Wednesday, September 11, 2019

israel kin - Video Describing My Divorce

1 Rabbi Gestetner letter:
2.Yediot achronot article: 3.Hachadoshot haboker interview: 4.judge orders examining computers: and 5. Bais din 1 warning about gag order: 6. Rabbi Ginzberg warning about gag order: 7.Ralbag siruv: 8. Agudas harrabonim bais din members: 9.Ralbag bais din psak to stop burial: 10. Mendel epstein court papers: and 11.RCC Siruv: 12. Boyfriend Rachmiel Strausberg  13.ORA protest at shiva:


  1. Bravo Meir Kin. I saw the whole video.
    Shabbath 138b-139a
    “It was taught. R. Simeon b. Yohai said: Heaven forfend that the Torah be forgotten in Israel, for it is said, “and the many evils and troubles befall them—then this poem shall confront them as a witness, since it will never be lost from the mouth of their offspring. For I know what plans they are devising even now, before I bring them into the land that I promised on oath” (Deuteronomy 31:21). Then how do I interpret “A time is coming—declares my Lord God—when I will send a famine upon the land: not a hunger for bread or a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord. Men shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it. In that day, the beautiful maidens and the young men shall faint with thirst—Those who swear by the guilt of Samaria, Saying, As your god lives, Dan, And As the way to Beer-sheba lives---They shall fall to rise no more.” (Amos 8:11-14)? They will not find a clear halachah or a clear Mishnah [i.e., an absolute and definite ruling. completely intelligible and not subject to controversy] in any place [lit., in one place. I.e., in any of the places whither they shall wander (Maharsha)]. It was taught. R. Jose b. Elisha said: If you see a generation overwhelmed by many troubles, go forth and examine the judges of Israel, for all retribution that comes to the world comes only on account of the Judges of Israel, as it is said, “Hear this, you rulers of the House of Jacob, You chiefs of the House of Israel, Who detest justice And make crooked all that is straight, Who build Zion with crime, Jerusalem with iniquity! Her rulers judge for gifts, Her priests give rulings for a fee, And her prophets divine for pay; Yet they rely upon the Lord, saying, The Lord is in our midst; No calamity shall overtake us. Assuredly, because of you Zion shall be plowed as a field, And Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins, And the Temple Mount A shrine in the woods.” (Micah 3:9-12)”

  2. wow, who wrote the script?

  3. Boyfriend? How can he be boyfriend?

  4. why is she having a relationship? I thought she is an agunah?


  6. exactly....

  7. her side:

  8. thanks for that
    It is a very sad affair, it's not a spectator sport, $500,000 is a lot of money. How can Gestetner claim he is honest? how can anyone claim he is honest, he is an extortionist.
    Reb Dovid's solution is to have Pilegesh, which is a good idea.

  9. first hear mayer's side on that I doubt this is the whole truth.
    Might be a house or what ever , Rabbi Ralbag is known to be on the crooked side and also very stubborn ..
    They should have made a compromise

    She clearly did not get good advice from the start
    Very sad she seems like a good person.
    This is why the erev rav ORA are so damaging

  10. Outside of this little blog, nobody int he world knows of Gestetner, he is not recognized, is not a gadol, or a Rosh Yeshiva, yet you seem to faour him. On the other hand, Rav Belsky ztl was a Gadol and major RY. I don't believe the claims made against Rav Belsky or Rav Hershel Shachter who were/are gedolei hador.

  11. look, if i have an argument with a friend about who piys for coffee, we will not tellt eh whole truth abotu who is right or wrong, that is for a $4.00 coffee and no other strings attached. Of course both sides are trying to get the advantage and bend the facts to suit them

  12. Note that MK slanders the whole world, just as gestetner does

  13. Rav Belsky was considered a Gaon adir, a major posek and a tdaddik.

  14. Oh so your for ORA?
    (Im not surprised! )

  15. MK-Meir Kin?
    He is the victim what do you expect he is calling them out

  16. Bla bla , ad hominem

  17. Pilegesh?
    no Shevah brachos? unjewish! unheard off !impossible !not practical , foolish ! also opening up a can of wormsand may be in the end more damaging to klal

  18. Reb David eidensohn

  19. you are taking sides

  20. he is saying " bes dins" , so he is probably uneducated
    we don't know the inside story. No idea who he/ she is, and no idea why they divorced. She could be crazy, or both of them could be.

    She is proud that she was awarded custody by the goyisher court - what kind of person would prevent the father of their child from getting access?

    Gestetner is fighting the goyisher system in the limited capacity he can, to get rights for the husbands. America is a terrible place to get divorced, and Uk is not far behind.

  21. Bravo Meir Kin fights the fake agunah/phony wife complaint. He cites:
    Shabbath 139a
    “It was taught. R. Jose b. Elisha said: If you see a generation overwhelmed by many troubles, go forth and examine the judges of Israel, for all retribution that comes to the world comes only on account of the Judges of Israel, as it is said, Hear this, I pray you ye heads of the house of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity. They build up Zion with blood and Jerusalem with iniquity. The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money; yet will they lean upon the Lord, etc. They are wicked, but they place their confidence in Him Who decreed, and the world came into existence. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring three punishments upon them answering to the three sins which they cultivate”
    Meir Kin cites this week’s parsha שפטים:
    “You shall appoint magistrates and officials for your tribes, in all the settlements that the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due justice משפט צדק. You shall not judge unfairly: you shall show no partiality; you shall not take bribes, for bribes blind the eyes of the discerning חכמים and upset the plea of the just צדיקם.” (Deuteronomy 16:18-19).
    These חכמים and צדיקם know Torah. They are heads of yeshivot that teach Torah---kosher and on a high level. Meir Kin and I don’t dispute this. Sadly, these heads of yeshivot, support the fake agunah/phony wife complaints, despite all their high Torah knowledge and teaching. Mendel Epstein et al is in jail because he accepted $100,000 from actors claiming a false agunah and he spoke of punching in the face and torturing a false recalcitrant husband. I knew Rabbi Mendel Epstein many years, a good man and a big talmid chacham, principal of a girls yeshiva etc. The garbage Kamenitsky-Greenblatt heter had Tamar a (false) agunah. Kamenitsky-Greenblatt are good men and talmedei chachamim. I knew Rabbi Rachman---a good man and a brilliant talmid chacham. Susan made herself into a (false) agunah opening a case against me in NYS courts in 1991 until this day I cannot close.
    Oh, the latest, the NYS COA will announce rulings tomorrow, and Tuesday and Thursday next week. SCOTUS will announce rulings October 7, 2019. The judges at NYS COA and SCOTUS are wise, learned, scholarly, and all know the law. Even so I apply to them: “Hear this, I pray you ye heads of the house of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity.” Bravo Rabbi Gestetner and Meir Kin.

  22. Rav Gestetner is a zadik and he doesn't charge for bais din

    Most others charge 500 per hour for the bais din
    also you didnt bother to read the long letter of rabbi Gestener with all the reasons Meir Kin is right and is the victim, there is a translation

    also I am very surprised at Lona kin she is very normal in real life so why would she do this destruction to herself and to her boy? he is now already 16 .

  23. Yes but this case will haunt him ,
    unless Lona kin does the right thing and submits to the bais din and removes all the seruvin from Meir it should not be a forced get which is worthless

    she can then receive her get (which will be rewritten)

  24. We don't know all the facts. Is she a rashaa for holding their son from his father? Is she nuts? She has a brood of kids from 2 divorces, why would anyone want to take on such baggage?
    We don't know anything about Meir, what was his crime? Ora automatically hate him, call him rasha. Gestetniks automatically hate the rest of the world. Not my fight, thank you very much.

  25. From a commenter:

    "The rabbi who gave the kin guy his heter meah rabbanim is some wacked out guy who is a taxi driver turned Rabbi. His name is rabbi abraham and he is the rabbi of a shul he calls barditchev in monsey. Look him up. There is not one respectable Rabbi or organization that holds of him except for his crony rabbi friend gestetner. If this kin guy was really so kosher v'yosher why didn't he go to a well established beit din to get a proper heter meah rabbanim? could it maybe be that only a Rabbi as corrupt as him would be willing to give him a heter against halacha? This Rabbi is notorious for forcing the woman to pay a lot of $$$ for her get, and attaching conditions if the woman wants the get. I am sure you know that in order for a man to get a heter meah rabbanim the woman must either be mentally unstable or unwilling to accept the get for no valid reason. Then the husband has to leave AN UNCONDITIONAL GET in best din, and only then can he get his get. In no way was a heter meah rabbanim meant to be used as a blackmailing device."

    According to Meir, Lonna is related to ralbag, lau, belsky, shachter, Jeremy stern etc.
    Sounds suspicious, false and impossible.

  26. Abraham, shlita? Excuse me? Everyone in Monsey knows Abraham's gittin were worthless. He was a pig her wanted to shtup Lonna in exchange for the Get.
    He's dead because Hashem was watching.

  27. is this letter forged?
    what was the circumstances around this letter?

  28. well, we've seen this type of behaviour before - in London,

    with Tropper and Geirim

  29. fedupwithcorruptrabbisSeptember 5, 2019 at 1:52 AM

    Ben is Lonna or Dina Presser her daughter. The letter posted against Rabbi Abraham is once again rabbinic corruption. Let me explain: Rabbi Green had a rich benefactor that donated to his yeshiva and had a daughter who was undergoing divorce. The husband deposited a GET at Rabbi abrahams bais Din and the father asked rabbi green to write this letter for the courts. CORRUPT and Corrupt RA bonim. Then there is another letter that Lonna or Dina her daughter is posting in different groups written by yechiel tauber against Rabbi Abraham. In that case Meir Kin has gotten a seruv against rabbi bess from the RCC, so avrohom union from the rcc asked yechiel tauber who also has a bais din in monsey to invalidate rabbi abraham. These corrupt rabbis will always use words such as "Unrecognizable," etc.. but will never explain WHY they are unrecognizable. Pathetic low life rabbis

  30. fedupwithcorruptrabbisSeptember 5, 2019 at 1:53 AM

    as stated , this BEN is Lonna herself or daughter

  31. Oh !that makes more sense!

  32. Is that you Stan?

  33. Oh right. SO were the Shulchan Aruch and the Yad Chazakah forged too, since they didn't contain the 3 oaths?

  34. So now you claim that R' green takes bribes to write letters. Evidence?
    I didn't think so.

  35. Even Rav Elyashiv had problems with his BD, one Zalman Kohen was a "dayan", who also happened to be a convicted rapist.

  36. I must confess, I am more persuaded by Meir Kin than by Lonna. In particular, the thugs of Ora and Mr Strausberg who attacked him whilst sitting shiva. What kind of Amalek are these people?

  37. What is the gag order? was she having an adulterous affair with one of these boyfriends? Sorry, that is speculation only.

  38. Kalonymus Anonymus “What is the gag order?”
    On Etrac I see 14 motions in
    WebCivil Supreme - Motion Detail Court: Rockland Supreme Court Index Number: 0008351/2004 Case Name: KIN, LONNA vs. KIN, ISRAEL MEIR Case Type: CONTESTED MATRIMONIAL Track: Standard
    Wow 14 motions. Some motions filed by Lonna and some by Meir from 12/14/2004 until 12/11/2006.
    My view: This is good for Meir. The NYS Supreme Court is terrible on contested divorce matters. I’m reading The Last Brother by Andrew Gross, 2018 (Pan Books), page 244: “The New York City Fire Department signed off on some completely bogus explanation to write our warehouse fire off as a boiler accident. My little son with an Erector Set could have looked at the place and told you the inspector was full of shit. But what isn’t full of shit is that Buchalter’s got his men squarely in his palm. Time after time, when people stood up against them, people with some guts, your vaunted New York City Police Department declined to even look into it. I personally know one who lost his life when he was flung out of an eighth-story window and another who had acid thrown in his face, who both tried to stand up to them. You turn state’s evidence against Murder, Inc., you know better than any, you usually don’t make it to trial.”
    This is good for you, Meir. Same as it was good for me that Judge Gerald Garson fined me $5,000 and scared Ian Anderson from ever appearing before him on December 12, 2001. If NYS COA 649 and/or SCOTUS 18-9390 grant me my petition---it will because Gerald Garson fined me $5,000 and scared Ian Anderson from ever appearing before him on December 12, 2001. Any child playing with an Erector Set will see that the NYS courts are corrupt in contested divorce matters. Gerald Garson went to jail 4 years for bribery. Anyone else? Garson never fines husbands for free. Did Susan bribe court officials?
    Meir, did Lonna bribe court officials? I apply to you: תהלים פרק קיט פסוק קכא
    עָשִׂיתִי מִשְׁפָּט וָצֶדֶק בַּל תַּנִּיחֵנִי לְעֹשְׁקָי:
    מלבי"ם תהלים פרק קיט פסוק קכא
    עשיתי משפט וצדק, ודרך ה' לשלם מדה כנגד מדה, וא"כ אל תניחני לעושקי כי צריך גם אתה לעשות לי משפט נגד העושקים:

  39. Not in this case. Lonna is nuts.

  40. If you attack a man during his aveilus, then in my book, that makes you amalek.

  41. You are fond of making the titillating allegation, that Rabbi Zalman Cohen, allegedly a convicted rapist, was allegedly part of Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein beis din for conversion, which was under the auspices of Rav Elyashiv z"l.

    No part of this tale has been corroborated in any way.

    When was Zalman convicted of rape? Find me some record of it. AFIK it doesn't exist. It is not mentioned in any court documents or any real media outlets.

    How do we know that Zalman was a "dayan"? Exactly in what capacity did he serve there? Sectretary? "Dayan"? Cleaner?

    To the best of my knowledge, Zalman was NEVER a "dayan". In fact, I don't think that he even has "semicha"!

    I'm not saying that Zalman is the biggest saint in the world. But don't defame Rav Elyashiv z"l.

  42. Rav elyashiv dismissed the Frankenstein b'd when he realized the problem.
    This information I heard from a Rav who lives in nahlaot.

  43. I got it, pure slanderous hearsay, without documentation of any sort.
    Court records?
    Media outlet reports?

  44. Deut. 21:11 actually

  45. According to the below article, Rav Yaakov Kanievski (grandson of Rav Kanievsky shlita) was involved in the delay of the burial.

    Hence, do we have Rav Kanievsky promoting get me'usa?

  46. Since we are talking about Agunos and alleged agunot, and since there is no halachic solution to free agunot that is unviersally accepted - here is a Boris Johnson inspired solution, which is least worse than adultery, mamzerim or being alone for the rest of their lives:
    According to halacha, a married woman who has relations with a non Jew, will not conceive a mamzer, and is not technically guilty of niuf.
    In fact even a single woman who intermarries, will have kasher kids.
    Hence, it is better , or say less bad, for the agunah to have a non Jewish partner than it is for her to have a Jewish partner and then have her kids deemed mamzerim.
    either you accept Rackman/Kraus solutions, or this is the only way out.

  47. Rabbi Abrham is dead, so how can you say shlita for him?

  48. Kalonymus Anonymus “Since we are talking about Agunos and alleged agunot, and since there is no halachic solution to free agunot that is unviersally accepted - here is a Boris Johnson inspired solution, which is least worse than adultery, mamzerim or being alone for the rest of their lives: According to halacha, a married woman who has relations with a non Jew, will not conceive a mamzer, and is not technically guilty of niuf. In fact even a single woman who intermarries, will have kasher kids.Hence, it is better , or say less bad, for the agunah to have a non Jewish partner than it is for her to have a Jewish partner and then have her kids deemed mamzerim.either you accept Rackman/Kraus solutions, or this is the only way out.”
    Except for “and you see among the captives a beautiful woman אשת יפת תאר and you desire her וחשקת בה and would take her to wife” (Deuteronomy 21:11), we never see in the Torah or in the Talmud a least worse or a less bad solution. The Torah and the Talmud almost always just tell us what to do. Why is the Torah allowing the Jewish fellow to marry the אשת יפת תואר he fell madly in with and years to marry? She’s not Jewish. She’s one of the enemy. She obviously dressed and beautified herself for the express purpose of trapping a Jewish soldier, to propose marriage to her. The answer is:
    “When you take the field against your enemies, and the Lord your God delivers them into your power and you take some of them captive” (Deuteronomy 21:10). A Jewish fellow, properly, should avoid getting tempted by non-Jewish sexy ladies. Here, the Jewish fellow, is taking the field against our enemies. Oh, so here, and only here, the Torah does a least worse or less bad solution and allows him to marry her, under certain conditions. Follow, KA?
    Here’s my letter today to the courts:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 649 7/15/2019. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan. I attach Exhibit A: Gerald Aranoff letter October 15, 2003 to court officials.
    2.Judge Michael Ambrosio was key to blocking reopening Garson cases and in keeping those that paid bribes to Garson out of jail. Wikipedia on Gerald Garson:...
    3. On Etrac I had 32 motions 1991-2007 involving Judge Michael Ambrosio:...
    4.Exhibit A: Gerald Aranoff letter October 15, 2003 to court officials shows that on 10/15/2003 I wrote: “Judge Silbermann's office informed me yesterday that she decided not to sign my Show Cause Order. Ms.\ Furey (I think) at Judge Silbermann's office cited to me on the phone yesterday Ambrosio's ruling that I must pay $25,000 fines first.”
    5.I ask the NYS COA to grant my motion 649.

  49. Follow, but don't see a solution to true agunot.

  50. OK, seems she is. Lau also?

  51. 'There were four generations of people in the synagogue including
    Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and his father-in-law Rabbi Yitzhak
    Ralbag, who is a former member of the Chief Rabbinate Council'

  52. FedupwithcorruprabbisSeptember 9, 2019 at 7:09 AM

    I found out that Rav KANIEVSKY was never consulted.Once again FAKE NEWS

  53. FedupwithcorruprabbisSeptember 9, 2019 at 7:14 AM

    Whatever was found on those computers was damaging enough to cancel her divorce petition. Bravo Meir for a great informative video. You have taught us that fake agunas are amongst us.

  54. Beautiful. Interesting that Lonna cancelled her own phony/fake agunah divorce petition. Hard to bring proof of a fake agunah. Easier if the fake agunah confesses. I’m still trying to cancel the divorce petition of Susan v Gerald. I’m still trying to cancel $25,000 fines against me. I couldn’t reopen Gerald Garson because Judge Ambrosio ruled that I must first must pay $25,000. Any child playing with his toys could see massive corruption in NYS Supreme Court on contested divorce matters. I’m expecting SCOTUS 18-9390 on October 7, 2019 to release “granted” please God. That should help Meir and other husbands suffering from fake agunahs. My case is a proof of a fake agunah from day one.

  55. Good detective work

  56. OK
    Is Meir 's new wife a quickie convert? By gestetner?

  57. He doesn't sound like someone who will settle for that, The Ralbag yichus his revious marriage is of well known Talmidei Grah or more .ancient highly respected yichus.

  58. what are you talking about?
    He married yichus of what you call corrupt people. His previosu marriage is to some nutcase, a serial divorcee, who has a brodo from a number of husbands, and gives them all hell. Maybe a humble ger would be better for him. She certainly doesnt look Jewish!

  59. True maybe he had his fill of fancy yichus !

    Besides now they went sour anyway by being part of the Jewish agency Rabbinate and heichal Shlomo !Fake Rabbis

  60. no, that's the real rabbanut, the sour are the ones who oppose the medinah!
    But let's leave politics out of it.
    Mr Kin is only maximising his position - he wants his son back, and the leftist pro-feminist courts have awarded custody to the wife - . I know a guy in Israel who gave the get early, but his crazy ex wife has kept custody of the daughter. Corrupt rabbis, were arrested by the police.

  61. True I think he gave up on his boy,Sad

  62. Anyone can forge such a letter.

  63. are you claiming it was forged??\! proof
    or just being a troll

  64. fedupwithcorruptrabbisSeptember 11, 2019 at 3:49 PM

    Go ahead Klonymus, Rabbi Green is still alive. Go ahead and ask Rabbi Green!

  65. What is troll about the point I raised? Two contradictory letters. I said anyone can forge them. I could forge one if I put my mind to it. As fed-up says, I have to contact him directly.

  66. I know rav Green personally and i know he always had and has the greatest respect for rav abraham ztzl and yibodelbChaim rav Gestetner shlito, this is a fact.

  67. Kalonymus Anonymus “What is troll about the point I raised? Two contradictory letters. I said anyone can forge them. I could forge one if I put my mind to it. As fed-up says, I have to contact him directly”
    Your point that there are 2 contradictory letters and that you have to contact him (Rabbi Green) directly is troll. No you don’t haver to contact Rabbi Green. Yes Rabbi Green is alive and well. It’s obvious with anyone with half a brain that Ben Wosner’s (Lonna or Dina ?) letter is the fake letter and the letter on this blog is the true letter---without the need to contact Rabbi Green, follow KA, friend? I’m trying to prove a fake court order with the signer (Judge Rigler) dead. Hard to prove in court. Mendel Epstein et al fell for a FBI trick to accepting $100,000 on a fake agunah. The K-G garbage heter has a fake/phony PhD psychology letter. This blog gives me ideas how to argue my COA NYS 649 and SCOTUS 18-9390, thank you, God.

  68. troll
    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

    SO that doesn't describe my iterative approach to discerning the truth or falsity of either of these letters. The signature is the same.

    We have a High court in Scotland saying that our Prime Minister acted unlawfully, and a High Court in England saying that he didn't.

    I have seen no explanation as to who provided the 2nd letter.
    As on previous occasions, saying something is possible is not the same as saying that it actually is that something. it is possible I will win the lottery , is not the same as saying I have won it. Neither statement is a trolling statement, and the claim that I am a troll is a non-sequitor.

  69. This specific case i am not commenting on, as I see some merits on both sides.
    I do , however, find it amusing that some people are claiming that Rav Belsky was either chas'vhshalom "corrupt" or chas v'shalom did not know halacha.
    Is there anyone who comments here who is a rosh yeshiva, and what kind of Mickey Mouse yeshiva is that? I need to see qualifications of the person claiming such things about Rav Belsky . Then I need to see qualifications that Rabbi gestetner has, since he is basically unkown outside the dalet amot of this blogland.
    In the mainstream yeshiva world in the US, Rav Belsky was held in very high esteem. Gestetner is basically an unknown, who has been given fame by this blog.

  70. Kalonymus Anonymus “This specific case I am not commenting on, as I see some merits on both sides.”
    “Expel the scoffer and contention departs, Quarrel and contumely cease. A pure-hearted friend, His speech is gracious; He has the king for his companion.” (Proverbs 22:10-11).
    משלי פרק כב פסוק י
    גָּרֵשׁ לֵץ וְיֵצֵא מָדוֹן וְיִשְׁבֹּת דִּין וְקָלוֹן
    מלבי"ם משלי פרק כב פסוק י
    גרש לץ ויצא מדון, המדון הוא הענין והטענה שבעבורה יהיה לו דין ומשפט עם חבירו, וכבר בארתי שהמדון יתעורר ע"י כמה סבות, ע"י השנאה כמ"ש שנאה תעורר מדנים, וע"י איש חמה ואיש אף, כמ"ש איש חמה יגרה מדון, כי בלא סבה לא יקפידו על ענינים קטנים לדון ולריב בעבורם, ואמף פה שגם ע"י הלץ יתעורר מדון, שהלץ ילוצץ על כל, וע"י לצנותו ישלח מדון, ונותן עצה לכל איש שיגרש הלץ מביתו ולא יתחבר עמו, ועמו יצא המדון, וכשלא יהיה מדון לא יצטרכו לילך לדין ולזילותא דבי דינא, ועז"א וישבות דין וקלון, שהדין הוא מצד הב"ד שמעיינים בדבר המדון:
    The Green letter dated July 15, 2007 is typical of the scoffer. The Green letter dated December 24, 2007 is typical of gracious speech. I quote Malbim on Mishley by Wengrov 230: “Hating everyone, a scoffer stirs up trouble among people, creating contention and disputes that send them to the law courts, to endure the onerous litigation and disgrace that ensure. Once the scoffer is cast out of human society, the trouble vanishes. His opposite is one who loves human beings, harboring pure benevolent feelings in his heart as on his lips. He is fit company for even the most honored member of society.”
    KA, ok, don’t comment on the case as you, supposedly, see merit on both sides. Comment, please, on the two Green letters. Judge Pesce in his 1996 letter does not comment on Susan v Gerald as he, supposedly, sees merit on both sides. He comments only on the word illegitimate that Larry Rothbart describes my first two daughters from Yemima.
    I say, good, excellent, that Judge Pesce in his 1996 letter uses the word illegitimate. Judge Pesce in his 1996 letter constitutes slander, stirs up trouble creating contention and disputes in the courts. The Green letter dated July 15, 2007 is so awful that it’s good for Meir. It shows Lonna’s hatred for Rabbis Abraham a”h, Gestetner and Blumencrantz. The Pesce letter of 1996 is so awful that it’s good for me. Follow KA, friend?

  71. Satmar violating the 3 oaths by rebelling against the nations

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    *Love Spell.
    contact Papa Egbe on papaegbeherbalhome @ gmail . com.Papa Egbe brought happiness to my home.

  73. How can I explain this to the world that there is a man who can cure HERPES, I was diagnosed for the past 5 mouth I have being into HERPES since 5 mouth, so I decide to look for help in the internet then I found a post write about this great man called DR. Agbonhale , people say good thing about him that this man have cured, a lot of people in the internet, him has power's to cure HSV1 AND HSV2 I don’t believe that there is a cure for Herpes Simplex Virus because though there is no cure for herpes that what I have in mind HERPES had no cure well , my HERPES is negative through the using of herbal cured of dr agbonhale , I contacted this man for help because of what i see in the internet. if you need his cured just email him now on , thank you DR. i will never stop shearing you testimony DR. Agbonhale . him Can as well CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE:-1, HIV/AIDS, 2, Diseases of the hear 3, Malignant tumors 4. Cardiovascular diseases 5. Diabetes mellifluous 6.Influenza and pneumonia 7.Alzheimer's disease 8. hsv1 - hsv2. If you need LOVE SPELL. E.T.C contact him or you whatsapp him on +2349073130326.


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