Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Noa Pothoven dies after struggles with sexual assault, depression, and anorexia

A Dutch teenager who has detailed her struggles with sexual assault, depression, and anorexia has died, according to media reports.
Noa Pothoven made a "sad last post" to social media last week in which she announced she would "die within 10 days".
The 17-year-old wrote about her problems in her award-winning biography "Winning or Learning".
She wrote in her book that she was first assaulted at the age of 11 and raped by two men when she was just 14-years-old, facts she hid from her parents because she was ashamed.
In her last post on Instagram, the young girl wrote that she had stopped eating and drinking and that her suffering was "unbearable".
She wrote that her decision was "final" and that she had not been alive for a while.
"I breathe but no longer live," she wrote.
Pothoven wrote on Instagram last week that after many "conversations and reviews it had been decided".

1 comment:

  1. With a name llike Noa, is she Jewish?


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