Tuesday, October 16, 2018

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump is backing off his claim that climate change is a hoax but says he doesn’t know if it’s manmade and suggests that the climate will “change back again.”

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump is backing off his claim that climate change is a hoax but says he doesn’t know if it’s manmade and suggests that the climate will “change back again.”


  1. Ok. He's a politician. Climate change is a hoax when it suits him to get elected. Now that he's in power, he modified his stance.

    If we don't want politicians for Presidents, then we should redesign the Constitution.

  2. There are three possibilities
    1) It's a hoax designed to effect a wealth transfer from North America and Western Europe to Africa and Asia
    2) It's happening but it's part of the normal evolution of the planet and there's nothing we can do about it
    3) It's happening, it's our fault
    If it's (1), so what? I want to live on a clean planet, the kind God gave Adam haRishon. I want to breathe clean air, drink clean water and enjoy hormone-free plants and meat. So I support reasonable efforts to clean up the environment as long as it's done in an economically sustainable way. Believing that makes me a heretic because I should want to clean up the environment davka l'shem global warming and for no other reason. Plus I shouldn't care about economic sustainability because it's not worth the damage it causes. Bad Garnel.
    If it's (2) then there's no nafka minah from (1). I want to live on a clean planet - see above. The only difference is that in addition to keeping the environment clean, we should be directing our energies towards adapting to the coming changes instead of acting like they can be avoided. Accept and move forward. Again, bad Garnel.
    If it's (3), well then the world is full of hypocrites. The first big climate change treaty was signed in Japan, one of the world's biggest contributors of greenhouse gases. No country of significance met their targets or obligations. Same with every subsequent conference and treaty - no one is making the necessary changes. The Americans are condemned for pulling out of the Paris treaty by hypocrites who are not doing a thing to fulfill their obligations while the US is actually working to lower their emissions. And what's more, China is allowed to increase its carbon output until 2030 even though we are told that unless something is done RIGHT NOW! the world is doomed. And India? Not even part of the agreements as its carbon emissions rise. Are we to believe that the planet is only threatened by Western carbon?
    Ultimately, whatever might be happening, Global Warming has evolved into a religion with its core beliefs and dogma. I have my own religion, I don't need another one.


  4. 8 billion people on this planet, of course there are changes to the atmosphere and climate.

  5. I support politicians. Does that make me a politician? I suppose so.

    If it were otherwise, if I were totally honest in the voting booth, I'd never vote for anyone besides myself. I mean, how is it possible to act in a way of total integrity and cast a vote for anyone that I disagree with?

  6. Torah thought on this week’s parsha:
    “From Egypt, Abram went up into the Negeb, with his wife and all that he possessed, together with Lot. Now Abram was very rich in cattle, silver, and gold. And he proceeded by stages from the Negeb as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been formerly, between Bethel and Ai, the site of the altar that he had built there at first; and there Abram invoked the Lord by name. Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents, so that the land could not support them staying together; for their possessions were so great that they could not remain together. And there was quarreling between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle and those of Lot’s cattle.—The Canaanites and Perizzites were then dwelling in the land.— Abram said to Lot, Let there be no strife between you and me, between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen. Is not the whole land before you? Let us separate: if you go north אם השמאל, I will go south ואימנה; and if you go south ואם הימין, I will go north ואשמיאילה.” (Genesis 13:1-9)
    Why is Lot making strife with Abram? Lot was rich. What was Lot lacking?
    My theory is that Lot’s wife and daughters were making false accusations and strife for no good reason. Lot had no sons. Lot’s wife and Lot’s daughters have a problem how to keep their possessions from men who rule the world etc. In the Midrash Lot’s wife and daughters were bad apples. Yesterday release of NYS Court of Appeals had 1 motion for leave to appeal granted in 13 pages. The next release dates are tomorrow, then October 23, November 13 etc. Why is Gaza attacking us? What is Gaza lacking?

  7. This week’s parsha:
    “And you shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham [understood as father of a multitude], for I make you the father of a multitude of nations” (Genesis 17:5).
    “And God said to Abraham, As for your wife Sarai, you shall not call her Sarai, but her name shall be Sarah [i.e., princess]” (Genesis 17:15).
    The Malbim says that Abraham’s name change is for the future but Sarah’s name change is already, since Sarah is a princess [queen] being that she’s married to a king, “the father of a multitude of nations.”
    מלבי"ם בראשית י"ז ה'
    ולא יקרא. מה שנקראת בשם אב רם, תקרא בשם אב רם של המון, באשר תהי' אב המון גוים, ולא שיהיה כן בעתיד, כי מעתה אב המון גוים נתתיך, וע"כ תיכף תשנה את שמך,
    Where does this leave Lot’s wife? She’s like the unhappy Haman, filled with jealousy “Yet all this means nothing to me every time I see that Jew Mordecai sitting in the palace gate” (Ester 5:13). Lot’s wife would pass the pea under 13 mattresses test: how did you sleep last night, my dear? Awful, something was under the mattresses. ORA and the K-G heter etc treat the women as true American princess, meaning spoiled ungrateful etc.

  8. The idea of manmaman climate change IS a hoax. The so-called top scientists promoting this drivel have been exposed publishing false data by hackers who obtained their internal communications and emails.

  9. You are making things up. The amount of data relevant in that instance was minuscule, and there have been years and years of additional data since then.

  10. The primary point is that the data stolen from the so-called climate scientists demonstrated they were publicly lying about what the real underlying data was truly demonstrating as well as lying about the actual underlying data, which effectively undermined their false alarms claiming doomsday scenarios if society didn't change its climate behavior.

  11. That was many years ago. There was a report issued last week. Get your head out of the sand, or wherever else it is stuck.

  12. Take your blindfolds off and stop believing every piece of drivel fed to you by the media and ideologes.

  13. Are you aware that literally the only people in the world who doubt man-made climate change are American Republicans?

  14. As you certainly know, that is an outright lie and falsehood. Even some brave climate scientists state it isn't man-made. And even the general consensus in the scientific community is that there's no firm evidence that it is man-made.

  15. Repeating your fantasies over and over again does not make them any more true.

  16. You're a brainwashed leftist who happily swallows whole any drivel fed to you by the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Slate, CNN and Yeshivat Maharat.

  17. If it makes you feel better...

  18. Perhaps you should read this.

  19. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-intercept/



    "The Intercept rejects mainstream establishment politics in favor of progressive liberalism with this pro-Bernie Sanders quote:..."

    "Most stories are critical of the right-left establishment and lean strongly progressive left in ideology."

    "The Intercept media bias rating is Left."

  20. I am struggling to understand your point. The article is not an opinion piece. It is an interview with a human being who is alive and well. Are you suggesting that because the Intercept has a "left-wing bias" they fabricated the interview? If that is what you are claiming, it is very surprising that the subject of the interview did not claim that he was misquoted. So, pray tell, what is your point?

  21. who told you this? And what scientific qualifications do you have to make the judgment?
    Climate change is a complex area - mankind is contributing to it. however, you probably don't believe the world is more than 6000 years, so you don't accept what geologists or other earth and climate scientists would say.


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