Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Rav Kook & Rav Elyashiv

jewish action

Specifically, most published accounts of his life disregard, or perhaps suppress, the many connections he had with the first chief rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook. Furthermore, his close relationship with Rav Kook’s successor, Rabbi Isaac HaLevi Herzog, and the several decades during which he served as a judge in the Court of the Chief Rabbinate, are mentioned only in passing in accounts of his life—if not totally overlooked.


  1. The late chief Rabbi of Petach Tikve R' Baruch Shimon Salomon asked R' Elyasiv about R' Kook . He answered - der greste foon alle, the greatest of them all.”

  2. What is the point? Are you suggesting that he agreed with Rav Sonenfeld, and many others that Rav Kook was a very learned and great man? Or, are you somehow trying to suggest that even with the benefit of hindsight, Rav Elyashiv somehow supported the ideals, ideas and collaborations that were born and carried out in naivete???

    It's quite clear what Rav Elyashiv's opinions were of the collaborations etc.

  3. Rav Kook died in 1935. Rav elyashiv in 2012. In the orthodox world, you have to you're left and then you're right to judge your acceptance by everyone else before you do anything. Being a chareidi gadol has much more power and prestige than being a modern chief rabbi or possek.

  4. Actually, Rav Elyashiv said that Rav Kook saw further than any of his contemporaries.

  5. Rav Kook was mesader kiddushin on RSYE's marriage to the daughter of Rav Levin, the tzaddik of Yerushalayim.

    Don't know how more honorific one can be.

  6. See the following about Rabbi A Y Kook

  7. Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv had a close family relationship with rabbi Kook from the first day he docked in Haifa as a young 10 year old boy being the son of the Leshems Son in law (elyashiv was not his real family name it was changed)
    Rabbi Kook was his savior, arranger of Entry Certificates for the family also His shadchon , Mesader kidushin ,Cohen for Pidyan Haben etc.
    It was not possible for him to even entertain any unholy thoughts about

    Rabbi AY Kook. its that simple.

  8. This is all true ! But why did the Biographers leave it all out?
    The Biographers Did it on their own ?
    Is his family ashamed of the sad history?
    All the many years heading the Rabinate Apeals Court?(appeals are not possible in halacha)

    Why is that left out ?
    The new dor is ashamed!

    But If they think he was a godol and thats how he acted why the family leave out truths from his official biography?
    If its a Mitzvah and good so let it stay?

    Only they were ashamed of that side of him...

    Just like Reb Shmuel Aurbach was ashamed of his fathers mistaken beliefs...
    and Reb Shlomo Z Aurbach who in his younger years had a picture of rabbi Kook on the wall ,later in his older years took it down,and when asked why? He said: My son Shmuel is not comfortable with it!
    the truth is times were different
    During That old Dor in Israel at that time was a real Hunger
    People were dying in the streets during WWI
    The Chaluka disbursements ceased they had bloated bellies fact!
    So at that time they had no choice! 1917
    Kook had funds see the story posted abot Koo hhaving collected Half million dollars in US !920
    That is like today 6,000,000 million and in later years the Kollel headed by R Hezogs father in law Hillemn was also paying good funds!
    Kook came a day after the war ended with an appointment to be Mandate Chief Rabbi from the King George! Great Britian
    His pockets were deep. his Power was REAL
    Let us not Judge them ..but this it is not for today.

  9. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4a32edf895f5c5e215d9305eae31b750971ec0b26d4cdc6e62c8943bf529760.png

  10. Whether your comments are true or not about rav Kook's alleged wealth , it is meaningless. Rebbi Yehudah Hanassi also had tremendous wealth.
    rav Kook actually made aliyah in 1904. he went to Europe to collect money for the Yishuv and got stuck there in WW1. However, your story and fictitious libel against him is vile sheker. The netziv was his R'Y, and the Netziv said that the whole Volozhin yeshiva was only created to produce Rav Kook.

    I have a rational choice to make - do I believe the Netziv - who was the Gaon of all Israel, and directly related to Rav Chaim of Vollozin, or do i believe a troll whose extremmist sect goes to iran, sits with the neo nazis, muslim terrorists and Ahmadinejad, denying the Holocaust (in NK's case they said only1 million Jews died - and that 6 million was a fiction made up by herzl).?
    I don't think you would see my point, but any rational person would.

  11. pure genius!
    You think when Yosef HaTzaddik was in egypt he only learned in yeshiva all day? No, he was very involved in the secular world, and in science and economics of his day. It is an interesting question of why Yaakov avinu and sons went down to Egypt. Was it inevitable? Ramban says that Avraham lacked faith and did not withstand the famine in Israel, so went to Egypt, for this we were put into exile. Nevertheless, once we are in exile, we need to be invovled in all worldly things. Even in Israel, we need to do this. i am surprised since Mr de haan was quite a cosmopolitan and modern man (put aside his queer leanings for this discussion), he was a modern secular man, whose secular skills were of great benefit to Rav Sonnenfeld. Yet you sing his praises, while trying to demean Rav Kook, who was even respected by R Sonnefeld.
    The idea that it was just because of the money is ridiculous. There were many secular benefactors, eg Montefiore, Rothschild etc and they were not praised the way Rav Kook was.
    What does the Eida have today? They do not have their own gedolim, both of their leaders were English and learned in English Yeshivas.
    The Badatz makes money out of its hescher, which is fine by me, but it is based on an understanding of the frum mindset. It is not driven by halacha but by money, ie halachic chumras and fictions are marketed and they use the torah as a spade with which to dig. Totally assur according to Pirkei AVOTH.

  12. Rav elyashiv ignored the Brisker rov, and set foot in heichal Shlomo (rabbanut). B presumably he saw Rav Kook and r herzog as being greater than reb velvel.

  13. He also married my grandfather.

  14. Right thats why In the Brisk Family Rav Elyashiv was considered a "Misarev "

    Actually The Brisker Rav summoned him to speak to him Strong Musssar about not Joining the Rabbinate and 'Heichal Shlomo' but Rav Elyashiv ignored him !
    And failed to come

    The sons of the Rov Were NEVER Moichel him for that slight .thats why Reb Dovid and his brothers a'h' until today will not refer r Elyashif with a title Rav only 'Elyashiv' !

  15. The Brisker rov was an eineckle of Reb Chaim of Voloshen.

    I doubt that the ntziv said that as it is known that the solovreitchiks did not hold of KOOK
    Rem Chaim Brisker did not like his little secret Zionistic Masonic secret group in volozin

  16. Some agreed with him but in a vastly different way Dee Grester Apikores fun alleh!

  17. Also this:


  18. http://yoel-ab.com/katava.asp?id=218

    Reb Moshe Blau and Knessia Gedolah


  19. see the view elaborated By reb Moshe Blau at the Levayah of the Great MEKUBAL REB CHAIM SHAUL DWICK OF THE YISHUV HAYOSHON

    See What the Agudah of those days Held of rabbi Kook!


  20. even the Chazon Ish did not hold such a view

  21. Shalom Salom YiYasher Koachem!

    See the attached on Chazon ish


  22. what's an "eineckle"?

    Netziv was not a Soloveitchik. Actually, Rav Yosh Ber Soloveitchik (father of rav Chaim) opposed the Netziv.

    Netziv himself was Hovevei Zion, the precursor to Zionism. It doesn't matter really if the Soloveitcks disagreed with the Netziv, he was the final R'Y of Volozhin. So he was the greatest of the Litvishers in the path of the Gra.

  23. Nor did Rav Sonnenfeld.
    The people who made such remarks were so extreme, that they preferred to get killed in Europe, or later on support Arafat yemach shmo.

  24. On the "3 oaths" https://ph.yhb.org.il/en/05-04-04/

    Interesting that Netziv, Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk and rav Kook were the most creative thinkers of their generations, and each one was supporting the Settlement of Israel.

  25. Reb Elchonon Wasserman ?Is that whom you are refering to?

  26. http://yoel-ab.com/data/upload_images/docs/%D7%97%D7%96%D7%95%D7%9F%20%D7%9C%D7%91%D7%9D%20%D7%99%D7%93%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%95(1).pdf

  27. Greater? doubtful

    More powerful ?Yes!

  28. Are you implying that Rav Elyashiv agreed with Rav Kook's practicality, specifically in his collaborations with the secular leadership? Interesting insinuating, as that is very much not the way he lived his life. So, let's get some honest context here.

    He saw further - in what sense?
    Did Rav Kook suffer from naivite? His greatest disciples acknowledge that he did.

  29. Are you implying that Rav Elyashiv did things in order to gain, achieve or hold power? If that is the case, why would you want to say that he held Rav Kook in high esteem, if you're mistakenly holding him a lower esteem and casting false aspirations upon him. What benefit does that hold for Rav Kook?!

    Rav Elyashiv did not do things for popularity. He held RK was great, but disagreed with Rav Kook in many practicalities.

  30. Nobody knows the motives for someone else's actions. I am stating that a Hareidi gadol gets more kavod than a modern one. Proof - the Chofetz Chaim was afraid to move to israel, since his closeness to Rav Kook would have meant his MB would be discarded by Hareidim.
    Despite all this, the Hareidi gedolim including Rav SZ Auerbach, Rav Hutner, rav Elyashiv who all started out more in the the Kook camp, still maintained respect for him . That is not the case with Rav Hutner and his other friends, such as the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Rav Yosef Ber Soloveichik. Also, The Tzitz Eliezer's family have censored his pro-Zionist writings, because it would cost them their standing in the Hareid world.

  31. פסקו של רשכבה"ג על "אותו האיש". אר"י קאת זו הקוק

    העתק מתשובות רב האי גאון עולם שר התורה רשכבה"ג כקש"ת מוהר"ר יוסף ראזין (שליט"א) - הנקרא בפי כל ראגאטשאוו'ער עילוי

    בעזה"י. קבלתי ג' מכתבך ע"ד הבור השוטה המכונה בשם אשר רש"י ז"ל סותר עצמו: עיין חולין דף ס"ג ע"א - אר"י קאת זו הקוק - , ודף קל"ח ע"ב, ודף ק"מ ע"ב אם הוא מין טמא או טהור, ובאמת לפי הנראה היא מוגדר המין דחולין דף ס"ב ע"ב ונדה דף ג' ע"ב ע"ש בתוס' תרנגולא דאגמא דהזכר טמא והנקבה טהור, גדר עמוני שהם נשנו על ס"ת יבמות דף ט"ז ע"ב

    ולמסקנא כולם טמאים, וצא טמא יקרא לו, ואסור להתוכח עמו

    כמובא בסנהדרין דף ל"ח ע"ב כ"ש דפקר טפי, ועיין מכילתא פר' בשלח מלחמה לד' בעמלק מדור דור דורו של משיח, והרי הוא כופר בהשגחה עליונה, ועמ"ש רבינו בספר המורה ח"א פ"ט, וכמ"ש בקידושין דף ל"ג ע"ב, כי על עון מידות בא עמלק ע"ש בתוס', וכמ"ש ה"ה ז"ל בה' גניבה סוף פ"ז ע"ש בזה, ומאן רשעי גנבי סוף סנהדרין, כופר בהשגחה ב"ק ע"ט ע"ב, ותוס' סוטה דף מ"א ע"ב ע"ש, והדין תורא מחבלא כרמיא, ור"ש פ"ג דפאה, ושאיה יוכת שער מנגח כתורא ב"ק דף כ"א, אך תלי' אין קיי"ל כמ"ד המקיים קוצים בכרם לא קידש כרם ד' וכו' ויבא בעל הכרם ויכלה קוציו ב"מ כ"ג ע"ב, ומעשרות פ"ג בירושלמי בעל הגינה, וד' יתברך ישלח לנו גואל צדק ואז אי"ה חפו חשיכא להני אינשא סנהדרין דף צ"ט ע"א. - כ"ד יוסף ראזין רב דפה. - הנ"ל

  32. collaboration with secular leadership? Isn't that what all the Hareidi parties have been doing? The Chazon Ish, Rav Ovadia, Rav Shach ? Had there not been a a State, (ie no Zionism) what do you think would be the status of jews today? In Palestine - it would be overrun by hamas or Isis or Iran or hezbollah. Maybe a few token Jews would be in the old city or maybe they would be slaughtered like what happened to the Yazidis.

  33. who is רשכבה"ג and which of the rogachover gaon's books did this come from?

  34. Blau family are crazies. Didn't Amram marry that sexy german model?

  35. These are unknown rabbis. Who relies on R' Blau? Who has heard of him? Even the hareidi world do not rely on R' Blau, they rely on the CI, the netziv, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Leshem in Kabbalah matters.

    The Kabbalah of the Gra was passed down to the Leshem, and the Yeshiva of Volozhin to the Netziv. Even the Gaonim such as the CI and the CC were not as great as the Netziv nor were their Yeshivot as great as Volozhin. reb Amram blau is a side show, and his legacy is sitting with David Duke and other holocaust deniers.

  36. https://daattorah.blogspot.com/2012/05/chofetz-chaim-chazon-ish-rav-kook.html

    The Chazon Ish as a reliable source for the Chofetz Chaim's freindship with Rav Kook. The "shmook" libel is one of many lies publicised by Nk/Satmar, and eaten up by the Hareidi mindset.
    In any case, aseh lecha Rav. You can follow whomever you like, it is your business.

  37. You Obviously did not read the Hebrew article by Rav Moshe Blau the Leader and Representative of Jerusalem of that day
    He says that all rabbonim disagree with Rabbi Kooks Derech and that He had No business presenting himself at the livayah of such a holy Tadzhik as Reb Chaim Shaul Dwick whom was the rebbe of reb Asher Zelig Margolious and Greatly respected By The Minchas Eluzer

    Read the article written In Horav Moshe Blaus own hand describing the relationship of ALL rabbis with Rabbi Kook.
    I dont Think he was lying!

    Dont believe the Lullaby Nonsense put out By unlearned am Harotzim who have an axe to grind..

  38. His Father was Yitzchok Shlomo Blau a Talmid of Reb Yehoshuah Leib ...

    The original 'Zeirie Agudas yisroel' Was the name in those day of Reb Moshe Blau Rabbi Amram Blau and Horav Katznellenbogen and Many others But the name was changed Later on in the forties to 'Hachaim' then at the request of reb Pinchas Epstien the head Eidah Hachradusat (Because the complaint Of Mr.Itch Meir Levine (because he coudnt bear the yerushlim branch of Agudah Zealots!)(because others said that the connotation of the name says that others are Dead ) was again changed to Neturei Karta this is the History.

    This is the facts that are Historic

    The Mesorah of Neturei Karta Was Reb Yoshuah Leib Diskind and then his son Reb Yitzhcok Yerucham Diskind/Reb Josef Chaim Sonnenfeld
    Rav Aharon Katznellenbogen himself he Nifter in 1979 at age 83 was actually appointed By Reb Yosef Chaim Sonenfed
    ( the undisputed leader of Yerushliam for His Whole Life time He came to EY at 20 )the Rov to be Mifarsum the inyan of Neturei Karta! =Watching the WALLS the Walls=Walls built by Reb Yehoshuah Leib !(which Rabbi Kook was slowly taking down )
    Reb Moshe Blau letter speak for itself
    Do you need a translation?

  39. See the Picture and much info on this topic (Scroll,Scroll back for much more info)


  40. edy: "who is רשכבה"ג"

    הרב יוסף ראזין (ה'תרי"ח - י"א אדר ה'תרצ"ו), באקאנט אלס דער "ראגאַטשאווער גאון" אדער סתם דער "ראגאַטשאווער", איז געווען דער פארפאסער פון די ספרים צפנת פענח און רב פון די חסידים אין דענענבורג. ער איז געווען א קאפוסטער חסיד

    ער איז באוואוסט פאר זיין אויסערגעוויינליכן פאטאגראפישן זיכרון און טיפער דורכדרינגלעכער פארשטאנד און גאונות, וואס זיינען געווען א זעלטנהייט נישט נאר אין זיין דור נאר אויך אין די פריערדיקע דורות, און זיינען ניט געזעהן געווארן ווידער זינט אים. שוין אין זיין לעבן איז ער אנערקענט געווארן אלס דער גרעסטער גאון פון דור, און ער איז היינט פאררעכנט אלס דער גרעסטער גאון פון דעם צוואנציגסטן יארהונדערט. זיין מערקעווערדיקע גאונות און בקיאות זאגן זיך אויס באשיינפירלעך אין זיינע ספרים. במשך דער צייט איז ער פארוואנדלט געווארן אין איינע פון די הויפט סימבאלן פון גאונות אין תורה

    פון: "אישים ושיטות" פון רש"י זוין, אין דעם ארטיקל אויפן ראגאטשאווער

  41. Thank you for choosing to misunderstand what I wrote. Or, simply, you are showing that this conversation is way too 'sophisticated' for you.

    Are you incapable of understanding what both points of view are, even if you disagree with one of them?

  42. Notice that Harav Blau in The Newspaper article refers to Rabbi A Y Kook without any title like Shlta etc just Hy'v something that one uses for ordinary people not Rabbis! and surely not Eminent ones!?!

  43. Chas Vesholom dont speak ill of a true Bas yisrel Giyores

    And Married to a tzadik o to boot an eishes Chaver.

  44. Well what you write is not very clear, except, perhaps, in your own mind. You ae suggesting that Kook did not see very far and was naive. naive, perhaps in not seeing how far the extreme secularism can go. Nevertheless he did see much farther than anyone else could imagine. his opponents basically wanted a shtetl and to live subservient and impoverished and to rely on the protection of an alleged Arab king.

  45. you have put this link on several times, but you do not respond when I comment ... typical of yor poor scholarly abilties

  46. false -

    In any case, you already let the cat out of the bag about Brisk - they called Rav Elyashiv only by his last name. Not even the Open orthodox or reform speak like that .
    In any case, how do you travel, do you fly? Are you aware that the rambam thought it is impossible for a plane to fly? So is it apikorsus to sit in a plane and fly?

  47. http://www.truetorahjews.org/rogatchover

    His friend the or Sameach disageed, the oaths not valid after Balfour. The arizal said they were only for 1000 years.

  48. Rav Sternbuch appeals to Zionist police for protection (ie the 3 oaths is a scam)

  49. In Halacha, can one ever make a Shvua (oath) to not fulfill a positive mitzvah? Is it binding? eg can one make an oath not to wear Tzitzit? If someone does make this oath, is it halachically binding?

  50. Laws The Three oaths are Oaths By hashem

    An oath is a Very serous Matter

    Especially Hashems oath

    'Kol haolom nizdazah' when Hashem said 'Lo Tisah Shem Hashem'
    'Ani Matir es Bisarchem Liayyolos Hasadeh'
    'Matir' definition =Legal OK

    It will become Heter =Legal =Law of the land ! to persecute Them

    The Satmer Rebbe said that Hitlers legal power came from this He was a legal dictator all persecution were official laws at each step gettos yellow star etc etc Nuremberg Mengele ,Etc

    Shuddering scary

    started from Kooks Hisgarous Hkosel Koslenu hkosel echad shortly later Massacre Chevron etc.

    There is no other explanation Plain Scary

  51. edy: "who is רשכבה"ג"

    הרב יוסף ראזין (ה'תרי"ח - י"א אדר ה'תרצ"ו), באקאנט אלס דער "ראגאַטשאווער גאון" אדער סתם דער "ראגאַטשאווער", איז געווען דער פארפאסער פון די ספרים צפנת פענח און רב פון די חסידים אין דענענבורג. ער איז געווען א קאפוסטער חסיד

    ער איז באוואוסט פאר זיין אויסערגעוויינליכן פאטאגראפישן זיכרון און טיפער דורכדרינגלעכער פארשטאנד און גאונות, וואס זיינען געווען א זעלטנהייט נישט נאר אין זיין דור נאר אויך אין די פריערדיקע דורות, און זיינען ניט געזעהן געווארן ווידער זינט אים. שוין אין זיין לעבן איז ער אנערקענט געווארן אלס דער גרעסטער גאון פון דור, און ער איז היינט פאררעכנט אלס דער גרעסטער גאון פון דעם צוואנציגסטן יארהונדערט. זיין מערקעווערדיקע גאונות און בקיאות זאגן זיך אויס באשיינפירלעך אין זיינע ספרים. במשך דער צייט איז ער פארוואנדלט געווארן אין איינע פון די הויפט סימבאלן פון גאונות אין תורה

    פון: "אישים ושיטות" פון רש"י זוין, אין דעם ארטיקל אויפן ראגאטשאווער

  52. Rabbi Mosh Antelman


  53. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q0390lauMo

  54. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAh5bmeF8RU

  55. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herbert_Samuel_with_Rabbi_Abraham_Isaac_Kook_and_Mendel_Kremer_in_Jerusalem_in_1925.jpg

  56. https://judaicaused.blogspot.com/2013/10/on-hopes-of-rabbi-shaul-brach-that-rav.html?showComment=1537485298116#c298418384160808824

  57. After comparing him to Shabetai Sevi, he states ויש תקוה טובה שגם הוא
    יתנצר and there is great hope that he too will convert to Christianity
    once his Zionist fever will die down. This was written in response to
    Rav Kook's few lines written in his Iggerot (page 47) in defense of
    Christianity. Refusing to address him by name, he writes that of his
    name, "which is alluded to in ישעיהו פרק כח ח". The Pasuk reads

    כִּי כָּל-שֻׁלְחָנוֹת, מָלְאוּ קִיא צֹאָה, בְּלִי, מָקוֹם

    קיא ראשי תיבות אברהם יצחק קוק. The word קיא translates as vomit.

    A letter by Rabbi Eliezer David Gruenwald, the Rabbi of Satmar appears
    in the pamphlet as well. From among his many honorary titles that he
    gives Rav Kook is מאנשי בליעל, חובר חברים ספרי מינים וספרי אפיקורסות
    ..... see below

  58. Halacha sources on Masons


  59. https://books.google.com/books?id=aYssTVxfGk0C&pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=kook+eulogy+herzl&source=bl&ots=0qxbNfxzmC&sig=vxqwMxeOzobnz7o_S4QC3nT4m6A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKlZik4rTeAhWvm-AKHSbSALM4ChDoATADegQIBBAB#v=onepage&q=kook%20eulogy%20herzl&f=false


  60. Christian leanings?


  61. You seem to think that the information in that blog post reflects poorly on Rav Kook. Others view it as evidence of his depth of thought.

  62. Good morning, Satmar was against Rav Kook. And others think that Satmar is a perversion of Judaism.

  63. YOU cannot make an oath against the Torah.

  64. Satmar, who told their followers to stay in Hungary

  65. He was a gaon nevertheless.

  66. He was thrown out of mea shearim. For this.

  67. Rav elyashiv refused to go to the brisker. He knew Rav Kook was greater. Brisker derech is finished. Even his nephew, Dr soloveichik was attacked by his violent cousins. Today it's just a good shshidduch show.

  68. Today, Samar are complaining that their followers are becoming zionists

  69. Not much difference between Samar and sama-el.

  70. Arizal knew more in his little finger than 1000 chassidic rebbes. Meir simcha, avnei nezer /no oaths. R Shlomo Kluger / goyim had voided the oaths.

  71. Blau is more extreme than Rav sonnenfeld, who had friendly relationship with Rav Kook.
    Today, nk have no Jewish friends, so they go to Hamas, Iran, etc and have love ins with amalek.
    Zionism has won. Chazon ish said to vote in elections. Now we have women mayors in Israel, like we had before, Devora the judge.

  72. They also disliked Rav Shach, even though he was close to the brisker rov. Brisk is finished, their learning genius is diluted now. None of the soloveitchiks today can be considered as gedolim.

  73. In any case however great he was rogatchover was on the wrong side of History. How many Jews from Latvia survived World War II how many left compare that to Israel? Great gaon and scholar, with an equally great animosity towards Zionism this animosity cost the lives of millions of Jews in Europe.

  74. Hitler was satmar friend, or so you thought.

  75. Not everyone was enamored by the Brisker method. The Netziv (Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin) head of the Volozhin Yeshiva, did not support the lomdus approach (the pre-coursor to the brisker method), and an attempt to bring his position together with R' Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik of Brisk to co-lead the Yeshiva failed due to strong debates between the two. The Chazon Ish briefly studied with Reb Chaim Brisker in his youth, but he rejected the method. According to my father, who was very close to the Chazon Ish, he felt that despite it being clever, it was made the error of assuming that the previous texts were written to be analyzed in the brisker method, which is anachronistic. Much like the Netziv and other opponents of the brisker method, Chazon Ish aspired to understand the original intent in order to provide foundation for any innovation (should any be needed).

  76. Rav Elyashiv was at the Brisker Rov many times. He held him as the Godol HaDor.

  77. Will less than 1 in 500 Satmars become Zionistic. You have far faar more Zionists becoming anti-Zionists than what you describe.

  78. The Chazon Ish never said R. Kook was friends with the Chofetz Chaim.

  79. Zionism killed spiritually (which is much worse than being killed physically) many more Jews killed who could've but didn't move to Palestine.

  80. Rav Blau was the head of the Agudas Yisroel.

  81. You're a rasha for attacking a Ger Tzedek.

  82. Rav Elyashiv was far far greater than R. Kook.

  83. While Rabbi Kook had a role early in Rav Elyashiv's live, Rav Elyashiv mostly ignored R. Kook and his positions for the vast bulk of Rav Elyashiv's holy life.

  84. Rav sonnenfeld also opposed relinquishing Jewish rights to the Western Wall

  85. Ignored his edict. I'm responding to berel, you are contradicting him.

  86. Check the link I posted.

  87. Nonsense on both counts. Free will. Half of European Jews or more were communists, atheist, reform etc.

  88. Who told you that nonsense?
    Why, according to berel, do they call him Mr in brisk?
    Rav yosef shalom ztl was lesser than Rav Shach, rsza, rmf, etc, who all loved Rav Kook. He was great in his generation, but not as great as the leader of 100 years ago. He leaves behind no literary or philosophical legacy. It's well known he said Rav Kook was the greatest.

  89. The link isn't accurate. Yated America isn't Torah.

  90. The eida attacked mr blau for marrying her, not me. Yes, the nk and eida are therefore rashaim. BBut not for that reason alone.

  91. Zionism isn't better than Bundism just because Bundism spiritually killed more Yidden than Zionism spiritually killed.

  92. In your skewed opinion

  93. There is no spiritual death, there is free will. Satmar physically killed just as many, it's avodah Zarah/kares for your leader.

  94. Idiot.
    Zionism is a teshuva movement, this is how r Kook saw it. Secular Jews moved to Israel, majority of froum ones died.

  95. If a group of Jews make an oath to not observe shabbat, is it a valid oath? Berel? Moe? Penn?

  96. Eddie You ?believe in Yated?

  97. They were all killed by the Zionists !they ensured that Roosevelt wont Bomb the trains tracks to Auschwitz
    Menachem Begin was quiet Stephen Wise actively silencing all Chaim Weizmann ,Sallie Mayer , Ben Gurion Golda Meyer etc etc study what they did during the 7 year war?

    these people are the ones made the holocaust possible

    they were the ones who complained and whined that the frum Jews will be the ash heap of History
    They, Made the white Paper to not to let in unwashed Jews in the future State .

    Only with Blood will we gain the land !
    Yes your unwashed grandfather and grandmother were not educated and young enough to gain entry in this sabbtanian (unbelieving ungodly conglomeration ) land

    Kook was at best a dreamer

    (likely a secret sabitanian )

    Herzl was a practicing frum christian he fervently wished to convert the Jews enmasse this ins historic fact , yet Kook said he is Moshiach Ben yosef?? weird? or was Kook a sabitanian?
    Why is there a letter from zvi yehuda in 1955

    saying that Herzl was good ? of course he knew the truth so why was he misleading the masses ? was he also a sabitanian ?

    Stop drinking the koolaide there is poison in it.!

    The above were All Kooks friends Brandies was particularly close to rabbi Kook

    Kook was absolutely worshiped by these people !
    dont say that the satmer rebbe caused anything

    He sent many of his followers to America

    many published stories of hundreds of people who got saved by his advise

    He himself was arrested in klausenberg when he was trying to sneak out to Romania in a ambulance (with10people) and promptly caught and jailed

    He was then saved by the Zionist because of a dream Fisher the father in law of some Zionists .....etc
    not by his own request! but by force!

  98. Yet he wanted kook to agree to be quiet and peaceful and not bring young groups to the kosel and not upset the humble status quo

    But Kook refused and insisted on coming there and roused up a storm with his incitements true hisgaros biumos !
    and weeks later Chevron Massacre !

  99. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f7be6f4b4f863fc59ab9c8af43e7c9c68468093a61b9ee0fe8b022526fc455e.jpg

  100. After comparing him to Shabetai Sevi, he states ויש תקוה טובה שגם הוא
    יתנצר and there is great hope that he too will convert to Christianity
    once his Zionist fever will die down. This was written in response to
    Rav Kook's few lines written in his Iggerot (page 47) in defense of
    Christianity. Refusing to address him by name, he writes that of his
    name, "which is alluded to in ישעיהו פרק כח ח". The Pasuk reads

    כִּי כָּל-שֻׁלְחָנוֹת, מָלְאוּ קִיא צֹאָה, בְּלִי, מָקוֹם

    קיא ראשי תיבות אברהם יצחק קוק. The word קיא translates as vomit.

    A letter by Rabbi Eliezer David Gruenwald, the Rabbi of Satmar appears
    in the pamphlet as well. From among his many honorary titles that he
    gives Rav Kook is מאנשי בליעל, חובר חברים ספרי מינים וספרי אפיקורסות
    ..... see below

  101. you must be very much of a shoteh to post that photograph - that is some American sports sign, I don't know which one, but it has become popular, just like the baseball cap has .

  102. None of the opponents of Zionism have answered my question regarding oaths. So I will ask again. If a group of Jews make an oath to not observe shabbat, is it a valid oath?
    The reason you haven't answered it is either a) you have no clue
    b) If you do answer it, it will place you in a very difficult position.

    The reason is, such an oath has no validity whatsoever. Such an oath is in fact akin to Christianity, because it is changing the Torah.

    Now the 3 oaths that the anti-zionists mention have no halachic force. The reason is it is a mitzvah d'oraita to possess the Land of Israel, and it is also assur to relinquish it.

    So those who make claims of 3 oaths being the basis of torah are in fact the Shabbateans or neo-Christians. The leader of the Satmar cult made this new religion where everything revolves around these 3 oaths, which appear nowhere in any halachic works eg the rambam, the SA. Apparently he also claim he said you have to die i.e. yehareg v'lo yaavor on these oaths. Again pure stupidity and idol worship. The oaths in the aggadah were a kind of response to the failed bar kochba uprising, which sealed the end of the jewish population of Israel. They were in the context of saving lives not giving up lives (which is what yehareg means).

  103. Wow, thanks for clearing that up! But just remind me, your qualifications for judging the relative greatness f the two of them are what, exactly?

  104. Moe Ginsburg went bankrupt years ago.
    I don't think anyone hold by such a ludicrous claim - rav Elyashiv was an ilui but also followed rav Herzog. He stood up whenever anyone mentioned rav Kook, even in his old age.

  105. In Ch12;2 of Hil. Melachim:

    אמרו חכמים אין בין העולם הזה לימות המשיח אלא שיעבוד מלכיות בלבד
    There is a spectrum from occupation/exile/slavery all the way to return, autonomy and freedom.

    Today, virtually every Jew in the world is free to move to israel. The only issue which is prevented by the nations is building the temple. However, if we were to decide to bring Korbanot somewhere on a temproary basis, it would not be opposed by the goyim (assuming the halacha would allow this).

  106. If you are talking about Herzl, you are talking nonsense. He had no plans for shmad. He said the opposite. He said ironically that conversion was the logical conclusion of assimilation _ which he wished to prevent.
    Uganda - a nicer place than Auschwitz, don't you think?

  107. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=VDsl6gacTDw

  108. Everone believes in the thre oaths its a open gemarah ksubois

  109. https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&client=firefox-b-1&source=hp&ei=NFXeW-WkHtLV5gLm7YbYCg&q=horned+hand+world+leaders&btnK=Google+Search&oq=horned+hand+world+leaders&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2509.11288..13508...0.0..0.198.2350.23j4......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0j0i131j0i22i30j33i299j33i160j33i22i29i30.0qBY0BM71

  110. but not whether they still apply today

  111. You didn't answer my question.

  112. False.
    90% of Germany was already reform. Zionism came after reform. Those who went reform essentially were lost.
    Yechezkel hanavi tells us that Hashem will gather us in, then sprinkle water on us, is to purify.
    Zionism is the first stage of this process. Also, reform opposed Zionism, because it was too Jewish for them. A bit like satmar.

  113. Donald Trump not intertwining his fingers, must be that he was influenced by Lubavitcher Rebbe.


  114. The letters against Rav Kook were from satmar nutters, and insignificant people. The alleged letter from the rogatchover is likely a forgery : http://judaicaused.blogspot.com/2013/10/on-hopes-of-rabbi-shaul-brach-that-rav.html?m=1

    His daughter left Israel to sort out her father's writings, and was murdered by the nazis.

  115. http://yoel-ab.com/katava.asp?id=125

  116. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0wf6hTiIxsva2JTbGdSSlpiZ0E/view

  117. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kcrrp0ePas&feature=youtu.be&list=PLjInnwS-t18j-Q_cSSCVRJsXuN53DSUrf%C2%A0

  118. so you read these "messianic" websites?

    Herzl was not an atheist, he didnt have the opportunity to become fully frum

  119. Rambam - Hil Melachim 12: 4

    אך מחשבות בורא עולם אין
    כוח באדם להשיגם כי לא דרכינו דרכיו ולא מחשבותינו מחשבותיו וכל הדברים
    האלו של ישוע הנצרי ושל זה הישמעאלי שעמד אחריו אינן אלא לישר דרך למלך
    המשיח ולתקן העולם כולו לעבוד את ה' ביחד שנאמר כי אז אהפוך אל אחד עמים
    שפה ברורה לקרוא כולם בשם ה' לעבדו שכם אחד.

  120. שלוש השבועות.pdf - Google Drive

  121. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GasUi2kyccs

  122. 1) He was born secular and assimilated, and he thought

    about assimilation and even conversion to Xtianity. however, he had his awakening , it is caleld teshuva, and realised there is no such thing as conversion. They must convert the Jewish people into a nation again, ie Zionism.

    So he did teshuva on this. Also his son who did convert, also did teshuva and then shot himself, because of the sin - he did complete teshuva.

    2) Regarding circumcision -

    Exodus/Shemot 4:

    24 And it came to pass on the way at the lodging-place, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him.

    25 Then Zipporah took a flint, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet; and she said: 'Surely a bridegroom of blood art thou to me.'

    26 So He let him alone. Then she said: 'A bridegroom of blood in regard of the circumcision.'

    Even Moses was too busy dealing with Pharoah, he forgot about the Bris of his son!

  123. Watch this clip closely and notice that the Policeman is carrying the metal barrier to block the boys from escaping the trampling of the horses!

  124. A very nice picture of rav Elyashiv when he was younger


  125. everyone seems to be a Zionist these days, even the other satmar wing:


  126. look, satmar rebbe talking to mario Cuomo, maybe they are Masons! check out their hand signals


  127. rav Elyashiv worked with both Chief Rabbis, Rav Herzog and rav Nissim and worked in the Zionist rabbanut for many years.


    Btw, Brisker Rav's opposition to the Rabbanut was not necessarily from anti-zionism, but for a different reason. The Zionist Rav Maimon wanted to set up the Rabbanut as a world body of halacha and that it would become a sort of sanhedrin or mini-sanhedrin. The Brisker rav was highly learned and wise and he opposed the idea of once central halachic court - even if at present it had many great scholars. He feared that it may silence legitimate halachic views on the future. And ironically, this has come about as the hareidi politicians have slowly taken over the rabbanut. they ar denying legitimacy to all other outside batei din. Nothing to do with zionism actually.

  128. How can it be both true that Rav Elyashiv led a holy life if in brisk they spoke of him without his title? Maybe because the Brisk view is sheker?

  129. Greater monsey blogger berel.

  130. Antelman was Modern o, something not quite right about him. Zionism is not connected with sabbateans. More likely hareidi sex abusers.

  131. no it's just a newspaper but what your publishing are forgeries . Rogatchover is a forgeries.

  132. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCQ12F8C_UM

  133. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/how-did-the-satmar-rebbe-survive-the-holocaust/

    How Did the Satmar Rebbe Survive the Holocaust?

  134. http://www.truetorahjews.org/kastner

  135. he did not accept Zionist visas, and prevented many people from being saved. Weissmandel was deluded, the British arrested Brand, and refused to provide 10,000 trucks or anything else.

  136. Because of his greatness in learning, I don't wish to be disrespectful to Reb Yoelish, however, his argumentation in "AndJoel" is false.

  137. Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer was the most important rosh yeshiva , having studied under the Netziv, the CC, Rav Chaim, and being close to the Arukh Hashulchan.

    He produced virtually all the Gedolei Torah of the last century - including his son in Law Rav Aharon, Rav SZ Auerbach, Rav Henkin, Rav Shach , the Tzitz Eliezer. HIs talmidim are like a who's who in Gedolei Torah.

    He loved Rav Kook and said : Rabbi Meltzer once said to the famous sage Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna, “We are considered Torah giants only up until the point that we reach the door of Rabbi Kook’s room.”


    So the eidah hated anything associated with , but the Eidah hate everyone and everything, it is part of their middos.

  138. Letter from rav Isser Zalman to rav Kook


  139. Letters from rav Chaim Ozer Grodenski and Rav Baruch ber Leibovitz to rav Kook

  140. Did Kook have Christian leanings?

    Was he friendly with Kofer Achad Haam?
    Did he find Ahcad Ha'ams views satisfactory?
    Why did he say a very very warm Hesped on Herzl , wasn't Herzl a full practicing Meshumad ?Christian and a self hating Jew! NEVER Made a Bris on his son Hans ? Who cares about what the gedolim wrote as title when addressing Rabbi Kook ,!! its all Fake !!

    He was The British Mandate fully recognized Chief Rabbi!
    With tremendous power equal to Chaim Weizmann !

    He Was on extremely friendly with Herbert Samuel (Also an Apikores jew)the British appointed Governor of Palestine !!

    Why dont you see the simple truth ?
    The economic times dictated that all Polish and Latvian Jews adress Kook with the greatest respect because of Pikuach Nefesh

    They didnt go in with a Kvitel seeking a Brucha!( to Rabbi Kook )
    Every communication was about hishtadlus =Pikuach nefesh!

    Why are you insisting to hang on to the Koolaide you were fed? its poisoned!
    Rabbi Kook spoke English and Knew exactly what he was doing and with whom he was friendly this itself is bewildering and mystifying and leads to have serous questions about his Intent?

    How would rabbi Kook support a man Herzl a man who planned and schemed to shmad the Jews? A man who
    met the pope about his plan of mass conversion .
    The whole Uganda idea was to first bring
    all to Uganda then to shmad them!and then ?to bring them to Israel and then
    JesusYoshke will come again that is their Christian belief even today!
    Why did this not "bother" Rabbi " Kook? Question?

    Such Warm Eulogy?
    Would any sane rabbi speak a eulogy for a christian Priest and say that he is moshiach Ben yosef ?!!!!
    Thats exactly what he did
    A giant Chillul Hashem at best(or maybe something deeper and a lot worse?)
    see this:

  141. Chas visholom !Reb Boruch Ber did not hold one iota different then his Rebbe Reb Chaim Solovithik
    Reb isser Zalman also a Talmid of Grach

  142. https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjudaicaused.blogspot.com%2F2013%2F10%2Fon-hopes-of-rabbi-shaul-brach-that-rav.html%3FshowComment%3D1537485298116%23c298418384160808824%3AGLLaJrguWvhRW9_vdtBaIIysYyw&cuid=3025274

  143. http://disq.us/url?url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoel-ab.com%2Fkatava.asp%3Fid%3D130%3A86p5geA16-uGCud3YGnDXeniFMY&cuid=3025274

  144. Reb isser Zalman also a Talmid of Grach

  145. Wikpedia article ? Kipah serugah Propaganda

  146. Do you know that Rav Elyashiv ruled that it is assur to sell the seforim written by the person whose website you keep linking to?

  147. Herzl was not a meshumad or a Christian. Get your facts straight.
    the fact that he wasn't yet frum doesn't mean he was not helping the Jewish people. Like I said, Rav Sonnenfeld had no problem entertaining the services of an openly homosexual man who has kareis , and conducted himself in maasei s'dom. Your entire community are maspid for the gay cavalier Mr Professor De Haan who was intermarried to a gentile woman, and never divorced her. So something about your kettle calling the pot black.

  148. Did rambam have Christian and Muslim leanings? I cited his Hilchot melachim where he says these 2 religions have some purpose in achieving the Messianic end of jewish history. Obviously not, and the same goes for rav Kook. By your own allegation, you all seem to have gay leanings by supporting de haan and giving him your "backing".

  149. Please answer the following question: Did you read the full text of the hesped he gave on Herzl?

  150. Your links are all sheker

  151. Yes, sadly his book is full of it

  152. Made up story. The same Rav Chaim would not then write an honorific letter to the man he compared to ahad haam

  153. http://judaicaused.blogspot.com/2013/10/on-hopes-of-rabbi-shaul-brach-that-rav.html?m=1

  154. you are not presenting any arguments yourself or answering my questions - not interested in all these stupid links.

    who cares what Mr brach wrote, just because his sister was getting a divorce!

  155. Rav Isser Zalman supported Zionism, and his teacher the netziv was part of Hibbat Zion.

  156. his story on reb Chaim Brisker

  157. His son and grandson disagreed with him


    Had great men like the Brisker Rav , and Rav Elchonon, and famous chassidic rebbes like Belz and Satmar had a more open mind towards saving Jewish lives (the purpose of Zionism) then maybe millions more would have been saved.

  158. Berel , are you the Monsey boy? Have you ever been to the Kotel?

  159. "[Rav Malkiel] Kotler was married to a granddaughter of Reb Velvel, who had believed
    that America was a treife medina, unfit for habitation by devout Jews. Kotler's wife refused to go with him to the United States. He sued for divorce, which she would not accept. To annul the 10th-century decree that declared divorce legal only by mutual consent, Kotler had to collect the signatures of 100 rabbis. Rabbi Eliezer Schach, leader of Israel's "moderate" ultra-Orthodox, helped in this effort. His intervention was seen as a rebuke to the Brisker clan's willingness to break up a marriage over extreme religious claims. "

    "The joke about Brisk," one prominent ultra-Orthodox scholar told me, "is that when Rav Avraham Yehoshua coughs during his lesson, he explains that he is coughing because `Grandfather used to cough here, too.'"


  160. That's a rather inaccurate version of the story. The agreement when they got married was that they would live in E"Y and never in America. MK broke the deal and came to live in America when his father died, and his wife refused to give up on what was promised to her.
    Rav Shach's intervention was a slap in the face to the Brisker family, but nothing to do with a rebuke for breaking up a marriage over extreme religious claims.

    This wasn't about extreme religious claims; it was about a couple that made an agreement at the time of marriage, and a husband trying to get out of it in order to inherit his father's yeshiva. It also complicated matters that they had been married 7 years with no children.

  161. http://www.ravaviner.com/2010/02/10-relationships-between-maran-ha-rav.html

    The letter from the Brisker Rav is also contained in that article. Why would Brisker Rav "lie " to get help for one person? he could easily approach many of the other askanim , hareidi rabbis, or even secular people. he was from the same town as menachem Begin for example, and Ariel Sharon's family also from Brisk.

  162. Kipah serugah Fabricated Koolaide !fantasy,lulu land,article !

    tailored for their unsuspecting innocent followers


    See the Rabbi M Blau's Kol Yisroel 1933article written two years before Rabbi Kooks death re: the funeral of Rav shaul Dweck and Kooks eulogy (attempted eulogy) and tell me that these are not fabricated distorted lies and all the true CC and Chazon ish all already posted

  163. here http://kotzkblog.blogspot.com/search/label/%27Rembrandt%20the%20Tzadik%27

  164. Whenever someone raises a question, you respond with a link. It would be helpful if you actually answered the question, or at least indicated what point you are trying to prove through that link. In this post, I see radical statements of Rav Kook, some of which I agree with fully, and some less so. So what is your point?

  165. That quote is quite inaccurate. A heter meah rabbanim does not "annul the 10th-century decree that declared divorce legal only by mutual consent." It allows the husband to get married without giving a divorce.

  166. Netziv, chaozon ish didn't agree with brisker method.

  167. Yes, it allowed him to marry a 2nd wife. Brisk then turned on Rav Shach. They have no kavod for anyone.

  168. Rav Chaim himself said that nebach an apikores is still an apikores. So your group are mocking all of gedolei Yisroel , eg rav Shach, rav elyashiv. guess what that makes you?

  169. brilliant link, thank you - shows the true greatness of Rav Kook.

    Rambam was also vilified - they desecrated his grave calling him an apikores. So it is nothing new.

  170. Berel, these sources suggest the Gra believed the Earth is flat.

    So is it apikorsus to think otherwise? Or to travel to Australia, or even America?

  171. אתחלתא דפורענותא

    רבי מנחם מנדל שניאורסון  (הרבי מליובאוויטש) התנגד הגדרת מדינת ישראל כאתחלתא דגאולה וראה בכך משיחיות שקר המביאה לאסונות, במקומות רבים הוא שולל את רעיון ראיית המדינה כאתחלתא דגאולה, במכתב  שכתב לרב שלמה יוסף זוין, הוא כותב שהדבר גורם להתרופפות בקיום תורה ומצוות ולדחיית הקץ‏, "הביאור היחידי שנופלים קורבנות בארץ ישראל הוא בגלל ההכרזה של אתחלתא דגאולה‏‏". פרופ' ישראל אלדד כתב "במאמר בידיעות אחרונות" על ביקורו בחצר הרבי מליובאוויטש: כאשר ניסיתי להעלות את הנוסחה המקובלת בציונות הדתית שהציונות היא אתחלתא דגאולה.. חל מפנה מפתיע בטון דיבורו, אף הלם באגרופו על השולחן! והפטיר: "הרב קוק טעה". י

  172. Rav Moshe soloveitchik , Rav Chaim s oldest son, is the true legacy. And Rav jb soloveitchik his grandson was the gadol hador. Oh, he was also president of mizrachi.

  173. The Gaon, Rav teichtal , HYD, left the muncatch chassidic cult, seeing how wicked they had become. He was much greater than satmar etc.

  174. Eddie ➡  Moe Ginsburg3 days ago

    "False. 90% of Germany was already reform. Zionism came after reform .."


    ככתבו וכלשונו: "אין הציונות והיהדות דבר אחד אלא שני דברים השונים זה מזה, בוודאי שני דברים הסותרים זה את זה, כשאדם אינו יכול להיות יהודי הוא נעשה ציוני.. הציונות מתחילה ממקום הריסת היהדות, ממקום שתש כוחו של העם, דבר אחד ברור הציונות לא המשך ולא רפואה למכה היא עקירה והריסה. אדרבא היא מסיחה את דעתה מן העם, מתנגדת לו, הולכת נגד רצונו ורוחו, חותרת תחתיו, ועוקרת אותו, ופורשת ממנו לדרך אחרת, למטרה רחוקה ומסוימת, היא וקומץ אנשים בראשה, גרעין של עם אחר; בבקשה לשים לב! לא חדש ולא מחודש אלא אחר, מי שאינו סבור כך או שהוא טועה או שהוא מרמה את עצמו." ~ חיים הזז, 1943

    Haim Hazaz, In 1953 he was awarded the Israel Prize for literature.

  175. ! מדוע לא יבער הסנה

    זלש"ק מהמלאך * ז"ל, שכתב לר' ישעי' אשר זעליג מרגליות ז"ל מכתב פ"ה, מובא באוצר אגרות קודש

    בתו"ד: אשר הפליג הנוצרי הבליעל קי"א צואה שר"י להיותו רודף את הכלל ובמיוחד את מעלת כבוד תורתו יחי' הנה מדוע לא "יבער הסנה" יעשה כההוא צורבא מרבנן מו"ק י"ז. בעצת ד' הוא תקום עפ"י עבדו הנאמן רב יוסף ודבריו חיים וקיימים לעולמים וודאי בטח יועיל, ורק יושיב בי"ד של ג' היודעים פרק בשיעורי הגמרא ופוסקים וכאשר יחליטו הפסק הם כן יעשה וכן יאמר ה' אמן... ע"כ לשה"ק והמב"י, פירושים יותרים

    הגה"ק* ר' חיים אברהם דובער הכהן לוין ז"ל (המכונה "המלאך"). היה לו ההורמנא מר' רפאל וואלאזענער וחתנו ר' חיים בריסקער, תלמיד חביב מר' ברוך בער לייבוביץ ז"ל. הגאון בעל חפץ חיים ז"ל העיד עליו שהוא בעל רוח הקודש, ואמר עליושנתמזגו אצלו חכמת שלמה ותורת משה

  176. Satmar rebbe seems to be acquainted with samael, and places a lot if attributions to him : https://books.google.com/books/about/Seventy_Faces.html?id=6rpTEwposOIC

    The true Gadol hador , Rav henkin ztl, pointed out that opposing the Zionist state is now redifah.

  177. His son and grandson held different, so why not his talmid?

  178. Blau is not Cc or CI. CI told Jews to vote in Zionist elections. Did blau vote?

  179. If 100 more rabbis were active like weissmandel but cooperated with zionists, secularists, many more lives would be saved. Your position is contradictory on the one hand you're saying it's ok to collaborate with even the Nazis such as Eichmann in order to save Jews but on the other hand that's forbidden to collaborate with Zionist or the modern Orthodox to save Jews. Rav elchonon HYD write a letter saying it's better to destroy the body than to destroy the soul by getting a visa from yyeshiva university.

  180. his Einecle Reb Meir Bransdorfer Zt"L Returned to the fold and joined the Eidah Charedis, Its been said that Rav Tichtal had strong charotah for his foolish mistake

  181. The Zohar sayd the earth is a Sphere and the GRA was the greatest expert om the Zohar he wrote a Commentary on Tikunei Zohar
    So you mis comprehend the Holy Goan of Vilna Grah ZTZ"L

  182. nHis Grand children Came back !

    Twersky and Ybbchaim lichaim ,Meiselman,And Lichtenstein they returned to REAL authentic Brisk

  183. Mr brach didnt write anything of his own he just brought words of Great rabbonim of that age.

  184. He was still in Brisk Then

  185. Charota about munkasz avoda zarah

  186. Very good - Gra was genius. The article suggests the earth is flat.

  187. Twerskys father was a Gaon .and a university professor. Meiselman is not so smart, he is mevazeh the rishonim. He wrote a fake book on science he knows nothing about. Ziuf.

  188. The Zionists Were frantic NOT to save any Jews!
    Otherwise they would not get the land !

    "Only with Blood Shall we gain the Land "Chaim

    We spoke about this already, BenGurion Was Quiet and Even Menachem Begin didnt raise a stink to bomb the tracks ??only the frum charedi crowd went to Washington to try to stop the 12,000 Jews a daily massacre !

    But Roosevelt was busy? that day (because he was forewarned by Stephen Wise and his ilk ..Chaim Weizmann...etc.... to ignore These backward rabbis ( We making a modern State we dont need frum old shleppers in our new Modern anti G-d State let Hitler finish his job also remember to keep the Jews out of any other countries so to exterminate this orthodox vermin once and for all like our Great teacher the Meshumad Herzl taught!))

  189. Gra taught Rav Chaim volozhiner ztl that a talmid can disagree with his Rav. It's a mitzvah to argue with him to reach the truth. Pity in brisk they rejected this teaching of the GRA.

  190. People are attracted to "authentic" x, y, or z. Like the badatz hechsher. But really, these kids were not as great as the grandfather, so they wanted to show the world they are important.
    Griz wife refused to come to Israel, was she less Zionist than her husband ztl? Zion is from the Tenach. It's all over tehillim. Rav jb Soloveitchic writes that his grandfather ztl stopped people from singing tehillim in shul, and said they should learn. You are trying to be frummer still, by rejecting all of am yisrael.

  191. The Neziv said the gemara wasn't written to be learned by the brisker method. But in succeeding to convert many yeshivas to brisker (even Modern), you have created a cult. Chazon ish also disagreed , B'H.

  192. Nonsense, Zionist wanted aliyah but satmar etc opposed.
    Herzl went from town to town to bring Jews to Israel.
    Did you only become Zionists when the nazis rounded up the Jews.? Now you claim to be Zionist. Wise and teitelbaum were anti Zionism.

  193. Previous Lubavitcher rebbe attacked Rav kotler for saving lives. Rav kotler worked with Kook nephew. Luby rebbe was like satmar.


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