the Kurds will really relocate to Iraq. Turkey is afraid of Trump sanctions. Trump will turn Turkey to Venezuela if Turkey misbehaves after the 120 hour cease fire. I love Trump and Netanyahu

  4. Just up

    Could you please restore me to my old status? I see that I'm still banned, thanks.

  5. you are not banned you just needed to be moderated


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