Friday, October 26, 2018

Rabbi Horowitz Reports on the Outcome of Today's Trail

Dear Friends:
`Thank you all for your interest, support and encouragement regarding this bizarre defamation lawsuit taking place in Israel over the past three years. Here is a short summary of today’s events in the Jerusalem courthouse. 
Many people attended today’s hearing to express their support for the safety and well-being of Israeli children. In fact, the judge actually delayed the start of the hearing so the staff could look for a larger courtroom, but none was available. As a result, lots of the people who came were unfortunately not able to fit in the courtroom. 
This was in stark contrast to Weinberg’s 2009 original trial in Brooklyn (that conviction earned Weinberg his sex offender status). Back then, Weinberg had 200 people backing him in court every day of the trial and 90 letters of support from prominent community members, which was noted in the stinging rebuke delivered by the Judge at the time of sentencing  
In this two-steps-forward-one-step-back march to a safer world for our children, it is important that we note and take encouragement from the extraordinary shift in attitude our community has had in the past nine years — where we now are almost universally supporting the victims and insisting that the abusers who destroy their lives are punished to the fullest extent of the law. 
Weinberg and I were both cross examined by the opposing attorneys for over two hours — with the questions directly addressing (read: attacking) points we each raised in the various affidavits we had previously submitted. 
Weinberg and I were both cross examined by the opposing attorneys for over two hours — with the questions directly addressing (read: attacking) points we each raised in the various affidavits we had previously submitted. 
Again, on behalf of our children, thanks for your support of efforts to make the world a safer place for them. 


  1. How much in damages is Horowitz being sued for?

  2. “This was in stark contrast to Weinberg’s 2009 original trial in Brooklyn (that conviction earned Weinberg his sex offender status). Back then, Weinberg had 200 people backing him in court every day of the trial and 90 letters of support from prominent community members, which was noted in the stinging rebuke delivered by the Judge at the time of sentencing …where we now are almost universally supporting the victims and insisting that the abusers who destroy their lives are punished to the fullest extent of the law.”
    Bravo. How is it possible “Weinberg had 200 people backing him in court every day of the trial and 90 letters of support from prominent community members” ??
    How is it possible Eric I. Prus is listed on the official ballot for the general election – City of New York- County of Kings-November 6, 2018 judges of the Supreme Court ??
    I mailed today my ballot for me and my 3 daughters. I voted for Debra Brown and not Eric I. Prus, since I’m making a SCOTUS case against him.

  3. I wouldn't publicly admit to voter fraud. Seems like a bad idea.

  4. “Many people attended today’s hearing to express their support for the safety and well-being of Israeli children.”
    What about safety and well-being of Conservative Jews in the USA? We are horrified and cry by David Bowers 11 murders,
    David Bowers hates HIAS. Joseph Orlow, are you familiar with HIAS ?
    HIAS is an American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. The organization works with people whose lives and freedom are believed to be at risk due to war, persecution, or violence. Wikipedia President and Chief Executive Officer: Mark Hetfield Chair of the Board: Dianne F. Lob Founded: 1881 Headquarters: Silver Spring, Maryland, United States Tax ID no.: 13-5633307 Endowment: 62.94 million USD
    Everyone I know in Israel loves Trump and Netanyahu.

  5. He doesn't say it was all the same election

  6. I see one of my critics YitzchokM, upvoted: Milton Gerald Aranoff • 3 days ago I wouldn't publicly admit to voter fraud. Seems like a bad idea.
    First, May Hashem comfort the family with all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem in honor of the victims of Saturday’s synagogue shooting.
    Second, Thanks, Milton and YitzchokM---you inspire me for my letter today to SCOTUS:
    1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my request for a docket number on a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to NYS Court of Appeals dated October 24, 2018 and Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis dated October 24, 2018. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan. I attach Exhibit A: The official ballot for the general election--City of New York--County of Kings--November 6, 2018 justices of the Supreme Court.
    2.Judge Prus signing the NYS Judgment of Divorce me and Susan 9/10/2013 was preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous; and illogical. Susan wins every time in NYS courts starting from “Court: Kings Supreme Court Index Number: 0023213/1991 Case Name: ARANOFF, SUSAN vs. ARANOFF, GERALD Case Type: MATRIMONIAL MOTION Track: Standard RJI Filed: 08/23/1991 Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: IRWIN H. HAUT, ESQ. Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active.”'
    3.Exhibit A: The official ballot for the general election--City of New York--County of Kings--November 6, 2018 justices of the Supreme Court shows that Democratic, Republican, and Conservative parties chose Eric I. Prus. My case is of enormous public interest because my case shows that judges and lawyers in NYS courts are grossly negligent. I ask the Supreme Court of the US to immediately remove the right to practice law in NYS for both Judge Eric I. Prus and for Myla Serlin.
    This week’s parsha:
    “Abraham accepted Ephron’s terms. Abraham paid out to Ephron the money that he had named in the hearing of the Hittites—four hundred shekels of silver at the going merchants’ rate. So Ephron’s land in Machpelah, near Mamre—the field with its cave and all the trees anywhere within the confines of that field—passed to Abraham as his possession, in the presence of the Hittites, of all who entered the gate of his town [i.e., all his fellow townsmen].” (Genesis 23:16-18).
    More later.

  7. Torah thought on חיי שרה:
    “And now, if you mean to treat my master with true kindness, tell me; and if not, tell me also, that I may turn right or left. Then Laban and Bethuel answered, The matter was decreed by the Lord; we cannot speak to you bad or good. Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be a wife to your master’s son, as the Lord has spoken.” (Genesis 24:49-51).
    Laban and Bethuel speak so politely – all lies. They’re liars. Laban and Bethuel were planning on putting arsenic in Eliezer’s drink. Laban and Bethuel had no intention of ever letting Rivka go. An angel switched the cups and Bethuel died that night from arsenic poisoning. The next day:
    “Then he and the men with him ate and drank, and they spent the night. When they arose next morning, he said, Give me leave to go to my master. But her brother and her mother said, Let the maiden remain with us some ten days [lit. days or ten.]; then you may go.” (Ibid 54-55).
    See, God thwarted Laban and Bethuel’s wicked plan. Milcah, Rivka’s mother, will make sure Rivka goes with Eliezer. “The Lord frustrates the plans of nations, brings to naught the designs of peoples” (Psalms 33:10). “Many designs are in a man’s mind, But it is the Lord’s plan that is accomplished. Greed is a reproach to a man; Better be poor than a liar.” (Proverbs 19:21-22).

  8. Gerald, what is the purpose and function of posting your legal battle on this particular blog?

  9. Eddie says “Gerald, what is the purpose and function of posting your legal battle on this particular blog?”
    Thanks, Eddie. See
    “The Palestinians have never been serious about recognizing Israel. They have always been planning to destroy Israel piece by piece and throw the Jews out of our land,” said Bennett.”
    I’ll find out in the next few days if SCOTUS will give me a docket number. Back to Laban the liar. Laban and Bethuel were never interested in any connection with Abraham. The arsenic death of Bethuel forced Laban to be quiet. Laban did agree on the first day that Eliezer can take Rivka ! Good, this forces Laban to agree to the marriage Isaac and Rivka.
    Bennet understands well our enemy: “They want to cooperate with Israel, but they continue to pay the salaries of terrorists who kill Israelis,” he continued. “The charade has ended. They have shown their true colors - the Palestinians are not interested in peace and never have been,” Bennett concluded.
    Jacob eventually understood the evil of Laban: “Now Jacob became incensed and took up his grievance with Laban. Jacob spoke up and said to Laban, What is my crime, what is my guilt that you should pursue me?” (Genesis 31:36).

  10. VERY nice. How do they feel about Bennett in bnei brak?

  11. Injunctive relief. To prevent publicizing the Weinberg case

  12. “Thank you all for your interest, support and encouragement regarding this bizarre defamation lawsuit taking place in Israel over the past three years.”
    I thank you, Eddie, Yehoshua, etc for your support and encouragement of this bizarre Susan lawsuit against me that started in 1991. I spoke with SCOTUS yesterday.
    “The Jews of Squirrel Hill and the surrounding Jewish communities are innocent victims of a heinous unprovoked anti-Semitic attack, they did absolutely nothing that can be construed as a provocation that lead to this killing spree. The same cannot be said for many of our American Jewish brethren who did not lose a second in placing the blame unequivocally on President Trump, and essentially all those that don’t toe the line of the progressive leftist agenda of American Jewry…For the latter part of the last two decades, the progressive and vocal leftist leadership of American Jewry, in their world of “enlightened” opinion, has shed no tears for the thousands and tens of thousands of Israeli Jews who have been murdered or wounded by the savagery of Palestinian Arab terror because in some way the Israeli’s were asking for it. Whether Netanyahu, or the Likud, or the so-called “occupation”; as far as they are concerned, the Jews got what they deserve. These progressive American Jews have excused Palestinian Arab terrorism against Israeli civilians for years again and again with no remorse or regret, thinking that there will never be a spill-over effect against Jews in other countries. They take it for granted that Israeli Jewish behavior or cruelty is the source of the primal rage against Jews in the Muslim world. Of course, the Jews are responsible in some way or another according to this mindset. This inexcusable need on the part of progressive leftist American Jews to ignore blatant and ever increasing anti-Semitism on the part of Palestinian Arabs and Muslims in general has directly contributed to the leap of anti-Semitic beliefs over the Atlantic from the Middle East to the American continent.”

  13. Did Laban condone/approve hate speech and racism against Abraham? Why? Laban was the son of Bethuel the son Nahor the brother of Abraham? Is it possible? Abraham just completed:
    “Abraham accepted Ephron’s terms. Abraham paid out to Ephron the money that he had named in the hearing of the Hittites—four hundred shekels of silver at the going merchants’ rate. So Ephron’s land in Machpelah, near Mamre—the field with its cave and all the trees anywhere within the confines of that field— passed to Abraham as his possession, in the presence of the Hittites, of all who entered the gate of his town [i.e., all his fellow townsmen] And then Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave of the field of
    Machpelah, facing Mamre—now Hebron—in the land of Canaan. Thus the field with its cave passed from the Hittites to Abraham, as a burial site.” (Genesis 24:16-20).
    Does this look like hate speech and rasicm?
    “Then Laban and Bethuel answered, The matter was decreed by the Lord; we cannot speak to you bad or good. Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be a wife to your master’s son, as the Lord has spoken.” (Genesis 24:50-51).
    Why does Rashi say:
    רש"י בראשית כ"ד נ'
    ויען לבן ובתואל - רשע היה וקפץ להשיב לפני אביו
    רש"י בראשית כ"ד נ"ה
    ויאמר אחיה ואמה - ובתואל היכן היה, הוא היה רוצה לעכב ובא מלאך והמיתו
    This paragraph 1 of today to SCOTUS:
    “I request permission to make this motion. I'm acting pro se. I attach 1) Exhibit A: NYS Court of Appeals October 23, 2018 Decision List Entries for Cases and Motions page 3 and 2) Exhibit B: Order of the Supreme Court of the State of New York County of Kings Judge Eric I. Prus signed 10/15/2013 and 3) Exhibit C: US Federal Judge Sand March 6, 2009 and 4) Exhibit D: Amended Complaint Action for Divorce and 5) Exhibit E: The official ballot for the general election--City of New York--County of Kings--November 6, 2018 justices of the Supreme Court. I'm including an affidavit of service with attached UPS proof of mailing. I'm sending an original securely bound, to US Supreme Court, 1 First Street, NE, Washington DC 20543 USA 202-479-3039 attention Jake Travers. I request the Court to accept my papers without notarization since, in Israel, a US citizen can only get court acceptable notarizations from the US embassy by appointment, and none are available now. I also request poor person relief as I'm 73, retired with virtually no assets and have bank debts, living on USA and Israel social security and on 45% of my TIAA pension. I attach separately a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis. My dear wife, Yemima, is retiring from her employment as a clerk at Bank Mizrachi, at the end of November 2018. I ask the court to allow me to report only my income and assets, as Yemima's income and assets are not large and not relevant.”
    “Soros has a long history of demeaning Jews and of giving millions to anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian organizations.”
    Soros looks like Laban, a hater and racist, sorry to say.

  14. How are we to make the world a safer place for our children? See
    “Having been seen as “blessed” or “chosen” by God, the Jews could do nothing right to assuage the envy of those who felt that they had not been similarly blessed or that their own birthright had been stolen.”
    This may explain Bethuel’s hostility to Isaac marrying Rebekah in our parsha. See, Nahor, Abraham’s brother just then died (age 172, ספר הישר page 116). Now Bethuel was the baby of 8 children of Nahor. “Some time later, Abraham was told, Milcah too has borne children to your brother Nahor: Uz the first-born, and Buz his brother,and Kemuel the father of Aram; and Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, and Bethuel”— Bethuel being the father of Rebekah. These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham’s brother.” (Genesis 22:-20-23).
    My theory is that Bethuel was envious of Abraham and sought to make trouble on the coming marriage of Rebekah and Isaac --- for no good reason. Maybe Bethuel wanted his father (Abraham’s brother) Nahor to be buried in Hevron. Didn’t Abraham buy the burial plots in public court of law? Often, people fight over inheritance matters for no good reason, just jealousy---how much did you get? How much do I get?

  15. Horowitz isn't being sued for monetary damages?

  16. What's the verdict?


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