Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trump decision to pull troops from Syria puts pro-Israel groups in a bind


 US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull American troops out of Syria has created a serious policy dispute with Israel, potentially complicating his relationship with the mainstream US pro-Israel community for the first time since he took office.
The withdrawal of some 2,000 soldiers from Syria will likely make it more difficult for Israel to fight Iranian efforts to entrench itself in the war-torn country and expand its influence in the region.
Much like Israel’s government, which is faced with trying to preserve its tight bond with the Trump administration despite reports of Jerusalem feeling “betrayed,” the pro-Israel community in the US is also having to find a way to navigate between backing Trump and backing Israel.


  1. I really liked your article and the photo is super. Thanks you. To write quality essays, always use an essay helper online .

  2. “Trump decision to pull troops from Syria puts pro-Israel groups in a bind” No. See
    I agree that “Trump is cleverly seeing to it that Russia needs Israel to keep Iran at bay - or lose Syria to the Iranian octopus. He is also sending other messages to the Middle East Arab countries.”
    Yehoshua and Eddie, answer me one question: why is the 2013 NYS civil divorce important to Susan? I’m trying with SCOTUS to get that fake/phony divorce nullified. I divorced Susan 1993 and married Yemima 1993. I became one with Yemima in 1993 “Hence a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, so that they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24).
    See https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/scotus-sides-with-mystery-mueller-opponent-for-now/
    “This means that the government has until noon on New Year’s Eve to file a response to the mystery company’s stay application.”
    Mueller has until December 31, 2018 to file a response to the mystery company’s stay application. Susan has until January 22, 2019 to file a response to my stay application seeking to nullify the fake/phony 2013 NYS civil divorce. Exciting, yes?

  3. I don't get it when peole say the withdrawal will harm "Israel". The State of Israel (SOI) is a democracy. It is a fractured democracy around. Do the Arabs who are citizens of SOI feel the withdrawal is against their interests?

    I would say it makes more sense to say that the withdrawal harms the interests of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael.

    But the withdrawal of the troops helps Jews in the U.S. who have to put up with that part of Pres. Trump's base who resent using American military might to benefit Jews, who dislike the disproportionate influence Jews have over the Republican and Democrat parties, and who want to focus the fight on defending the homeland.

  4. It's about American influence in the Mideast. Trump has a problem keeping his staff.

  5. Because Donald Trump is a man, not a patsy. So, he is willing to oppose his staff. He has trouble finding loyal staff, that's what he has trouble with.

    And who says it's possible to influence the Mideast? Some of the people there are just out of control.

  6. this is the typical position of dictators who go against all the advice of their generals, and end up firing them or shooting them. Trump is essentially a successful builder and real estate tycoon, with no experience in politics or security matters. It is strange that even the Republicans were opposed to him, perhaps it was his inexperience and poor judgement.
    Ronald Reagan, for example, was experienced as Governor of California, and he had strong team of reliable advisors whom he worked with. He knew how to deal with dictators, whereas trump simply gives in to them or even has shady dealings with them. I have changed my views on him.

  7. How do you deal with the fact that Republicans broke promises to their base over and over, election cycle after election cycle. If Donald Trump is a monster, the Republicans created him.

  8. I love/support Trump and Netanyahu. May I tell a story? See
    “Almost immediately after taking the job in September 2017, Mr. Whitaker spotted a problem whose resolution established a pattern: lingering lawsuits from Tea Party groups claiming they’d been improperly scrutinized by the Internal Revenue Service. This was a big cause for conservative activists, but the department was representing IRS officials, who said they hadn’t intentionally targeted anyone. Mr. Whitaker sought regular updates on the case and pushed hard to conclude it. A few weeks later, the two sides reached a settlement in which the IRS apologized and paid $3.5 million—an outcome conservatives praised and liberals criticized.”
    The Obama anti-Semite/hostile IRS audited my 2010 and 2011 USA taxes and said I owed $18,000+. Why? By mistake I checked married filing jointly when I meant married filing separately. I’ve been receiving from early 2000 $1,000 each of our 3 daughters until they turned 18. I asked the IRS agent, Mr. Jewell, to waive the interest and fines. He said no but I could go to USA Tax Court. I did and won, 100%. I owe $0.0 to the IRS. How did I win? I submitted the fake/phony 2013 NYS civil divorce me and Susan and I submitted revised 2010 and 2011 taxes... Now I’m asking SCOTUS to nullify the fake/phony 2013 NYS civil divorce... Thank G-d, His Providence...

  9. “Trump decision to pull troops from Syria puts pro-Israel groups in a bind”
    No. The big news is the SCOTUS decision last Sunday night to assign a docket number to the mystery company puts Mueller in a bind. SCOTUS gives Mueller until December 31, 2018 to respond, to address errors, if any, the mystery company made in its motion before SCOTUS. Then SCOTUS will grant to review the case of Mueller’s investigation of the mystery company from its beginning. Mueller wishes they never started with the mystery company. This is all good news for Trump and the Jews. Yes, I love/support Trump and Netanyahu.
    My SCOTUS 18-7160 is good news for me. Why? Susan has until January 22, 2019 to respond to address errors if any in my motion before SCOTUS. If SCOTUS grants my motion, SCOTUS will review all Susan v Gerald court matters from the beginning. Wow, Rabbi Kornfeld’s letter to Susan in 1991... Follow, Eddie, Yehoshua, etc?

  10. “The withdrawal of some 2,000 soldiers from Syria will likely make it more difficult for Israel to fight Iranian efforts to entrench itself in the war-torn country and expand its influence in the region.” No. The very opposite! See
    and see
    Bravo Jake Turx, a White House correspondent for Ami Magazine, an Orthodox Jewish publication: Abraham Jacob Terkeltaub is an American journalist and humorist who writes under the pen name Turx. He is currently the senior White House correspondent and chief political correspondent for the magazine Ami. Wikipedia
    Born: August 11, 1986 (age 32 years), Borough Park, New York City, New York, United States. Follow, Eddie, Yehoshua, and other trolls?

  11. Torah thought on שמות. “Then Moses returned to the Lord and said, O Lord, why did You bring harm למה הרעתה upon this people? Why did You send me? Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has dealt worse with this people; and still You have not delivered Your people.” (Exodus 5:22-23).
    My theory is that Moses was a student of Job and did the same as Job to say harsh words to God. Didn’t God kill Job’s 7 sons and then strike Job with leprosy...?
    Egypt had plenty of food for the teeming millions of Jews. Big doubt if there would be food enough in Israel. Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations page 24 talks of ancient Egypt:
    “Of all the countries on the coast of the Mediterranean sea, Egypt seems to have been the first in which either agriculture or manufactures were cultivated and improved to any considerable degree. Upper Egypt extends itself nowhere above a few miles from the Nile; and in Lower Egypt, that great river breaks itself into many different canals, which, with the assistance of a little art, seem to have afforded a communication by water-carriage, not only between all the great towns, but between all the considerable villages, and even to many farm-houses in the country, nearly in the same manner as the Rhine and the Meuse do in Holland at present. The extent and easiness of this inland navigation was probably one of the principal causes of the early improvement of Egypt.”
    Didn’t G-d tell Moses that the Jews only want to go for 3 days...
    “They will listen to you; then you shall go with the elders of Israel to the king of Egypt and you shall say to him, The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, manifested Himself to us. Now therefore, let us go a distance of three days into the wilderness to sacrifice to the Lord our God.” (Exodus 3:18).
    So very strange! What’s going on?? When Jacob died the famine returned. There were too many Jews to go to Israel, famine there, so they thought.
    “But Moses said to the Lord, Please, O .Lord, I have never been a man of words, either in times past or now that You have spoken to Your servant; I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (Exodus 4:10).
    Why didn’t Moses ever ask God to remove his speech impediment? I heard, because to remember the miracle that Gabriel put the coal to Moses’ mouth... This was right when Moses’ mother finished nursing Moses, Moses sat on Pharaoh’s lap and removed Pharaoh’s crown and threw it to the ground... So that the Egyptian king and counsellors would think Moses a dopey baby. I, too, had a miracle, the 2013 NYS civil divorce, maybe I should not ask SCOTUS to nullify that? God did cure Moses of his speech impediment...
    “The Lord said to Moses in Midian, Go back to Egypt, for all the men who sought to kill you are dead.” (Exodus 4:19). Moses can’t go to Egypt if Pharaoh wants Moses dead... This may be why Moses thought the Jews could not go to Israel---how to feed so many teeming millions, only possible in Egypt. Didn’t they say how food was free in Egypt...

  12. You trolls, Eddie, Yehoshua, etc with your phony attacks on me,
    by Mr. Mukasey served as U.S. attorney general (2007-09) and a U.S. district judge (1988-2006):
    “Agree or not with Mr. Barr’s detailed arguments—and I agree with virtually all of them—there is no way that this memo reflects adversely on his qualifications. To the contrary, it is the sort of methodical presentation that exemplifies the best of what lawyers do.”
    When and if after January 22, 2018 SCOTUS gets possession of all my legal proceedings to free my pension Susan stole etc, SCOTUS will see that Judge Mukasey and Judge Sand were 2 federal judges who weighed in....
    Trump has nothing to worry about with Mueller...I have nothing to worry about with SCOTUS.

  13. Gerald - you need help, psychological or psychiatric. You are suffering from paranoia. we can't help you. Maybe Reb Daniel can treat you.

  14. Kalonymus Anonymus says and Yehoshua upticks “Gerald - you need help, psychological or psychiatric. You are suffering from paranoia. we can't help you. Maybe Reb Daniel can treat you.”
    I apply Baba Bathra 15b to Kalonymus Anonymus and to Yehoshua:
    “R.Johanan said: The generation of Job was given up to lewdness. [The proof is that] it says here [in the book of Job], “All of you have seen it חזיתם, So why talk nonsense הבל תהבלו?” (Job 24:12). And it is written elsewhere “Turn back, turn back, O maid of Shulem! Turn back, turn back, That we may gaze upon you ונחזה בך. Why will you gaze תחזו at the Shulammite In the Mahanaim dance כמחלת המחנים?” (Song of Songs 7:1), But may not the reference be to prophecy, as in the words, The vision [hazon] of Isaiah son of Amoz “The prophecies חזון of Isaiah son of Amoz, who prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah” (Isaiah 1:1)? If so, why does it say: So why talk nonsense הבל תהבלו? R.Johanan further said: What is the import of the words, “In the days when the chieftains ruled שפט השפטים, there was a famine in the land; and a man of Bethlehem in Judah, with his wife and two sons, went to reside in the country of Moab”(Ruth 1:1) It was a generation which judged its judges [the judges were corrupt, the judges themselves were judged]. If the judge said to a man, Take the splinter from between your teeth, he would retort, [“Your [Jerusalem’s ] silver has turned to dross כספך היה לסיגים; -Your wine is cut with water סבאך מהול במים” (Isaiah 1:22)] Take the beam from between your eyes. If the judge said, Your silver has turned to dross, he would retort, Your wine is cut with water.”
    Schottenstein comments: The rebuke you give me is false, for by gazing licentiously you have rendered yourselves unfit to give rebuke...

  15. If the up/down votes hurt you so much, I won't tick anymore.

  16. You throw around insults like "troll", and then cry like a baby when someone votes against you. Do scotus also treat you that way?

  17. “Trump decision to pull troops from Syria puts pro-Israel groups in a bind”
    See http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/23235
    “Israel would, of course, much prefer that the American forces remain in Syria, but their pullout is far from a tragedy and even provides a window of opportunity.”
    Kalonymus Anonymus says (and Yehoshua upticks and Reb Daniel repeats on also on...) Gerald - you need help, psychological or psychiatric. You are suffering from paranoia. we can't help you. Maybe Reb Daniel can treat you.”
    May I show here my letter today:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018 - 1149 12/10/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan. I attach: 1) Exhibit A: Susan signs in 1989 to live in Jerusalem, and 2) Exhibit B: Rabbi Kornfeld pleas with Susan in 1991.
    2.I tried 3 times in Federal courts to undue Susan's mischievous NYS Court actions, before Judge Nickerson, Judge Mukasey, and Judge Sand, as follows:...
    3.Susan attacked me mischievously in NYS courts going back to 1991, all in bad faith. Bad faith = The concept is similar to perfidy, or being without faith, in which deception is achieved when one side in a conflict promises to act in good faith (e.g. by raising a flag of surrender) with the intention of breaking that promise once the enemy has exposed himself. After Jean-Paul Sartre's analysis of the concepts of self-deception and bad faith, bad faith has been examined in specialized fields as it pertains to self-deception as two semi-independently acting minds within one mind, with one deceiving the other...
    4.See Exhibit A. Susan signed, in bad faith, that she wants to live in Jerusalem with me. See Exhibit B. Susan was determined to attack me mischievously in court and so rejected Rabbi Kornfeld's pleas. I apply to Susan: “Do not devise harm against your fellow Who lives trustfully with you. Do not quarrel with a man for no cause, When he has done you no harm.” (Proverbs 3:29-30).
    5.My SCOTUS 18-7160 docket gives Susan until January 22, 2019 to find false facts and such in my complaint. I dare Susan to find a false fact and such in any court document I or Ian Anderson submitted since 1991. Granting my motion 1149 12/10/2018, you'll get G-d's blessings and the praise of good people in NYS because you'll be adhering to Zachariah: “These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to one another, render true and perfect justice in your gates. And do not contrive evil against one another, and do not love perjury, because all those are things that I hate---declares the Lord.” (Zachariah 8:16-17). “And the word of the Lord to Zechariah continued: Thus said the Lord of Hosts: Execute true justice; deal loyally and compassionately with one another. Do not defraud the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the poor; and do not plot evil against one another” (Zachariah 7:8-10).
    Follow, Eddie, Yehoshua, Reb Daniel etc?

  18. Nice, I like the quotes from Zechariah. wish more people would learn his Sefer!

  19. Yes, I follow. But I question why you think the comments section of this blog is the appropriate forum to air your grievances against your ex-wife. Follow?

  20. I can't vote for you , it might upset Gerald. Follow?

  21. How do you know he's not a patsy? Maybe Putin baled him out, and controls him. Flynn is singing to avoid a jail sentence.

  22. How do I know anything? I go by what's before me. Maybe Putin owns the President. Maybe you're a Russian bot. Maybe I'm a closet Democrat. But as far as I can tell, none of those "maybe's" seem likely.

  23. You claim "He has trouble finding loyal staff" - that is quite a weak statement. The staff he surrounds himself with are supposedly experts in their fields (well some of them). He is not experienced in his field. If you ask him to build a hotel or casino, he is expert in that field. So why doe she go against all his generals? The problem is that he has the dictator syndrome. It doesn't matter where one is on the political scale. The problem would be the same if a left wing or centrist were in power and they continuously have their staff resigning or being kicked out. Your assessment is based on your ideology , as you h ave crowned him as your "messiah". A good academic study of this was done in Monty Python's Life of Brian. when one has messianic fervor, then everything supports your belief, regardless of whether the facts do or do not.

  24. Kalonymus Anonymus replys to Yehoshua “I can't vote for you , it might upset Gerald. Follow?”
    Allow me to quote from
    Questions Presented
    The Court of Appeals, New York State's highest court, is composed of a Chief Judge and six Associate Judges, each appointed to a 14-year term. New York's highest appellate court was established to articulate statewide principles of law in the context of deciding particular lawsuits. The Court thus generally focuses on broad issues of law as distinguished from individual factual disputes. Can the NYS Court of Appeals dismiss my case saying that they don't have jurisdiction to entertain it?
    Opinions Below
    NYS Court of Appeals ruled October 23, 2018 “Mo. No. 2018-840 Susan Aranoff, Respondent, v. Gerald Aranoff, Appellant. Motion for leave to appeal dismissed upon the ground that the Court of Appeals does not have jurisdiction to entertain it (see NY Const, art VI, \S 3; CPLR 5602).” See Exhibit A: State of New York Court of Appeals Decision October 23, 2018.
    On page 3 ...
    I thank God that I'm in Israel where Judge Eric I. Prus cannot do to me as he did, e.g. “In another case, he refused all applications by the father even though he was the custodial parent. He then jailed the father for failing to follow an oral order and caused his savings to be placed into escrow for many years -- ruining him in the process.” The fake/phony 1995 Rigler Order of Separation is so blatant...
    Reasons for Granting the Petition
    The trial and jail sentence of the late Judge Gerald Garson was just the tip of the iceberg of fraud etc in NYS civil courts. The Court granting me my petition will help root out fraud etc in NYS civil courts.
    See https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/23239
    “Wouldn’t the media rise to the defense of a man so wrongly condemned? Instead, they piled on. They found other false witnesses. They published more false testimony. Anyone with a made-up story to tell was welcomed in print and over the air. Why ruin a juicy story with facts that say otherwise, that the condemned man is innocent?”
    Yehoshua, you joined in the piling on of lies, on Daattorah... My evidence of Susan’s bad faith 30 years ago is relevant, because Kavanaugh and his fellow judges see the importance of
    “These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to one another, render true and perfect justice in your gates. And do not contrive evil against one another, and do not love perjury, because all those are things that I hate---declares the Lord.” (Zachariah 8:16-17).
    Follow, Eddie, Yehoshua etc?

  25. Gerald Aranoff • 30 minutes ago
    "You trolls, Eddie, Yehoshua, etc with your phony attacks on me,"

    On the one hand, you are quoting our great navi on truth and justice, on the other you call everyone "trolls" and phoney etc. And you get so offended even for someoen using their democratic right to vote up/down a post on here.

    Follow,? Gerald, fred, wilmer etc?

  26. Bravo! Joseph Orlow replys to Kalonymus Anonymus “How do I know anything? I go by what's before me. Maybe Putin owns the President. Maybe you're a Russian bot. Maybe I'm a closet Democrat. But as far as I can tell, none of those "maybe's" seem likely.”
    Sir Kalonymus Anonymus, I got the idea of accusing you and Yehoshua of phony attacks on me from op-ed “The Phony Attack on William Barr” https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-phony-attack-on-william-barr-11545689892?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1
    “The criticisms of Mr. Barr and his memo are meritless. The 19-page document does not fault the Mueller investigation of a possible criminal connection between the Trump campaign and Russia, or even any of its secondary and tertiary prongs such as the prosecutions of Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and George Papadopoulos. It argues forcefully that the president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice based either on his May 2017 firing of James Comey as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or his purported earlier request that Mr. Comey go easy on former national security adviser Mike Flynn.... Again, its arguments are based solely on publicly available information, and it addresses only one possible legal theory.”
    Yes, I’m prejudiced. I like Judge Mukasey. He was 1 of 3 federal judges who weighed in regarding Susan’s unrelenting court attacks on me... Follow, Eddie, Yehoshua, and other trolls?

  27. Nonsense. This has nothing to do with "messianism."

    Donald Trump is the Emperor. And it's hard to find qualified lackeys because the whole system of higher education and of grooming political apparatchiks to serve elected officials is not up to the job of servicing a royal President.

  28. Bravo! Joseph Orlow says to Kalonymus Anonymus ”Nonsense. This has nothing to do with "messianism." Donald Trump is the Emperor...”
    .Torah thought on וארא.
    “But when Moses told this to the Israelites, they would not listen to Moses, their spirits crushed מקצר רוח by cruel bondageומעבודה קשה. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Go and tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites depart from his land. But Moses appealed to the Lord, saying, The Israelites would not listen to me; how then should Pharaoh heed me, a man of impeded speech! So the Lord spoke to both Moses and Aaron in regard to the Israelites and Pharaoh king of Egypt, instructing them to deliver the Israelites from the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 6:9-12).
    “It is the same Aaron and Moses to whom the Lord said, Bring forth the Israelites from the land of Egypt, troop by troop. It was they who spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt to free the Israelites from the Egyptians; these are the same Moses and Aaron. For when the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt and the Lord said to Moses, I am the Lord; speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I will tell you, Moses appealed to the Lord, saying, See, I am of impeded speech; how then should Pharaoh heed me!” (Exodus 6:26-30).
    The Jews were impatient and followed idol worshipping. Two strikes against them. Moses had a hard job.
    “An impatient man commits folly; A man of intrigues will be hated.” (Proverbs 14:17)
    “Fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, Enabling one to avoid deadly snares. A numerous people is the glory of a king; Without a nation a ruler is ruined. Patience results in much understanding; Impatience gets folly as its portion. A calm disposition gives bodily health; Passion is rot to the bones.” (Proverbs 14:27-30).
    We today must be patient and follow God’s Torah.

  29. what a joke. Oh, I forgot, you are a fascist.

  30. Are you a fascist too? Trump an emperor? What's that got to do with Moses?

  31. Non sequitor. Your hard luck stories are irrelevant to the subjects under discussion.

  32. http://www.truetorahjews.org/issues/ravsternbuch.

    If this quote from rabbi sternbuch is accurate, then you have some serious problems on your hands.

    1) The 1 secular Jewish member of Iranian parliament says he is Iranian first and Jewish second . This is what the reform Jews in Germany said as well.

    2) until only 5 years ago Jews in Iran had to send their children to school on Saturday's. This restriction was lifted by the current president in a cynical political move.

    So it seems that the reformist dog is wagging the Hlachic tail. The opinions stated /attributed to the eidah vice president are totally false and just like the anti Zionists who had emunah shleimo in Eichmann, so today nk are supporting the shmad in Iran.

  33. Perhaps you had a momentary lapse. But when we get into power, no one will be forgetting....

  34. You get offended by voting on comments here. I'm not involved in getora, Kia ora, or Susan ora. Follow, Gerald? Yehoshua?

  35. Didn't know you are so whacko, better leave this place.

  36. Kalonymus Anonymus says “Are you a fascist too? Trump an emperor? What's that got to do with Moses?”
    Fascist =
    Definition of fascism
    1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
    Yes I love/support Trump 100%. Yes I try my best to follow the rules of Moses from Mount Sinai. My story is that I went through 30 years of hostile court cases. Finally, maybe, my motion 18-1149 December 10, 2018 and my SCOTUS 18-7160 may give me relief. I apply to myself the importance fearing G-d and of patience, my whole life.

    “Fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, Enabling one to avoid deadly snares. A numerous people is the glory of a king; Without a nation a ruler is ruined. Patience results in much understanding; Impatience gets folly as its portion. A calm disposition gives bodily health; Passion is rot to the bones.” (Proverbs 14:27-30).
    משלי פרק יד פסוק כט
    אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם רַב תְּבוּנָה וּקְצַר רוּחַ מֵרִים אִוֶּלֶת
    Yes, I love/support Joseph Orlow’s comments.

  37. OK, so your grace period is over, I will vote against you as I see fit.

  38. A failure of hareidi analysis:

    1) The ultra hareidi Eidah say, French Jews do not come to Israel, because they will become secularized. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/282155/rav-sternbuch-warns-french-jews-against-moving-to-israel.html Stay in France...

    2) The hareidi Litvish people say , french Jews are 50% intermarried, don't come to israel as you may then intermarry with proper Jews or get converted by someone other by us! (remember Tropper, and his highest conversion standards!)

    But wait a minute - if there is a 50% intermarriage rate in France, what does that mean if the Jews remain in France? After all even the Gedolim know that 50% of Jews in France are so assimilated they intermarry freely! it means that they will continue to intermarry at that rate, so the next generation will be assimilated - what they predict will happen if them move to Israel!

    who is more likely to move to Israel? The traditional Jews or the intermarried?

    The intermarried are no longer so active in Jewish life, and they have children who are 100% french, so they have little connection to Israel.

    In other words, the Hareidi Gedolim are supporting intermarriage in France. Their claims are false - because they have so many crazy followers, they have to sing an anti-zionist line. Hareidi rabbis, and the Eidah are promoting intermarriage, and are unable to stop it.

    This is a total failure of Hareidi "Judaism", and they have no right to speak as leaders of Israel, since their behavior is working to hasten the shmad of french Jews.

  39. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bXTgtQK9vk

  40. Kalonymus Anonymus says “Non sequitor. Your hard luck stories are irrelevant to the subjects under discussion.”
    Definition of non sequitur
    2 : a statement (such as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said
    We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.
    Eddie, you claim my arguments are a non-sequitur. Nice. See
    See https://www.wsj.com/articles/muellers-report-will-be-a-bore-11546298596

    “Let’s get to the bottom line. A handful of U.S. intelligence officials, with Mr. Comey out front, meddled in the presidential race, potentially altering its outcome. They did so on grounds that they were somehow protecting America from Russia. This was their rationale for getting around the obvious and important inhibitions against such meddling. Even Adam Schiff, lead Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, now acknowledges that if Mr. Comey’s latest account of his actions is true, it represents the most “measurable” and “significant” Russian influence on the race. Mr. Comey’s own justification remains a non sequitur: The false info might leak, discrediting the Obama Justice Department. But how did he make things better? The info could still leak, and all involved would still have to maintain that its implication of a corrupt Clinton-Obama bargain was false. It’s no longer realistic to think Mr. Comey was doing anything other than trying to give the Obama administration a hand in clearing up the email problem of its anointed successor.”
    Comey’s non sequitur justification is that he is protecting America from Russia when really he was trying to help Democrats much as you and Yehoshua are trying to help Democrats... You, Berel, Yehoshua etc are trying to bury my arguments with non sequiturs, follow?

  41. Court of appeal/Susan nothing to do with Trump/Syria. Follow?

  42. Kalonymus Anonymus says “Court of appeal/Susan nothing to do with Trump/Syria. Follow?”
    I had a lawyer for the years, 1989-2001 or so. Why? I had a lawyer, Ian Anderson, who sued Fordham Univ for kicking me out January 1984... CUNY promised me, in 1990, a PhD based on 3 publications of mine. CUNY gave me my PhD June 1991 and then I made aliya July 1991.
    Ian Anderson submitted all papers and Ian told me what to say and what to do. Around 2001 or so I was on my own. I never took Susan’s angry complaints seriously. I could never understand her court papers. I, today, don’t’ know why she’s so angry... Here’s what I wrote today:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion 2018 - 1149 12/10/2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan.
    2.Allow me to quote from https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/18-7160.html...
    3.My story is that I went through 30 years of unnecessary, unjustified, hostile court hearings, motions etc before Judges Kaye, Rigler, Garson, Ambrosio, and Prus wrote opinions/rulings and such. Finally, maybe, my motion 18-1149 December 10, 2018 and my SCOTUS 18-7160 may give me relief. I apply to myself the importance of fearing G-d and of patience, my whole life.
    “Fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, Enabling one to avoid deadly snares. A numerous people is the glory of a king; Without a nation a ruler is ruined. Patience results in much understanding; Impatience gets folly as its portion. A calm disposition gives bodily health; Passion is rot to the bones.” (Proverbs 14:27-30).

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