Thursday, December 20, 2018

‘Fox & Friends’ host rips Trump over border ‘chaos’ and ‘irresponsible’ Syria withdrawal

washington post.

Ordinarily, “Fox and Friends” may be a political haven for President Trump, but on Thursday co-host Brian Kilmeade took an unusual double-barrel shot at him.
After news broke that Trump defied his advisers and decided to pull 2,000 U.S. troops out of Syria — arguing on Twitter that “we have defeated ISIS” in that country — Kilmeade slammed the president’s actions, calling them “totally irresponsible.”
The co-host said that “in a stunning and, I think, irresponsible move” Trump has “blindsided” Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and national security adviser John Bolton, as well as the State Department, which he said is now “packing their bags.”

“Why have advisers?” he said, throwing up his hands.


  1. Bigger question: what does Putin have on Trump to get him to make this move?

  2. Poor neocons. No more war war. Wah wah!

    Show me one critic who actually put his or her life on the line on the frontlines in Syria who is opposing this move.

    Show me one civilian critic who is ready to put on the uniform and fight over there in Syria.

    Enough blood shed of American soldiers in these far-flung engagements with questionsble benefit to the U.S. We have better things to deal with, like the foreign invasion on the Southern border.

  3. Certainly illegal immigration is more real than the President's critics fears that Russian is going to "fill the vacuum."

  4. show me one trump defender including trump who is ready to put on the uniform

  5. Joseph Orlow says “Certainly illegal immigration is more real than the President's critics' fears that Russian is going to "fill the vacuum." “
    Bravo! I agree with Joseph Orlow, Donald Trump, Netanyahu etc. See;
    "The US withdrawal can actually give rise to an opportunity to leverage a move to remove Iran from Syria, at least against the Russians," he added.
    “Obama’s Lebanon policy – to support the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese government and the LAF – was part of his overall policy to empower Iran at the expense of Israel and the Sunni Arab states. Until now, guided by the Pentagon, the Trump administration has maintained this policy, much to Israel’s distress. The advantage Israel gains from US abandonment of the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese government and the LAF far outweighs the blow it takes from the withdrawal of US forces from Syria. If the US abandons its support for the LAF and the Lebanese government, Israel will be able to defeat Hezbollah in war. PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement Thursday morning revealed the second upside of Trump’s decision. Netanyahu said: “We will continue to act in Syria to prevent Iran’s effort to militarily entrench itself against us. We are not reducing our efforts; we will increase our efforts.” ”


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