Thursday, March 7, 2019

'Democrats cave to Omar’s strategy of anti-Semitism'

Pro-Israel American Jewish group The National Conference of Jewish Affairs (NCJA) released a statement condemning "the unwillingness of Democratic leadership to immediately denounce" anti-Semitism, as a Democratic resolution triggered by comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar appeared to have been obstructed.
"Rep. Omar, and Rep. Tlaib, are employing the time-tested drip-by-drip method used successfully by Islamists in Europe against Jews and Israel. Week after week, poisonous remarks against Israel or Jews are made by Islamists with the goal being a continuous seepage of anti-Jewish caricatures into the political discourse and into the minds of a country's population. The apologies are insincere, an expedient; a breather until the next time. It's death by a thousand cuts to Israel and her supporters," said Rabbi Aryeh Spero, spokesman for the group.
“The unwillingness by the Democrat leadership to immediately denounce, specifically, the perpetrators and to stop this anti-Jewishness dead-in-its tracks is a worrisome sign that, as with their Labor Party counterpart in England, Corbyn-ism is far heavier in the Democrat Party than we thought. The Democrat leadership seems to be making a choice, preferring the inter-sectionality voting blocks in whom it envisions its future.
NCJA was also critical of Jewish organizations supportive of the Democratic party for failing to pressure Democratic leadership.
“The Jewish organizational community, almost entirely liberal and Democrat, has not pressured the Democrat leadership in anyway near the degree they would have if the victim of hate were black, Muslim, Latino, or LGBTQ. Furthermore, there has been no unified call by the 36 Jewish Democrat members of Congress against Omar. Most liberal Jews seem unconcerned when anti-Semitism comes from the political Left, their home base.

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